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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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The Good

Great work on mounts, story, music, maps aesthetics, new specializations.


The Bad

No meta's , no bosses, maps feel huge and empty, chat is dead, getting hero points for alts is just boring, just riding around forever you barely get to engage in combat to use your new skills. As much as people hate HoT, Hot maps were a lot of fun, there was always a mob, a fight, people in chat coordinating efforts etc.

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pof story was really good imo. I really enjoyed it, it felt epic, and I can't wait to play through it a few more times.


Open world + mounts feel great. I want to do map completion a fourth time just to try out mounts in core tyria. In fact, I really hope living story season 4 has some events in core tyria, but in ways which utilize mounts.


I haven't played much with the second round of elite specs yet, I can definitely say they need a balance pass. Once qt releases their benchmarks/builds etc, we can more quantifiable discuss this.


Bounties seem ok, I haven't done many yet. The game needs a few casual farms like this.

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Love everything about the expansion apart from a few things. The grandeur of the expansion does unfortunately not carry over to any incentivized replayability of the new maps (imo). The vastness of the PoF maps has me feeling very lonely, and the “MMO feel” of the game is partially gone for me because there’s hardly people around. I worry that that mounts trivialize old content to a degree where it takes out fun elements (navigation and movement is in itself a puzzle-esque gameplay in tyria and HoT which is now fading).

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Happy spellbreaker leaf.

Happy leaf about hover pancake.

Happy leaf about maps size and feel.

Happy leaf leading bounties for guildies.


Unhappy leaf about condition spam from necro and boon spam from firebrand.

Unhappy leaf about lack of spellbreaker elite ability friendly/enemy differentiation.

Unhappy leaf about weird bugs that are months/years old sneaking back in (radius of warrior F1 longbow w/spellbreaker smaller than Taimi).


Overall happy, glowy, plated leaf.

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1. Open world is pretty

2. Mounts are nice

3. **_All_** the maps not relying on timed metas for content is nice

4. Story is a bit better than HOT




1. No longevity in content, open world gets stale quickly

2. No new group instanced content at all, funerary weapons/armour should have come from a new challenging dungeon

3. A lot of elite specs have not had enough effort put in and are completely unbalanced. Lack of willingness to split balance between modes hurts.

4. Story was short and felt slapped together


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*pros: huge maps, mounts, story, visuals, nice variety of mobs, gw1 nostalgia, small secrets to discover here and there, new elite specializations


*cons: lack of meta events, low AP to get, limited replayability, no armor/weapon colletions, missing insignias/inscriptions (at least let me buy anscended versions of gear or recipes after completing all Primeval Steward collections!)


*questionable: griffin mount behind paywall, balance of specializations, pushing condi play even further

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My only quips so far are:

* Previous and new profession balancing issues.

* Some/a animation-lock bug(s) following dismount

* No new fractal or raid or dungeon (But I'm guessing these are in the works for upcoming living story releases).


If I didn't mention it, chances are I love it.

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Guys, this expansion is excellent. The mounts are a lovingly created triumph, the scenery and setting are breathtaking, the story and side content are energetic and engaging, and the variety of tasks is wonderful.


My only real gripe is thus: Elona feels overpopulated. Though this is supposed to be a harsh and arid desert, there are aggressive flora and fauna over every sand dune, and in front of, behind, on top of and under every rock. And my goodness, do they spawn quickly. I would welcome any attempt to bring down the number of wandering mobs in the environment. They just hassle us players who get limitless opportunities to fight mobs in events, missions and tasks. Walking the desert could certainly be a little less frenetic.


Also: if Raptor jousting is being planned as a minigame... I'm behind that idea all the way!

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Positives: The story is amazing. I loved the twists, and how everything was tied together. Mounts are fantastic, they’re so much fun and each provide a unique exploration utility. You’ve made a generic MMO feature your own.


Constructive Criticism: It’s great that the new maps are huge, but the size combined with map player limits makes them feel “empty”. It doesn’t feel like there are many players around to do events with. I’m also not a fan of the bounty board system – it feels clunky. A UI would be better.


Unsure: Regarding Elite specs, it's too soon to tell.


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Path of Fire made me remember why I loved Guild Wars 1 so much. The story is great again, The renegade reminds me of my beloved spirits from the GW Ritualist class, the maps are MUCH more manageable than HoT, and there is enough difficulty for me to scream and my computer screen and then feel the triumph of completing whatever task it was a little later. Well done.

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- Mounts. All the mounts.

- Story. Especially that ending fight.

- Maps. I didn't expect to enjoy a desert so much, but these locales are beautiful.

- Better inventory management thru unidentified stuff.



- Aggro ranges. I get this is to make riding a little more dangerous, but it makes some HPs/MPs extremely difficult when mobs keep respawning and aggroing from miles away.

- Incoming damage numbers. Not everything needs to one-shot people.

- Bounties. These events expect way too much reading comprehension from pugs.



- Elite specs. Please don't invalidate the old specs. I love my druid, reaper and herald.

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Very fun from what I have played so far. The mounts add a new level of mobility and exploration not seen in the gliders previously. I like the new focus on Horizontality rather than Verticallity. The elite specializations I tried during the demo and the Weaver I main all feel interesting and strong. Overall 9.7/10

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Like the expansion. Mounts are better then expected, but feel clunky.


Being able to swap between them by pressing the appropriate button without having to dismount would help. Also removing not being able to mount while in combat would help. The attack could have a cooldown and remounting could have a cooldown if the mount died. Also being unable to dismount any mount while in air is just counter-intuitive.


Overall, if you do an action, you should be able to do the opposite of that action, dismount in combat/mount in combat, mount griffon in air/dismount griffon in air, etc.


Let us skip dialogue once we've seen it once.



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Exploration and world building is phenomenal. I love the new elite specs, but it feels like some override the previous (scourge is a great example, reaper now has almost no place in the game outside of some WvW).


Please oh please up the rewards for doing events (especially "meta events") in PoF maps, as there is no good way to earn gold quickly in this xpac, forcing you not to play in Elona if you're trying to make money.

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Story was really great for act I and act II, but act III felt very rushed, felt like we didn't spend enough time in the last two maps and not enough time with Joko's army. Also the last boss needed more explanation for why we could defeat him, it makes little sense.


I wish the last boss had a game over mechanic like Mordremoth and a challenge mode for group play. ( I always feel like the last boss should be within a dungeon like the base game did...)


The maps are really great and beautiful but I wish there was at leats one big meta event needing vaguely organised squads ala Dragon Stand (though it dosnt need to be a dedicated map)


Also mounts are really fun so far but I worry about how it will affect exploration in the long term and map design.

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I'm the kind of player who skips cutscenes to get to gameplay. But the story mode in this expansion was great! Loved it, even though I didn't know much of the previous lore (skipped it all.)


I play with a small group of friends so I was really disappointed to see there were no new dungeons. This alone brings my review from a 10/10 to 6/10.


You guys did an outstanding job in making maps feel full of content, just not the content I wanted (dungeons)

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1. Implementation of mounts seems really well done.

2. Story was good. This and living world season 2 have been my favorite sections of the story so far.

3. Maps are beautiful

4. I'm happy that maps still have plenty of vertical exploration, just now it is primarily through mounts instead of updrafts.

5. The elite specializations I've played so far (mostly scourge, some holosmith, a little weaver) have all had great gameplay and flavor.

6. The legendary doppelganger bounty has been my favorite open world boss experience to date.



1. I really do not understand renown heart events. I feel that take away from the game more than they add to it. I definitely preferred how they were not present in Orr and HoT, I felt I had much more incentive to explore the world at my own pace and more likely to "lose myself" in the content. Heart renown events have the exact opposite effect. I try to ignore them at times, but it's difficult to ignore the desire to fill a progress bar.

2. I miss more rewarding map metas, something like Verdant Brink in particular. I 100% understand why people disliked having big map-wide meta events in every single HoT map. But I think there needs to be a balance. One or two meta focused maps with scaled rewards like in Verdant Brink, and then a few exploration maps with smaller meta events like in Path of Fire.

3. I wish more bounty fights had unique mechanics, I'm not a big fan of how there's the handful of mechanics (red light green light, stand in the blue zone, etc.) that are reused for most of them.

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PoF is a fun expansion and I had a great time playing through it!


The story is probably the most "Guild Wars" story that's been done in game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Maps are vast instead of deep this time, but I want to call out Desert Highlands as the most interesting over all and Fortune's Vale was an excellent mini-dungeon/puzzle/thing. It was really fun to dig around with my guildies and I hope we see more things like it in the future. The lack of meta events kind of worries me when it comes to the longevity of the maps, but on the other hand it makes them feel less on rails and more something to explore, which is my preferred method. Mounts are awesome and I'm surprised how they even make the old maps feel different. They make me want to do trade routes, which is something I wouldn't ever admit to wanting to do. Now give us boats!


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Mounts: Amazing. World: Beautiful, nostalgic, engaging. Bounties: innovative farm. Guild hall: small, low customization, dissatisfied, south to Vabbi was a mistake. Specialization: flavorful, inconsistent balance, holosmith was my most looked forward to but feels significantly worse than spamming grenades. Weaver is worse damage than tempest, a support spec. Firebrand is laughably op. These inconsistencies honestly are extremely discouraging. Overall: excellent.

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