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How do you change your Email and & Display name?

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Just started playing F2P this week realized i i had this account from when the game first launched and recovered it . But i dont really use the email thats attached to this account and wonder if anyone can tell me how to change it? Also looking for a way to change this display name if one exist.



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To change the email address associated with your account you have to [submit a support ticket](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/requests/new "submit a support ticket"). As for display names, Anet will not change display names unless they violate the naming policy or expose personal information for example it was your full real name or email address.

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You can change the email by opening a support ticket.


There is no way (and never will) to change the display ID.


>> [Dornsinger wrote on 10 Dec 2017](



> Generally we do not offer display name changes ...because of a very hard and fast rule: **_Don't Break Your Customer's Account_**.


> Changing display names can break your ability for social interactions in the game. And by break, I am speaking of users whose display names were changed in 2014 who still are broken today. The way display names are handled, we only change them in very specific circumstances and often even then only on a case-by-case basis after checking the account's age and situation. We always warn users, even if we do offer the change, that things could break. And the worst is: **There is no way for us to 'unbreak' things. once broken, you're stuck and nothing we do will fix you.**


> ... If we change your display name, we risk breaking your guild, your in-game mail, your ability to interact with the trade post and your whispers. In an MMO, we'd risk dooming a user to not being able to interact on any of the common social channels for days, weeks - or years.


> If it's something like a first name, chances are we deny. You can always ask to have your ticket be escalated and have a supervisor review it. But if we say no to a display name change, we say no because we are likely to utterly wreck your game account. And we simply do not want to risk that, as we cannot un-wreck.




>> [Dornsinger wrote on 10 July 2018](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/8xn3d3/worth_keeping_an_old_legacy_account/e24trfr/)

> Sorry, but we do not change display name on request because "I no longer like it" or "I got bored of it". Changing a display name utterly wrecks your game account, and the amount of time it remains broken can be anything from 2 weeks to years. We changed a user in 2013 who never recovered full use of their whispers, in-game mail, guild functions, and trade post interactions. There is no way to fix it for us, and 'going back' to a display name does not work.


> If a user has their RL name in the display name, we make the change if asked, however, the game account could end up being no longer usable for regular social interactions. Basically: Anything a display name touches in the game could break, and we have no means of ever fixing that.


> I'm very sorry. We've been looking into ways of making it work over the years, but so far have not found a safe way that does not break things.


> (Naturally, if someone uses an offensive name, we force one name change. That the account may break is a risk that will have to be accepted. The alternative would be to close accounts with offensive display names, which we do if the account was clearly made to troll.)

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