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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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1. The new elites made me want to experiment with different builds for the weaver. I have not experimented with other classes in the entire week. Died many times looking for the ideal sword build.

2. I like the tiny details to the maps. The exploration. The mounts. Seeing the world in all its glory and discovering tiny bits of lore. I enjoyed especially how the maps paid attention to the lives of the inhabitants. Farming, water sources, mining - it all made Elona felt lived in, more so than the older maps (Divinity Reach was the only one that had that feel, but not Rata Sum, Black Citadel, Hoelbrak and Pale Tree.)

3. I enjoyed the story, but I'm just halfway through. Taking my time and not rushing it. I disliked the previous content where it seemed to be a rush from one area to the next without a chance to even catch your breath or time to make sense of what was happening.



1. I hate how unfair some of the fights are - I'm looking at Eater of Souls. I love experimenting with builds to overcome challenges, but you also have to realize that my ability to experiment with builds is limited by the equipment I have already invested in. I can't just on the fly get a new set of armor with 3k toughness and 1.8k condition damage just to see if that would work against the Eater of Souls.




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So I have not yet finished the story. Why you may ask? Well that is a two part answer. First off WvW is where i live and breathe in Gw2. Secondly the story gets to drawn out and boring. May I suggest (for people like me that do not care about story/lore) that you enable us to skip past all none combat stuff. I do not really care about lore and who did what. I would just like to rush past all the cut scenes and get the story over with. I appreciate all the work that goes into it, but it is just boring imo. :)

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Loved how zones are actually habitable, lore rich places instead of inhospitable battlefields of season 3 and HoT. Story is good, hated the ending (1v1 a god? and I didn't buy his sudden turn, stop hating religion so much Anet). Absolutely adored the sunspear griffon story.


High quality content, but zero replayability. No endgame. Dungeons and new PvP modes would be expected of an expansion.

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> @notebene.3190 said:

> Overall enjoy. Lack of Waypoints and mobs like Djinns makes solo exploration punishing, reminding me of original Orr.


OMG yes....I hated original Orr maps because I could never get away or through the mobs without dying every step or two. Having a new map repeat what the original Orr maps did, really is a step backwards. I solo a lot and find it immensely frustrating that I am faced with the same problems that were fixed in later Orr maps.


As for way points, I've only been in the first map and there are only three there. But extra way points in out of the way places would be helpful, especially if you die in combat to a particularly difficult mob and are forced to way point way back where you started, then run through all the same territory just to pick up where you died.

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1. Polished, immersive, engaging, FUN world

2. Mounts are fantastic

3. Story is fun and well-paced (past stories sometimes felt rushed or slow)

4. Excellent voice acting

5. Lots of “tidbits” (example: random NPC comments/banter)

6. Overall tons of fun across entire expansion



1. No Build Templates

2. Classic "junk gear" drops feel obsolete

3. PoF maps will need more "repetitive" content and reasons to return - not just daily hearts or bounties.


Both Pro+Con:

* Kormir lived up to the hype… “See ya later fckrs!”


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I love the exploration and the 4 mounts, like the elite specs so far, not unlocked them, but I will. I see more fun in them compared to HoT specs.


I have one big negative tho. I don't like the 5th mount. I have it unlocked, but I think GW2 doesn't need it. In fact it makes some stuff irrelevant, for example gliding. What it is even bigger problem that can erode the concept of GW2's playing together. In future I fear I won't get help as easy as before when I fail at a Challenge or get downed by something, or participating in an event. I'm afraid players will just fly away, not noticing my struggle. Instead of being happy for they arrival I will just see them flying away... It happens in the same way in other MMOs where they introduced such mechanics, and even they are now taking back as mush as they can.


In short, I love everything so far, except the 5th mount.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> New forum / same request:


> **Please share your high-level feedback about Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire in <100 words.**


> This is our traditional request for your main points of feedback about our newest release. Please share your likes, dislikes, suggestions -- all are welcome. But please keep these comments to 100 words or less, and join or create other threads for a more in-depth conversation on a specific topic.


> Thank you for sharing!


"Map is full"


Seriously, you guys need to bump up the population cap on zones.


Every time i join a group to do bounties or anything I can never get into the same instance with them.

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* Mounts are awesome, hands down best thing (just improve interface, having to bind 5 actions to quickly switch mounts is a bit annoying)

* Story was way more enjoyable than HoT

* Maps are gorgeous, really loved exploring them, way more than any other map so far (part of the reason are mounts)

* I mostly played Firebrand, I really like his playstile



* New elite specs balance is a bit off

* Mixed feeling about map replayability, though I'm (and we all are) still learning them so I'll put that aspect on hold, I'm not much into bounties anyway

* No added feature, you've said it was all about content but some new features (cough Build Templates cough) would have been more than welcomed

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(Sorry not 100 words, but it was too hard!)

There is a trend that is really making it hard for me to play GW2.

I suffer from simulator sickness or what some call V.I.M.S. (Visually Induced Motion Sickness)

There are no first person video games I can play and very few third person games depending on the camera and movement.

HoT added a design trend of having floating dust or spores or glowing dots in the air in just about every corner of every map. These specks are very disorienting and make it difficult to be able to play, for long, in those zones.

This design trend has continued, with a vengeance, in the living story content, burning embers, ash, and glowing stuff, in Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay. Bitterfrost Frontier has, not just snow, but blowing fog? I lasted about ten minutes there and had to lay down for the rest of the afternoon.

It has continued further with PoF, with blowing sand and fog, little clouds with purplish lightning flashes (instantly sick), and strange mount/camera movement (even after dev tweaks).

I haven’t finished map completion, even after 4918 hours played, because I can’t handle most of the snow and rain in certain zones.

I realize it’s not as easy as flipping a switch, but if it is at all possible, being able to turn off environmental effects would make it so I can play much more comfortably. Even if it were just PvE, so as to not give some kind of competitive advantage for those who choose to turn off effects, it would be welcome.

I know I’m only one person in your player base, but I love the game and would like to enjoy it fully.

Feel free to contact me for further details or future testing. If it doesn't make me ill, it probably won't affect anyone. :)

I did enjoy the art and story in PoF and I can see all the hard work you have put in. GW2 is still my favorite game! Thanks.

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1.Mounts are clunky as in UI/handling them but overall cool. I'm sure UI can be fixed in the background.

2. Maps feel super empty for it being a new game. But overall maps look lovely and events in them are fun.

3. EVERYTHING THOUGH IS WONDERFUL! Like legit those are small complaints that can easily be looked at or tweak if needed

4. THAT HOW YOU MAKE A DRAGON BIG AND SCARY! Not a tubby plant monster like Mordy.


-Kit The Traveler



> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> New forum / same request:


> **Please share your high-level feedback about Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire in <100 words.**


> This is our traditional request for your main points of feedback about our newest release. Please share your likes, dislikes, suggestions -- all are welcome. But please keep these comments to 100 words or less, and join or create other threads for a more in-depth conversation on a specific topic.


> Thank you for sharing!



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Guild Hall Feedback:

1. Please set the arena barrier to **ON** by default.

2. Find a way for guild members to contribute to the cost of Elonian Matrixes. This is a huge hurdle that's put entirely on one scribe because both Trade Scrolls and Elonian Matrixes are Account Bound (along with some other things like Charged Quartz).

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I think PoF is a great return to form. I thought calling back to the GW1 mission format (main objective + optional) brings focus to the goal of each mission. The land is beautiful, but I spend most of my time staring at my map. The mounts feel great, but doesn't the griffon make the gliding obsolete? Also, the Charr looks dumb on every mount (too big). The HPs now feel fair and doable while still challenging for a solo player - HoT made them mostly unsoloable.


All in all, a great step forward. Keep it up!

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> @moonstruck.1268 said:

> Everything is awesome except the fact I want to play the story with my friend and many instances don't give you the chance to do the achievements if you are in another persons story.I hate redoing the story and it's always more fun to do it with someone else.


> The maps look awesome so far.Great job.


Oh dear. I hope they fix this because I always like to join guild mates on some of those instances. I would hate to have to redo these just to obtain credit for myself. I would have expected Anet thought this through better and implemented group-wide credit.


This is particularly more desirable when all group members have the same quest(s) and are on the same step as well.

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100 words or less doesn't allow for much detail, but here's the best I can do with exactly 100:


Thumbs up overall. The maps are gorgeous. Mounts make "joy of movement" real, but could use another dye channel. The story is a massive improvement over LS3 but too short; I didn't like "Facing the Truth" because it felt pointless and more time could have been spent on Vlast (poor thing), the Herald and Aurene instead. Canach is still awesome. Big cheers for how "The Departing" acknowledges some of our characters' past instead of treating them all like one samey faceless blob. More of that, please. The NPCs' lack of emotional reaction to our death and resurrection was disappointing, though.

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You guys did a really good job on creating the world that feels really good to be playing in. Visuals, music, story − everything about it is great. However, this world has yet to be filled with things that players actually want to do _on a regular basis_.


Bounties. Something like a PvE reward track would bring us a real meaning in doing them.

Elite specializations. They have some issues, and I hope you will listen to our feedback.

A shortage of long-term goals (and absence of healthy variety in daily activities) concerns a lot of us deeply.

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More challenging, organized, whole-map class meta that needs at least 100-150 organized people to finish

To be honest, PoF at the moment is really boring for me after I finish my story, get my griffon, max all mount masteries, and complete all bounty-related achievement.

PoF excitement for me only last about two weeks, and I believe that most people feel the same way

I need Something Exciting, Something to Trigger the Hype Flame!


Now the good part.

- Map Graphic is AMAZING

- Good job on the story, I really like it, "The Departing" is my favorite

- Mounts also make life so much easier

- Thank you for change in the unidentified gear, so now doesn't need to do heart everytime I want to open

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* Mounts

* Art

* Enemy mechanics

* Scourge. Is fun with multiple play styles. Ghastly Breach is good, but uninspired. Would like one that interacts with Shades. Idea: Instantly summon 3 shades around you and they open up smaller ghastly breaches. Alternative: If you have shades out, ghastly breach will be cast from their positions.

* Derelict Delve is awesome. More like this please.



* Holosmith: I like some of it, but our other weapons need heat mechanics.

* Maps feel dead compared to HoT. No sense of urgency. Little coordination in map chat. We need HoT-style metas in at least a couple maps.

* Collections are great, but they need a new user experience. Achievement panel is a mess.

* Lack of rewarding feeling that should come with completing HoT masteries. Gliding was somewhat useful (until griffin), but nothing else :(. Throw in some updrafts and leylines. Adrenal Mushrooms would be nice. Exalted mastery easter eggs since that's relevant. Thermal propulsion in desolation or NW corner of Highlands. Oakheart's in southern riverlands.

* More hero challenges and mastery points need to be fights and puzzles. And harder. Even the nerfed HoT HPs are harder than these.

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just read a comment at reddit which was pretty on point imho:


I thought it was great. My only complaint is the resplendent timers on trash mobs feel a little short. By the time you finish killing three or four trash mobs and wear the veteran of the group down the others are already re spawning and you have to start over. And this is usually happening to try and collect some bleached bones or a node of some sort. I don't mind a challenging fight, but I finished it, now let me collect my crap and move on.


I think it's true. It's probably necessary because it's an MMO with a lot of players, but still it bugs me. Personally I wouldn't mind to have a few minutes no trash mobs around, when it's not an event but just exploring.

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> @Ashianyl.5917 said:

> Dislikes:

> 1. I hate how unfair some of the fights are - I'm looking at Eater of Souls. I love experimenting with builds to overcome challenges, but you also have to realize that my ability to experiment with builds is limited by the equipment I have already invested in. I can't just on the fly get a new set of armor with 3k toughness and 1.8k condition damage just to see if that would work against the Eater of Souls.





Finding that my power builds are magnets for mobs made me go back and get some of my condi equipment from my bank. A bunch of mismatched items that were truly a mess and not all were exotic. I ended up purchasing a set off the TP instead and spent more than I wanted on the runes for the gear. I already had the ascended weapons and did not want to go through the effort of swapping those out so I'll make do with them for now, at least until I find the appropriate stat setup I want to use.


But, Ashianyl's point about the equipment is extremely valid. It would be nice if we could take an exotic item and easily swap out the stats without having to break the bank. All I've gotten in drops are greens and blues and none work well in the new PoF area.

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What I like:

1. Mounts and exploration go well together

2. Derelict Delve is fantastic

3. Story is leagues above HoT and vanilla

4. Most elite specs feel much better than the HoT counterparts

5. Bounty system has potential for replayability and should be further explored/enhanced

6. Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, and Elon Riverlands are the right mix of exploration, combat, nostalgia, and narrative.

7. Mounts are unaffected by combat mode speed reduction, that's fantastic.

8. Choya


What I didn't like:

1. Bounty modifiers can lead to "bad rolls" similar to vanilla Diablo 3. Legendaries in particular shouldn't have multiple soft and hard CC modifiers such as Leyline Imbued + Freeze + Stop and Go all at once. Try separating each modifier into one of three or four categories and ensuring bounties have two or three categories--and never repeat the same category.

2. Desolation/Awakened mob density is insane, reminds me of base GW2 pre-patch Orr, and their condition spam is ridiculous. Awakened Canids in particular have too much damage and dodges, and the awakened in general spam too much tar and slow. I end up burning all of my dodges to get out of the tar and avoid awakened soldier attacks.

3. Mounts are too easily "killed off" from attacks.

4. Weaver sword feels way too slow and weak, weaver default barrier amounts are too little, and Deadeye mark is too weak of a mechanic since it can be blocked and takes time to cast.

5. I miss having a Junundu wurm to rid the sulfurous wastes.

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An "early" impression after 2 maps, 2 pets and the first part of the story: I am really impressed! Mounts are fun, the first two maps are fine, mastery and hero points are not too easy, not to difficult. Only some minor issues. I will make separate posts for them nobody else did that. But minor issues, overall impression: Great expansion!

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Overall: 4/5 stars.


I wanted more stats than what we got. Story was okay (a bit too much chatter for my tastes). Difficulty's spot on and explorable with friends only. Elite specs are fun.


But the biggest thing...mounts. Mounts are absolutely perfect. If there's no other quality about this expansion that means so much to GW2, it's the mounts. Like whoever led the design for these mounts should be getting a substantial bonus for their effort. They are absolutely incredible. They feel perfect, they handle perfectly, they work perfectly. Mounts are amazing. And they don't trivialize older content, they revitalize it. It's amazing. I've never wanted to go back and redo everything I did again as much as I do with having five mounts in my arsenal.

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Overall I really like the new expansion. The story is nicely constructed, and brings excitement until the (dramatic) very end. New maps are beyond words marvelous. Not only they are huge but also fun to explore and beautifully crafted. You can see and feel the effort that was put in them. Mounts are the biggest point in this expac, and they do not let you down with neat animations, smooth riding and perfect integration with the maps. It brings GW2 to a whole new quality level. New specs are fun, but the balancing could use one or two touches. But please don't change Weaver, since 99,9% of the player base won't be able to pull that rotation anyways, it shouldn't be dangerous.

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