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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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- Nice, varied maps that are fun to explore, but not overbearing.

- Mounts are great (a very big positive).

- Story quests were very fun, though the experience did feel a bit brief towards the end.

- It's always good to get new armor sets.

- The Price. This isn't always discussed but PoF was definitely priced better than HoT.



- No new dungeons or other small group end game content. Bounties typically require larger groups to complete.

- >! I wasn't completely thrilled with using an undead army to fight Balthazaar when they had no emotional attachment to the cause. This was a human god, it would have been nice to have a more human element to the final battle. In fact, it would have been nice if the faction you aligned with for an army was determined by your choice of alliance in act 1 or something. Other than that though, the battle was really cool.

- Aggro on mobs is ridiculously high. It kinda diminishes the enjoyment of using mounts and exploring when you're hit by unavoidable attacks every few meters you move.

- Wardrobe hasn't been updated with new armor/weapons. It's hard to determine what you want to work towards if you can't even preview it. I have no idea why this limitation was implemented.

- The new guild hall is nice, but somewhat underwhelming. There's no exploration value and it feels very restricted compared to the other two guild halls.

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Tryed to keep it short, but 100 words were out of reach for me :/



o Visualy, the new areas are a big leap forward compared to the HoT ones and some of the past LS maps. Mostly really beautiful (and I say that even though I usually don't like desert settings and hoped for Cantha for this xpac).

o Loads of GW1 reminiscence in the open world and also in the story. Love it.

o Mastery points are much less of a chore to aquire.

o No meta events/world bosses - there's already plenty of "get on a zerg and press 1111111" content in the game.



o New Elite Specs. They seem mostly to be designed with PvP / WvW in mind which means less "learning a class from scratch" for PvE alt-o-holics and less power creep

compared to the HoT ones.

o New bounties. I feel no real incentive to do them, may be some ppl like them.

o Difficulty level felt quite low. Probably ok since everything centers about open world exploration and story.



o Overall I see my biggest concern confirmed- quite few real content behind the mount facade.

o The maps -beauty aside- seem solely to be designed for mount usage. Even though they're huge, you can finish them in no time. Got map completion

on the first map after second time playing on it, though I didn't enforce it at all. I'll probably done with the xpac a lot faster than I was with HoT.

If you'd cut those huge maps into 10 - 12 normal sized ones with waypoints, it'd automatically felt like "more".

o No new fractal (don't even dare to ask for dungeons, though there's so much great places on the new maps to add them) / challenging group content.


**A bit of everything**

o The story... I dunno, I'm pretty torn on this one. I really enjoyed the dialogues, the humor was good and well dosed (Cuddles, anyone?).

o Quality wise, Act 1 was a very good start, Act 2 a big let down (running in circles talking to the same guys over and over again... gaaaah) with Act 3 getting better again, yet the further I went, the more it felt like glued together in a rush and thus rather short.

o All in all, it doesn't feel like a real Add-On worthy story that opens up the possibilities for a new LS season, but more like the starting chapter

of a new LS season which we're all used to being free additions to the game.



Pro's and con's aside- it doesn't feel like we payed for a real xpac this time, since everything besides mounts (I know I repeat myself, but

they were the least needed addition to the game _ever_) and new elite-specs (which weren't needed but at least don't hurt at all) all we got feels like

an expensive LS chapter.


(sorry for the weird formating, but the new forum refuses to make proper lists...)

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> @"Marcus Greythorne.6843" said:

> > @xiraus.4716 said:

> > Suggestion on bounties , when you encounter a bounty mob, the bounty should become available to you without having to take it from the board, or make bounties like the daily menu. Why ? people see someone fighting a bounty mob and ignore it if they don't have the bounty or go back to town in a rush to get it, that breaks the cooperation that has prevailed on maps.


> you actually get all the credit when encountering a bounty someone else has called without having ever been at the board.


I too had a question about this. But, because I only did the Oasis bounties with a fairly large guild group this past weekend, I was not sure how it shakes out for random pugs who join in the fight without actually being a part of the squad.


The wiki provides some information but it still did not actually answer my question about getting the achievement individually, if you are not part of the squad engaging it. I do know that only one person in the squad needs the actually bounty so you can have several folks have a different bounty and just run from one to the next (just make sure you have those within the timer limit). Unless I misunderstood how it works, we all got the achievement for those we did.


GW2 bounties wiki page: "_Despite the bounty system, rewards are given for participating in the event for a bounty and not for completing a bounty. Any number of players can attack the same bounty to claim a reward, even without having claimed a contract at the bounty board. _" - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bounty


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> @Cuddy.6247 said:

> Overall: 4/5 stars.


> I wanted more stats than what we got. Story was okay (a bit too much chatter for my tastes). Difficulty's spot on and explorable with friends only. Elite specs are fun.


> But the biggest thing...mounts. Mounts are absolutely perfect. If there's no other quality about this expansion that means so much to GW2, it's the mounts. Like whoever led the design for these mounts should be getting a substantial bonus for their effort. They are absolutely incredible. They feel perfect, they handle perfectly, they work perfectly. Mounts are amazing. And they don't trivialize older content, they revitalize it. It's amazing. I've never wanted to go back and redo everything I did again as much as I do with having five mounts in my arsenal.


^^ this so much. I am currently getting ready to get my jackal mount, but echo @Cuddy.6247's remarks about the mounts. About the only negative I can think of with regard to the mounts is the extremely difficult movement when trying to change directions...especially on the Rabbit and the Raptor. These two seem like they are stuck on a rail of some sort and you have to yank them hard to change direction...does not work well.

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Hello, first off all great job on The expension pack. It is a great expension But i think there Should be Some changes. But i Dont know what is possible and what not.



1) The maps are really big and i feel like iT is spread out player wise. I Dont see much people in those 5 maps. So i was hoping for more people in one instance if The mega servers can hold iT ?

2) i Dont see people doing much events. If there was more loot for events people would do iT. For most this game is loot wars and fashion wars. Thats why auric basin meta is popular.

3) with better mega servers Maybe more chance people do events (The maw event for example No one is doing iT)

4) i need to get on a mount in combat. So annoying to run away and then i just get hit.

5) Some maps Should have a big meta that have loot like auric basin. Should be a mix of No meta and meta. Both parties happy.


i feel that The maps on pof Will be empty in few months because of bad loot. People Dont do events much. They do raids pvp and wvw.


I know that with Living season 4 there Will be new raids. But iT was better to give raids next to The maps which is more of The same that we have enough.

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I will say that my favorite things about Path of Fire are the new mounts and maps to explore in. While I don't know a lot about the Guild Wars lore, I thought the story was fairly interesting. I'm looking forward to the next Living World season.


Something I want to point out though, is that bounty boards aren't exactly what I expected. So, here are my thoughts on how they could be improved:

1. Bounty boards seems counter-intuitive to the way Guild Wars 2 events have always functioned. These bounties should show up on the map so that anyone can jump in and complete it together, similarly to how events in the vanilla side of Guild Wars 2 works.

2. It's okay if you have to pick up bounties from the board, but you don't know which one to take because you do not know if anyone else is going to do it with you or not. I realize this is the point of the LFG, but it just seems to work against the "jump in and play with anyone" events I'm so used to in Core Tyria.

3. As others have said, the event timer should only begin when the bounty enemy is engaged.


If there's anything else I can think of adding, I will edit this post later in the future. Also, feel free to reply and correct me if I'm wrong on any of these points I've made. :)

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the expansion was great and really challenging as you go through the crystal desert but something is kinda bothering me and it is nothing to do with the expansion itself but i wish we could see more of what truly was in the mist and who we could encounter there as revenent can speak with say, glint, shiro and so on. to meet maybe glint in the mist face to face or maybe fight shiro tagachi again. there is alot of talk of the mist and yet we don't know how it looks like except that little instance before meeting kormir, it was so little of the mist that could maybe see more of it. but anyways you guys at arenanet have done a beautiful job with path of fire just wanted to see more of the mist

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I think PoF was far superior to HoT, rearding story' mechanics and their integration together


Regarding the story:





it felt much more compelling and epic than HoT, but I was kinda disappointed of Balthazar turning into a comic book villain and not having a bit of depth and backstory regarding his fall from an honourable god to a fiery-bearded maniac with a wish to destroy the very world he has created. the end with Kralkatorrik becoming more powerful and spreading the brand was actually interesting, and I like how the balance was tipped in a battle which is lose lose. I hope our decision with the council at the beginning of the story will affect the later stories and not just who we meet at the end.


Regarding mechanics: the maps of PoF are a new level of content. their size, difficulty and complexity are stunning. the detail of designing all those classic places from Prophecies & Nightfall took me 11 years back (has it been that long? :open_mouth: ).

They only problem I have is with Mount switching. the mechanic is very uncomfortable and causes a lot f frustration, especially when combining mounts.


I really hope to see the next LS and expansions give us a more compelling and interesting story and mechanics.


I also hope they arrive soon, because playing PoF has sparked my inner GW2 flame, after 2 years of it being completely extinguished

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Fun expansion! My favorite to date -- thanks!



Beautiful maps. I tend to play more in maps with beautiful scenery, so this is huge!

Humor -- "Help the Choyas, or not" lol

I can solo! -- better than previous maps & stories ... but... I'm not done, so?

Beautiful background music

Mounts for whole game

Fun new critters.

Optional achievement objectives on screen



Simpler mount swapping.

Talking and harvesting while mounted.

Dismounting in place. (I'd choose precision over dismount graphic.)

Mount before conditions stop.

Different color for infinite hearts, HP, etc. Confusing now.

Way to turn off combat music, but keep music while not fighting.



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Mounts - Nice work done here

Maps - simple and easily accessible

Hero Points - you don't need army of players to complete these

Like what you did with puzzles in dwarven ruins

Story and lore

Unidentified item system implemented

Material caches



For content expansion there is not much real content in it, achievements are not content...

Too fast mastery progression, I manage to waste experience (no boosters) because didn't unlock all mounts asap

Advertised 5 maps but we got 4.5 maps you know that "Fury of the brand" crap an locking half of map behind it

Bounties - low rewards, quickly became boring

Lot of new skins just look blend

Maps feel empty

Not enough chain events

20+ slot bags are too expensive


Overall, I would say I was disappointed with this "content expansion", simply because i expected something more. Price of PoF was fine because of mounts, without them I would rate this expansion overpriced for now. I know that much more content will be there once new season of LW come out but initial "WOW" factor for this content is too low.

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Mounts are great, the new zones are beautiful, the story is engaging, and so far I like the Deadeye (at least with dual pistols) and Firebrand elite specs. I enjoyed playing through the Crystal Desert zones the first time.




I find myself unmotivated to do more map completions of the Crystal Desert zones now that I already have them on one character; some of the quests are tedious. A meta event like the Verdant Brink/Auric Basin ones would be very welcome. Also I don't feel CD zone completion rewards are all that exciting. Hate the Brandstorm area of Vabbi. Most importantly, the Deadeye rifle is almost completely useless in PVE (soloing there's no way to stay kneeling without being destroyed; in most open world groups there's enough ground damage to make it impractical); I find I do more damage and stay alive a lot more just running dual pistols.

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I would like to start by saying i'm a long time fan of guild wars loved the first game and its expansion.

Through playing the game i've become quite fond of the mesmer and its elite spec the chronomancer it give the mesmer everything it was previously using equipment to supplement e.g. speed for example extremely important for the likes of PVP play it also had enough defence and a tiny bit of condition removal.


Now we have the mirage who has none of these things and as far as I can tell is much more randomly mobile cant quite get away from or catch up to anyone but is good in a fight with a pulsing heal that requires you to stay stationary to get the full benefit, the mirrors I see very little point in its a risk trying to get to your mirrors in the middle of combat you either need much much more mirror generation or for them to give added benefit.


Honestly i'm bitterly disappointed in this class I thought I might get a new way to play mesmer with different added strengths, instead we have something that is barely usable on its own needing to be augmented by gear once again but without the likes of moa or blink because we need / want to use our deception abilities.


Im sorry the comment is so negative Im enjoying the mounts and story but I felt like this should be brought to the attention of arena net.


With my apologies.

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##Pros of this DLC


* Mounts are extremely practical

* Desolation has awesome design

* Don't mind me 9 new elite specs

* Awakened - love their dual, gray background


##Cons of this DLC


* It's not an expansion - xpac is to deliver much more innovation. This rides too much on LS3 and core game without novelty.

* maps are a huge step back - no outposts, no map meta, no verticality, reuse of branded and shiverpeak themes.

* less content then HoT - less masteries & adventures, nothing for spvp or wvw, no legendaries, no new profession.

* doubful replayability, whereas HoT shines in that aspect.

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> @MarioDX.9423 said:

> > ***SPOILER ALERT!!***

> > They only problem I have is with Mount switching. the mechanic is very uncomfortable and causes a lot f frustration, especially when combining mounts.



**Mount swapping**: This is frustrating. You run across the landscape using the most feasible mount for where you start out. Hoever, if you want to swap mounts as you encounter different terrain, you have to dismount and wait before being able to engage the mount that does work for new terrain. I don't understand why you can't just switch on the fly in order to engage a different mount.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

You ask a good question, lynspottery. I was thinking that it was created this way because if you swapped in a "compromising position" you might end up in trouble. For instance, you're in flight and you swap to a non-aerial mount. What happens? Do you drop from the sky to an ignominious death? Same applies to mid-jump with a non-jumpy mount. I mean, there's enough of that sort of thing already, right? Too, dismounting and remounting is more "realistic" -- which as I am using the word about a fantasy game makes me roll my eyes. :) I also thought maybe there were technical reasons, as well. But those are just my thoughts, and I'll ask the devs sometime when I get a chance.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> You ask a good question, lynspottery. I was thinking that it was created this way because if you swapped in a "compromising position" you might end up in trouble. For instance, you're in flight and you swap to a non-aerial mount. What happens? Do you drop from the sky to an ignominious death? Same applies to mid-jump with a non-jumpy mount. I mean, there's enough of that sort of thing already, right? Too, dismounting and remounting is more "realistic" -- which as I am using the word about a fantasy game makes me roll my eyes. :) I also thought maybe there were technical reasons, as well. But those are just my thoughts, and I'll ask the devs sometime when I get a chance.


Gaile, there's also the case where, say, we're running across a field in Desert Highlands on our raptor and get to one of the walls. Unfortunately we may have aggroed something in a corner somewhere, so we dismount and then can't remount on our springer to get over the wall because we're stuck in combat. Regular gameplay, sure, but a bit frustrating and I think a lot of people would then just use the springer for the entire trip. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a choice, but I recognize there might not be a solution to this other than "fight your battle then remount" or "plan way ahead and do the whole trip on your springer".


(Incidentally, it's also very frustrating to go off a cliff on your raptor and be unable to dismount in flight. We should at least be able to dismount when we're not on the ground so we can swap to gliding or the griffon. Just a thought.)

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