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[Suggestion] Timberline Falls update

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If Timberline Falls ever gets updated I'd like to see the Krait events turned into a more coordinated meta event. Upgrade the Krait Witch event to a world boss or least a legendary. Change the tower to give platforms with champs on lower levels and a broad platform for the witch at the top. Add a new type of storm swirling wind vortex around it that affects gliders and griffons by spinning them out of the area.


Remove the vines and downplay or remove the risen on the map except what's in the personal story to make the map more focused on the Krait in the south east. They really are a tiny fraction of the map anyway. The swamp could become a Krait Spawning grounds event kicking off the meta. It would make the map time period more generic.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> I like the idea! A detail I like extra is the swamp area being a krait spawning ground - it would make it something almost unique: a swamp that *isn't* filled with undead! Unheard of in Tyria! ;)


I'm thinking a number of egg clusters with many mature krait try to protect them. Players protect Ogers trainers NPCs trying to position cages of hungry trained skale to cull the pending krait infestation about to spewing forth from the eggs. When the eggs start to hatch the skale are released and the players have to take out the mature krait and any krait young trying to slip past to get to lake. The back story could be that the Krait Witch broke the magical barrier blocking the path between Mount Maelstrom and Timberline Falls to allow breeding krait to go thru and lay eggs. If they aren't stopped they might spread up north.

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