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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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Suggestion on bounties , when you encounter a bounty mob, the bounty should become available to you without having to take it from the board, or make bounties like the daily menu. Why ? people see someone fighting a bounty mob and ignore it if they don't have the bounty or go back to town in a rush to get it, that breaks the cooperation that has prevailed on maps.

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Overall I would rate this roughly equal to HoT (Though on a subjective basis, I prefer HoT). The maps are pretty, but generally extremely dull and painful to actually traverse. Mounts help, and are pretty cool in their own right, but it's too easy to get dismounted by enemies.


But my primary complaint is that PoF does not have a story. It's a Nightfall Greatest Hits album, or a museum tour, not an actual narrative. It's far too disjointed and jarring, with far too many sudden, contrived shifts in direction and "we're going here now because convenient plot hack" moments and don't even get me started on how badly you fucked up the Vlast subplot.


The ending goes some way toward redeeming it though, the final battle is appropriately epic (and in the actual definition of the word too) and the epilogue gives me the same feeling of anticipation the ending of Season 2 gave me leading into HoT (and which season 3 failed to achieve by the way, try to do better than the shitshow that was the last few episodes of S3 next time).


So, all in all please get back to writing GW2's story and stop solely servicing the GW1 fanboys and the entitled babies that insist the Commander get all the credit for everything ever. This is a story about coming together to face threats none of us can fight alone, not Mary Sue and friends being given all the things by everyone because they're just so goddamn special.


No I haven't forgiven you for taking the Pact out of center stage, thanks for asking.

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Love the boss mechanics (even if I did frequently end up fighting with very little or no armour), and the ability to dodge attacks by moving to the right point inside them

Loved the feeling of choices being significant

Felt my character was a bit harsh on everyone (wondering if this varies with personality and how we've answered in the past, but I'm pretty sure I was dignity/charm so...)

Springer required dropping out of the story and farming to get to which was a bit 'boring' when I wanted to see more plot.

I wish I could have gone back to interact with my favourite Scion within story event time, or at least had more knowledge of what she was thinking as that is apparently a thing?

In general, loved it and I just need to carry on the story and can't yet :(

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**The good:** The mounts. The hidden mount. Inspiring art direction, environmental design and music. Many QoL improvements (please bring these to the rest of the game).


**The meh:** Solid story, but a bit too reliant on tropes by this time (go kill the big bad overlord, the third). Little that's new, apart from mounts, in terms of game mechanics and structure, it's the same grind in a different skin. Bounties get old fast. Mount change / remount is still a bit clunky.


**The bad:** Underwhelming rewards: no good ascended items like Caladbolg or the LW3 trinkets. No big metas. Collections are vast and confusing, hard to keep track of. And no Kasmeer / Marjory soap opera :-) (and, more seriously, therefore no queer / LGBT visibility).

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Expansion is great. For a week of dedicated playtime. There's story, map completition, mounts and elite specs. Yet Elona doesn't have any particular long-term content. However the quality of story and maps (for 1st time exploration) is more than good. And champion bounties lack any reward as soon as you get the achi for them

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I _love_ the new maps. I think their size and depth is amazing.

I _love_ the new mounts.

I _love_ that the Griffon was not foretold in the marketing.

I _love_ the Southern Shiverpeaks area.

I _love_ the inclusion of GW1 lore.

I _love_ the Tomb of Primeval Kings.


I really enjoyed the story. It had some twists I did not expect. I wish it had gone further.

I really enjoy there are not huge map usurping meta narratives going on. I think those have a place in the game (like Dragon Stand or Orr), but I'm happy to not see them in PoF.


I'm sad the Griffon costs so much. I am a casual player. It will probably be months before I can get it.




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Very exciting and fun. Masteries felt like I just flew through them which could be concerning. Time will tell how enjoyable PoF continues to be. Map rewards should definitely have a key/charge attached and event rewards in general could use a small helpful boost. I'm still waiting on challenging content designed for solo play, disappointed we still don't have any of that. Something like Liandri but permanent with good rewards.

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i like that pof doesn't overwrite hot or other content. lack of waypoints is painful, though. maybe add mini-waypoints that players can spawn at when they die but not waypoint to?


almost unrelated: can the next necromancer elite spec deal with minions as controllable and either immortal allies or rapidly acquirable squishies? cuz one of my favorite things from PoF was the story mission where you took control of the awakened troops. that entire thing was a blast, calling minions to do the work for me but also having enough control to tell them what to do and when.

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> @xiraus.4716 said:

> Suggestion on bounties , when you encounter a bounty mob, the bounty should become available to you without having to take it from the board, or make bounties like the daily menu. Why ? people see someone fighting a bounty mob and ignore it if they don't have the bounty or go back to town in a rush to get it, that breaks the cooperation that has prevailed on maps.


you actually get all the credit when encountering a bounty someone else has called without having ever been at the board.

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As a GW1 veteran parts of the expansion were amazing and parts were very disappointing. Maps are good, mounts are good, my elite spec (Mirage) is absolutely terrible and needs a complete redesign. It is a selfish DPS spec without competitive DPS, which Mesmers will never achieve without bold changes to their core illusion mechanics. Even after a decade of Nightfall feedback, you doubled down on the gods being useless cowardly deserters, discarding them as the iconic characters I've known for twelve years. I really don't understand how you could throw them in the trash with such force and finality.

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A large improvement over HoT. Maps are not metaevent locked anymore, allowing you to explore at your own pace, FINALLY. The story is, so far, more interesting - much better villains!

Main criticism: You REALLY need to work on class balance. It is ridiculous that druid/berserker/chrono/X/X is leagues and bounds better than any other option for pretty much any serious content. Fix that, please, and keep classes more balanced in output. One warrior does more dps support than all non-chrono classes combined, that's silly.

Oh and please, let Marjory and Kas be happy for once.


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Great looking maps. Fun to explore. Would have liked a map meta on some of it as they're so large. Really missed opportunity to create a long, engaging event that pulls lots of people to it. Seems obvious that the rest of LS will occur on these maps. Would have liked a WB, but I haven't done sulfer area event yet. Few QoL improvements are great. Some story instances are too long. Class balance is horrible. Scourge will ruin WvW. Classes are too focused on one thing. Some skills do too much while other professions too little. Too much condi focus. Despite lots of complaints, played smoothly for me. Story missions had a lot of dialouge I'd like to skip on re-play. Story had a lack of emotional engagement.

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The maps are great, there are a lot of small events and things to find. Some more meta events would have been nice but at the same time there are so many small events to keep us busy that they compensate.


Mounts are awesome.


Holosmith needs SERIOUS work. Holosmith is severely undertuned for what it does. Obviously there is an issue with Firebrands doing 20k more dps than a dedicated dps Elite. Heck even the much maligned condi engineer does more dps than Holosmith. This is driving people away from playing Engineer (Just like Scrapper did) and I am sure you've seen the many threads about it already. Please prioritize this since class balance is key in MMOs.


Spellbreakers need to have their bubble colored red when the enemy uses it. But I noticed you guys are looking into that, so that is great!




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First of all, the sense of exploration and discovery are both great in POF, the story was of a much higher quality, and I had a blast exploring the maps.


I do feel that PoF does not give a substantial amount of content to keep me playing between LW releases and the next expansion pack, and here is why:


1. Lack of tarir-esque map metas, can say what you want but both Tarir, Chak Gerent and DS offered replayability for years.

2. A severe lack of "Grindy" weapon or armor collections, talking about Bladed Armor/Leystone Armor, Chak/Auric/Machined weapons, and all the backpieces.

3. The adventures feel like copy-paste, only riding around, HOT had very fun, unique adventures.


Again, let me stress im loving my time in POF, yet I feel that, as a veteran player who plays this game for quite a few hours a week, this expansion is not offering me enough replayable content to do between Living World patches and expansion patches.



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- masteries are only for mounts. no language/dwarven runes/history mastery. they put all that in normal achievements.


- same with adventures. all are mount centric. (**especially** when you have the griffon unlocked!) no tendril torchers or salvage pit adventures. we already have the races for that.


- plus the masteries are way to fast to obtain. mostly everyone who played serious is already at 257. HoT took at least a week or two. (or even longer)


- the heart vendors have nothing that you will come back for and everyone sells the same shit. the LS3 heart vendors were way better.


- meta events and bounties need more loot. or more special items like the confetti aura/infusion. put an aura/infusion on one meta on each map and ppl will play it. see egg sack. best choice would be maw and serpents ire.


- not enough collections for weapons/armors/minis.


- not enough JPs (I think. havent heard of or found many atm. 2 in the first map and one in a mission.)


- why do we get all 3 armor skins from one playthrough of the story? you have to play the story three times for the banners, so why not for the armors too?


- only one pvp/wvw track.

additional to that: no new finishers.


- the weird state all the recipes and acquisition for armors and weapons atm (but I hope that will be fixed soon).

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To minimize words, here's a list:


- Maps are outstanding, detailed, explorable, and feel "right" when navigating.

- All elite specs have their niches and in terms of play style, are all incredibly fun (I have them all mastered)

- The mounts are very smooth and each are unique in a positive way

- Story mission was fun in gameplay

- The bounty system works very well


- Time to reward doesn't correspond well; doing a large meta like Serpent's Ire just didn't give enough reward unlike Silver Wastes and Auric Basin

- Elite specs need split skills between game modes; some classes aren't balanced due to this

- There should be a variety of maps, explorable + large meta (Like Dragon's Stand)

- Inventory management is still horrendous. All karma/junk items need to be organized better.


I still personally believe that Silver Wastes is one, if not the best, map created.

- There is a lot of exploration involved

- The meta is a large meta but it isn't gated behind time

- If you just want to do events, you can do them and leave without doing the map meta and still get good rewards

- Engaging but doable in small sized groups


I personally believe it should be a template of how a map and its corresponding rewards is

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Mounts are very good and almost awesome (micro-movement quirks are annoying on Springer, and Skimmer is difficult to control).


Boss fights are just plain bad. Too many effects, over-design for raiders and people with fighter pilot reflexes, and approaching impossible for those of us who are average human beings. My heart weeps for those in the community with physical disabilities, cuz they are more and more being locked out of the key content.


Map design is absolutely amazing and extremely immersive.


Way too many bugs and, while the committment to patching every day is amazing and deserves praise, more bugs are being created with each patch.


I like that HoT meta events remain relevant.


I like that Bounty event chains are a thing.


I like the massive variety in Mastery points events, although I must admit I am still not happy with the Sous Chef.

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Story: 8/10

* I LOVED the realm of the lost, but the “way out” was extremely underwhelming/cheap


Mounts: 10/10

* Fucking perfect. This alone makes the expansion worth to me.


Elite Specs(Soulbeast): 9/10

* Personally, dislike that mounting will separate you from pet


New maps: 10/10

* Tons of flavor packets everywhere, and exploring with mounts is ultra-satisfying


Inventory wars: 5/10

* Unidentified gear is AWESOME, wish it was everywhere

* New bigger bags are cool(account bound pls)

* New Karma/trade contract consumables clog inventory(auto-consume pls)


What’s missing?

* Something “ultra-prestige” (legendary-level reward)

* Collection achieves for the later weapon/armor sets


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