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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @Tiabdtir.9536 said:

> Honestly, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is making me think about giving up on GW2 and moving on to something else. I come on here to have fun and decompress. I don't come here for constant frustration and harassment. The Mastery points have been too difficult and frustrating to get. Running around endlessly having a chef yell ingredients at you? Really? Trying to negotiate terrain, your mount may or may not have the ability to get to the goal and you don't know until you get there. There is almost constant harassment from MOBs with too large an aggro field. I can't even stop to open my map without getting attacked. Also, being told EVERY minute my draft is being saved is annoying. My goal is to have fun and progress in the game. Long story short, I am not have fun anymore and progress is tedious at best.


Ok, I have sorted myself out, but the statement about the mastery points still stands and it appears that is the case with numerous people in this forum.

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Really enjoy the maps and aesthetics. New events and enemy types are cool and challenging, and definitely recapture a little bit of what made GW1 so engaging.

Would be nice to see -some- of Vabbi unbranded. Its also a shame that a lot of the meta event areas and npcs didn't feature in the storyline. Storyline was good, felt a lot more satisfying than the HoT story, although could have definitely been a few acts longer.


Lot of NPC dialogue is buggy and some adventures need their active areas looking at as they are a little bit too small/not really clear enough.

Please remaster some of the core Tyria maps to the current new POF standard of quality. You don't have to explain it in lore or story, just redo that map and upload the new version.

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+ Maps or graphics in general are nice as always

+ The mounts also look decent enough

+ Finally another chance to get the giant slayer achievement


- The story looks too much of a rip off of guildwars nightfalls. Yet again you have to kill a god who yet again raised a specific army. It looks like when anet can't come up with

any they always come back to killing a god.

- the maps don't hold any long-term fun

- the mount control could be better

- again you have to suffer through your character half sinking into the body of its mount

- the maps are too vast for these few waypoints

- no decent gemshop items were added

- there is no challenge in Path of Fire


All in all, I wish I wouldn't have wasted my money on the addon.

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> @Tiabdtir.9536 said:

> The Mastery points have been too difficult and frustrating to get.

> Ok, I have sorted myself out, but the statement about the mastery points still stands and it appears that is the case with numerous people in this forum.


I recommend going to Domain of Vabbi where you can get mastery points for just answering simple riddles.

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Hello ArenaNet. Let me start with i love PoF, i like how you manage to distinguish HoT and PoF. From the meta event to the mounts. The story is very awesome and the ost my goodness. The mounts was incredible and im waiting for more awesome skin. Lastly, I would love if you could make "Sell Junk" more detail like giving option what to sell (especially runes). That is all. Thank you for a GREAT GAME. Keep it COMING. <3

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Some feedback



* Map design was great (except you Desolation)

* Mounts are a fantastic addition

* Elite specs are great (perhaps a slight tweak for pve usage)



* No replayability in POF maps. I finished my elite specs, bounty achieves, funerary achieves and a ton of other achieves about 2 weeks ago - haven't been back to POF since.

* No META type event. I get that folks dislike events that lock the map (DS) but meta events don't have to lock the map (i.e., Silverwastes).

* No new legendary to work towards in actual POF maps (but this can be tied in with the lack of META or world boss)

* Rewards are, quite frankly, crap.

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* Exploration felt great as usual

* Maps looked great

* Mounts are great

* New specs are great

* Story was rather good

* Pieces of unidentified gear

* Single currency-key accross all the maps (Trader's Key)




* Unskippable dialogs in story missions (15min talk for a 20sec achievement, really?)

* Maps replayability felt subpar to HoT. Cumulated time spent in all PoF maps = Verdant Brink alone.

* Forcing to replay the golden hearts to access the related karma vendor is a poor attempt to increase replayability.

* Rewards are meh.

* Too little waypoints.

* Can mount the griffon in the air, but cannot unmount.

* "Only" mounts masteries, too many extra mastery points.


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i finally made it past that barricade bot, that has to some of the worst story design i have ever seen

it will be a very long time before i even try to do another story mission

in HoT most of the story disappeared in the metas and mobs, but here you really had to live through it all

i would rather have no story at all, than this kitten

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A few impressions:


* I wasn't sure about mounts going in, but they're hands down the best implementation I've seen in an MMO. Awesome job.

* Story difficulty felt right (engaging but not brutal). Also enjoyed the variety of the mission mechanics (i.e. gathering a pack of awakened)

* Masteries are significantly less grindy than HoT. I'm undecided if I think it was over adjusted or not, but it's definitely better.

* I love the little (and not so little) things hidden around the maps to reward exploration. Special call-out to whoever thought of the runestone keys in the dwarven ruins.

* The story itself seemed like it was missing some plot development. I felt like we needed an arc research _HOW_ to kill a god rather than just trying again and expecting different results. I know that was the role Sohothin was supposed to play, but it needed more development.


Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised by the PoF. I feel like you all are continuously improving on your content delivery, and it really shows. Keep up the good work.

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Biggest gripe is the new soulbound bags. You can't use them on a character unless they are the master crafter of that bag. If you do, that bag is locked on that character and impossible to upgrade later. Bags should be something you can progress over time, not be forced to sink a ton of time/money into or else be stuck with a potentially smaller bag forever. As it is now, don't get 24 slot bags or higher unless your main character can upgrade it later.

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It's incredibly frustrating and inconvenient that 24 and 28 slot bags introduced in path for fire are soulbound. If a player equips and soulbinds a bag on another character who does not have the crafting discipline to upgrade it, then that bag will forever stay a 24 slot bag and can’t be upgraded later. Most players don't have the money to purchase and make 32 slot bags (currently it costs around ~250 gold) and its hurts my motivation to work towards these bags when I can't use them for fear of soulbinding them and losing my progress.

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Just started PoF. First comment: please don't get main character voice actors to voice other characters. Listening to Fidus Foefire talk with Braham's voice was very disconcerting. I kept imagining he was going to rip off his charr mask and reveal himself as Braham. (Wait...does he later? I haven't played thru the story!) :astonished:

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Things you did better than heart of thorns.




Bigger maps.


Which out ways the rest of what I have to say.




Balthazar was much easier to beat.

Hps in pof maps too easy compared to hot.

Maybe if they get nerfed up a little it would be better.

No meta events.

No map mechanic masteries like you did with hot.


Things I wish you added.



Player to player trading.

Player to player dueling in open world.

Underwater mount.

Adding a game changing feature no mmo has like you did with gliding.



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1) Mounts!

2) Unidentified gear! Great space saver!

3) Story really engaging.

4) Awesome to revisit Crystal Dester/Vabbi Lore/History.

5) Dwarven ruins at Derelict Delve were awesome. Spent several hours there alone.



1) To get springer mount, needed 4th Raptor mastery tier but few mastery points were doable without other mounts. (this may be my ineptitude)

2) Graphical issue: after dismounting, character model’s arms are spread like wings. Remounting and dismounting again usually fixes.

3) Would like to see attention given to PvP/WvW.


After epilogue; I hope we eventually go to Cantha.

Overall PoF is Great!


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Do not like the aggro radius of mobs it's way over blown. I rarely stop to gather in the desert maps because it means what feels like 10 minutes worth of fighting. They also respawn too fast. Less aggro radius, longer respawn rate, or just less mobs in general would be nice. Hard to enjoy exploring when you can't stop to enjoy the scenery.


Do not like how to acquire the exotic weapons for the elite specialization collections. Drop rates are way too low.

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Desolation is by far the least fun zone I've seen in the game (and one of the worst in all of the MMORPGs that I've played).


Get knocked off from mount by unavoidable attacks, and you're as good as dead, because you'll get mobbed and cc'd by dozen aggros (many of which are vets) or die from sulfur. Certainly doesn't help that there's far too few waypoints. Trying to get full exploration there is making me hate the game.

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OK, I finally was able to buy a copy, and have been playing. I say it's pretty darned good.


Two things come to mind, though:


First, the mini-map needs to be fixed (or rebuilt from the ground up). Verticality still exists, but at least there are only three levels on the three maps I've so far visited. Changes needed:


* Allow us to tailor the up and down arrow colors. I'm partially blue/yellow colorblind, so they look nearly identical to me. I have to zoom in to see if the arrow points up or down, but zooming carries problems as well.

* Once we've been to the levels on any spot on the map, show those levels in the mini-map. Perhaps as dashed lines of the same colors as the arrows (after they've been fixed -- see above).

* SPOILER!!! - in the battle where Balthazar sends you to that other plane of existence, please note that the emotions you are trying to get characters to "feel" is exactly how many of your PLAYERS felt in some of the boss battles in HoT. And, it's not a good feeling. I mean, really, the only way to complete a couple of those (solo) is to die 50 times, until I exploit the game's saving of damage done. Ugly. Please avoid this for future bosses that are not a "Group Event".


Overall, it's an excellent release.


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Amazing expansion, 10/10.


My only concern is the following: currently you can "Praise Joko!" at statues around Domain of Vabbi by doing /kneel or /salute in front of the statue.


This is not enough.


I need to be able to "Praise Joko!" (/praisejoko?) anywhere in Tyria.


A portable statue of his Greatness may suffice.

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