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Shining Aspects trait - why does it have a cooldown?


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[shining Aspects](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shining_Aspects "Shining Aspects") is one of the new Herald traits. At first glance, it seems reasonably interesting. Base 389 heal on any Consume skill, and you have ~~6~~ (actually only 5 - [True Nature](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/True_Nature "True Nature") does not count) of those.


But once you think about it, it is a little strange that a cooldown exists.


Looking at the numbers, the max base heal you could get "at one time" (actually [~3.25s of cast times](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume "~3.25s cast times")) is 1945 — not exactly much. (I should also mention, it's healing power scaling doesn't seem to be all that much — 551 healing with 1179 healing power.) **However**, that 1945 healing is bound to the cooldown of the _Consume_ skills... With recharges of 15, 15, 15, 20, and 30 on the Consume skills, this trait has pretty limited activation for a little bit of healing to begin with. In a whole minute, the healing comes to a _maximum potential_ of 6613.


Guardian [Rejuvenation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rejuvenation_(guardian_effect) "Rejuvenation") does 5040 per minute, and Elementalist [soothing Mist](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soothing_Mist "Soothing Mist") does 4800 (albeit with far higher scaling). Scrapper [Rapid Regeneration](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Regeneration "Rapid Regeneration") heals for 6060 under swiftness, and would be a staggering 20400 if you could possibly maintain superspeed for a minute.


Given those numbers on traits that are even more passive, the heal from Shining Aspects seems quite in line with other (semi-)passive healing traits.



Having noted all that, what purpose does the 3s cooldown on Shining Aspects serve?

The only thing I can think of realistically happening is the trait's healing potential being accidentally swallowed by players activating 2-3 facet consumes in just slightly too little time.


If the healing is deemed a tad to much, it would seem better UX if it healed for, say, 365 (putting its per-minute cap to 6205), rather than have an internal cooldown which may very well just swallow the potential healing altogether... :/



Anyways, yeah. Discuss I suppose.


_Edit: updated numbers because I did math wrong last night and didn't notice the True Nature anomaly._

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Ok so my original post actually had something incorrect. [True Nature](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/True_Nature "True Nature") for some reason does not count as a Consume skill, meaning that the base heal potential "at one time" is actually only 1945. It was pretty late last night and it seems like I also miscalculated the healing per minute, which should be higher still. (4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 potential maximum casts in a minute.)


Updating the post...

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