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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @Regi.7804 said:


> Amazing expansion, 10/10.


> My only concern is the following: currently you can "Praise Joko!" at statues around Domain of Vabbi by doing /kneel or /salute in front of the statue.


> This is not enough.


> I need to be able to "Praise Joko!" (/praisejoko?) anywhere in Tyria.


> A portable statue of his Greatness may suffice.


a perfect score? if that was true, they would have sold a lot more

this expansion has many problems with bugs and overtuned mobs, and now they have twice as many classes to balance

and it made the gear gap even larger

it is a little better , than HoT, but that doesnt say much


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i was a little upset after heart of thrones my interest waned to the point i debated whether to buy or not. i decided to buy for my main account and im pleasantly surprised. i like the maps and i i have always hated mounts in other games but i like how they are done in the expansion.. the fighting was the best part of hot because it taught me new ways to fight and i see pat keep many of the same techniques. i didn't like the narrow or alleyways in hot maps but the pof maps are ways better constructed. in combat you still got to watch how far you move away but i like the more freedom of movement. the elites I'm not crazy about but it may be time to get used to them. they are a few bugs and thing that i don't care for but the positives outweigh them by lots. i was a little confused by the re playable hero points at first. i give it a 7 out of 10 where as hot got more like 4 out of 10

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Here my feedback about Path Of Fire, pros AND cons: Can't make under 100 words, to much to say! So sorry if i'm over 100 words a lot of posters are over this limit. Take the shorter version if you prefer.


Long Version

>! **Pros:** **-Mounts** are awesome, look great, amazing animations but not a very great diversity yet... what about adding new ones? as skin, don't know? Fox, a little Dragon, Phenix, Lizard, Golem ?? And also please, make skimmer faster on ground, she is hovering so don't get slow down by ground! And by the way, shouldn't despawn after a timer/ burn on lava in mount maelstrom. **-Events and quests** , great really look like the world is living, add a fresh touch to old event system, more sophisticated: Kormir temple event and quest as example. :D, some part are kinda isolated so a very few more waypoints can be great for future maps, I think about "deadlock sweep", "shoals of sovereignty" or "enchanted bluffs". -Unidentified Gear, really fun, and all kind of rarity, nice new weapons stuff/armors, want more armors like this! Why not a medium one with jewels? :) **-Great environment** Music, Sand, Water, Stigmatized hurricane well done in Vabbi. The ambiance is great, we have fun totally the opposite of HoT maps, here it's easy to get masteries and earn the xp needed due to the fact that events are fun! **-Most Elites** are great :D , but I will keep saying that Holosmith is very aesthetic BUT unfinished, either you do the five first skills to work with heat due to the sword or you do anything! Firebrand, Spellbreaker are okay. Soulbeast feel "meh". About deadeye, I love the idea and the skills, but he is so under-powered; how many people did I saw have a very bad time to kill an hydra as deadeye.... **Cons:** **-The awful story**, personally have enough of this dragon stuff parasiting the whole game, the personal story annoy you with that after lvl40, want more customizable story about our unique character, so predictable, seem to be written by a 7 year old child. No emotions, no intensity, seem that nothing can stop us, very boring concept, we can't defeat a god like this! HE IS A GOD! And we are nothing: the proof: he hurts us severely during his fights, like the grenth domain part but again, like we are invincible because you can escape... :'( **-Maps design**, don't get me wrong, I love these new maps; but I am a great fan of Egyptian Mythology, and so I can't handle some things. All your areas loading screens are LIES, what about this beautiful Egyptian temple on Crystal Oasis loading screen? Unfindable! Highland one stay neutral, and Vabbi's one is better than the reality. So, when you show something, we must find it like loading screen: like Divinity Reach and Rata Sum which are Okay. Some parts of maps seem empty. Don't know, maybe I expected more Pyramids and Egyptian temples? I'm disappointed. :( **-Great deception** about GUILD HALL, Lost Precipice were the better for me, A lot of explorable areas and caverns, a great design and organization. The new ones seem very small for me, too small, can't think of anything a home for me, a great place to place decos... nothing. Windswept haven is the worst: No beautiful spot or very rare, and a real mess, seem like builds were put randomly. And some stupid buried ones, with only the roof seeable and so can't access inside. :'(


100 Words Version:

Pros: -Mounts awesome, amazing animations but not a great diversity.

-Events and quests interesting, make the world more living.

-Environment well done: water, sand, hurricanes...

-Elites are mostly great apart the weak deadeye for exemple...


Cons: -Awful story seem to be writted by a kid and enough of dragons, also against the idea of killing balthazar so easily.

-Maps design: Loading screens are lies when you compare it to actual foundable things... No egyptian temples...

-Guild Hall too small and uncreative , bad organization and design compared to lost precipice.


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It's been nearly a month since I gave my first impression and I have (to my amazement) gotten quite far in the storyline and on the map. One thing I want to say is that it feels like I'm playing the game BACKWARDS. Everything just got easier and it was near impossible for me to begin with. The first few missions were so horrible, I had to do them over and over again to succeed. Getting to and unlocking the mastery points for the mounts was a pain, as it was all trial and error (oops... I don't have the required prerequisites... sigh....). The missions seems to be getting easier as well. It's very very odd.

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The Good.

Maps are large, interesting, and lend to exploration.

Mounts are fun and easy to learn.

Story was good, fun to play, difficult enough to make you pay attention.

Art direction is phenomenal.


The Bad.

Specializations. Some seemed well thought out others seemed very rushed and poorly thought out. Some specializations have very little if any use in PVE.

No new legendary weapon released with the expac.

Rewards as a whole are very, very lack luster.

Griffons are cool but a gold sink and oh my god, to upgrade your bags cost almost as much as making a gen2 legendary.

No new raid content.

No new Fractal.

No new playable race.

No new class.

No new sPvP content.

No new WvW content. A huge opportunity was missed here especially. i Know that it has been stated that updates to WvW would happen on their own timeline but this is an expansion that only expanded on 1/3 of the game as a whole. It would have gone a long way in the WvW and sPvP community to have done something for these communities for the expansion. Now we just feel further ignored.

As far as WvW and sPvP are concerned it seems that very little effort was put into balance of the new elites. not only that it seems that the Devs have a very poor understanding of the mechanics of those 2 game modes. Such as the ridiculous condi spam and now all the boon hate on top of that.

Although the new maps are nice and all, There isn't much replay-ability on them. Bounties are fun for the first few times but once your collection or achievements are done the rewards are so poor that the bounties dont offer much of an incentive to do over again.

This was promoted as something that was going to feel like a very large story chapter and if it was to feel like that, why no new currencies per map? why no unique ascended items per map like we got in season 3? it would have been logical to continue that trend in this expansion.

This one is nit picky and i can admit to this: Fashion wars......... enough with the butt capes and trench-coats. Die channels could have been done far better.

And metas. Why are there no real large scale metas. At least that is an incentive for people to be on the maps and play together to achieve something on a regular basis.


To be fair i'm not calling this a bad expac. I have enjoyed it. However, after a month im left frustrated in that it could have been so much more. It should have offered so much more replayability. There is really no reason to be on the PoF maps anymore.

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Just finished the story on my first character after a month. Stunningly beautiful world, garbage story. The underworld bit was ok, but aside from that, it's painful to even imagine dragging myself through that whole thing again on other characters knowing I'll have to tab out each time those three useless sidekicks run their unfunny mouths and giggle to distract from something of the plot line.

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I Have to agree!. The story sucks! you fight Balthazar and he virtually wastes you in 5 seconds and only by the incredible Sacrifice of a Dragon who has not even met you, do you survive. So! what do you do? you fight Balthazar again a little while later, without not having found anyway to even start rebalancing the odds of such a fight, and so the god plays around with you before slaying you of course. Then! by some Incredible co-incidence, there is a way for you to resurrect yourself, courtesy of the very god that slayed you. Prior to this Second deadly fight, you have decided that you must keep Aurene away from the god for she is needed for him to succeed in his Grandiose plan, only to see a Baby Dragon Aurene, woefully underpowered, come flying over and land in his grasp.


Mindnumbing and Intellect draining, having to spend 50 minutes working to ress myself on a fight that only a suicidal person would have attempted, and yet you are supposedly the Commander and leader of the forces of life and good.


Get a real storyteller next time please.


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> @Persis.6710 said:

> I Have to agree!. The story sucks! you fight Balthazar and he virtually wastes you in 5 seconds and only by the incredible Sacrifice of a Dragon who has not even met you, do you survive. So! what do you do? you fight Balthazar again a little while later, without not having found anyway to even start rebalancing the odds of such a fight, and so the god plays around with you before slaying you of course. Then! by some Incredible co-incidence, there is a way for you to resurrect yourself, courtesy of the very god that slayed you. Prior to this Second deadly fight, you have decided that you must keep Aurene away from the god for she is needed for him to succeed in his Grandiose plan, only to see a Baby Dragon Aurene, woefully underpowered, come flying over and land in his grasp.


> Mindnumbing and Intellect draining, having to spend 50 minutes working to ress myself on a fight that only a suicidal person would have attempted, and yet you are supposedly the Commander and leader of the forces of life and good.


Bad! . . .painfully Bad!



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There's far too much to comment on, so I'm going to restrict this post to one topic: the character assassination of Balthazar.


## What is Character Assassination?


This is the definition that I will be using for the term, taken from a blogger who summarizes it quite nicely:


_This moment when we, as the viewer, feel betrayed, because the character we have fallen in love with, the character who has won our hearts, has suddenly turned into a total and horrendous jerkface._


Character assassination is something that happens in long-running series where the writing direction changes and a new villain is required for the chopping block. The effect this kind of writing has is more noticeable on long-standing fans of a franchise and [the results are well documented in the world of comic books.](https://screenrant.com/best-crazy-comics-book-retcons-worst/ "the results are well documented in the world of comic books.")


In my opinion, it's never a good idea to take characters who fans of the franchise know and love and turn them into "the worst villain imaginable", especially when it's such a sharp turn that only had two episodes of build-up between Flashpoint and Path of Fire. I was personally disappointed that a character with over ten years of history was reduced to the Balthazar that we saw in Path of Fire, mostly because I've been playing Guild Wars 1 since the year it released and he always seemed more interesting in the original series than he was portrayed here in this story.

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These thoughts are shared a month after Path of Fire's release. Also, I mainly play PvE and there's minor spoilers here.


Things I love:

1. Mounts

2. The new maps/Crystal Desert. Love the low number of WPs

4. The personal story (overall).

5. New elite specs are very compelling thematically. Love the concept of Mirage and Deadeye.

6. Various events and metas


Things I Hate:

1. Balthazar's a bland one dimensional villain.


It's difficult to keep this under 100 words. Overall I'm having a incredible experience and I think just need a little polishing done to increase replay ability.

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+Animations are awesome

+open world is so much better with them

-the griffon (owlphone?) is the tofu version of a real flying mount, it feels more like a frog than a bird. I dont like the handling.

-rock paper scissors style abilities: this is especially bad in the new maps were you constantly have to change mounts

-only one dye channel



+they look great

-bad influence from mounts: not enough waypoints, rock paper scissors terrain

-hearts are not fun and badly tuned

-bounties needs balancing



+is great, but music is turned off because of




in HoT the class weapons were in a good spot: play the new maps and you get an ascended weapon for cheap

in PoF they require an expensive drop which translates to most efficient goldfarm, which is one of the more toxic parts of gw2. Devs shouldnt encourage players to go there.



-The game feels old because so much is unchanged for 5 years. (traits and abilities)

-every efficient groupplay is a meleeblob, because of how buffs and heals work, this results in poor builddiversity

-Most classes have the same problems they had at the start of the game or even worse because most balance changes were done by PVP devs.

for example ranger: after 5 years there's still no reason to use longbow in pve besides sitting afk on a rock because i dont get any buffs, even the furybuff from the pet is melee. Or take the beastmastery traitline: there isnt even a single mastertrait for pve. Soulbeast is just another meleeblobbuild.



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I guess I am the only one underwhelmed, mounts are great but for me the rest is somewhat meh, the story has some huge holes & issues (I will not go into for spoiler reasons), the maps are okay big & somewhat empty, the bounties seem pointless to me unless you need to collect every trinket & back in the game, game play is same as every other map, dont matter a damn what your build is you can plow mobs, the new meta's are near all the one build viper for most all, before their was a point in having some power gear for some chars now it seems pointless & the time/mats/gold are wasted now, yes I know no one is forced to follow the meta track but if you wish to compete you have no option, I for one just cant bring my self to spend all that time crafting, farming, etc again, maybe it was just bad timing or something but game as a whole is run of the mill, by that I mean vanilla & both xpacs, its the community that make this game stand out from the crowd, I will keep checking back weekly or so to see if world bosses get or something interesting gets added to pof maps.


This is my point of view alone & I will enter into no arguments with any one that wished to disagree, you are entitled to agree or disagree as you see fit, but I choose not to reply to any comments.


I love the gw2 community best community of any game I have played over the last 25 years, the pof for me was a letdown.

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New Specilized Weapons Collections:


What idiot thought it would be a good idea to make one of the items a very rare drop and consequenlty an expensive TP purchase? Especially as once bought and bound is useless as it is replaced by an ascended weapon. I hate farming/grinding and like to earn things through actually playing the game and doing missions/quests for things like with the original Specilized Weapons Collections in HoT which gave a way to get ascended weapons without grinding/farming or being rich. I have 6 characters now that each need a rare drop to complete the collection or I need lots more gold than I have to buy them and that sucks big time - as do the standards of drops I get.

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The Departing. This storyline will probably be where I have to end. I just spent a lot of time in there only to meet the final boss who was impossible for me. Is it really necessary to put something like this at the end of a long story segment? That was an hour or more of wasted time. I'm mad because it stops me from completing PoF. Majorly disappointed.

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I love the direction PoF has gone. The story was really interesting. mounts are sexy, the new elite specs are decent (some a bit too strong, others lack a bit of everything) and the references, OMG the references to gw1! (i'm still pissed


Sadly there are a few little QoL changes that could make the PoF maps and general expansion repeatable/more playable.

* Add more events/Meta's around the maps... BUT update and increase the rewards.

* Rewards in general. bounties, events, meta's name it all. the rewards are so lack luster, no one really wants to participate anywhere

* some mobs (djinn specially, can 1 shot about everyone :< it hurts!

* the amount of achievement points coming with an expansion should be higher then any other seasonal update. someone on reddit did some maths and you'll get more AP from halloween (doing it every year till now) then you get from PoF.


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Nothing new to do. No new types of gameplay. Lack of content. Maps are boring, empty and pointless. Aggro mobs are not content and don't make a map less empty. Immersive interactive content is what makes a map full. The content that you haven't ever created, preferring to just copy paste the same pointless aggro mob killing kitten over and over again. The story could not have been worse or more railroaded. I'd be fine with a short story if it was well written and really made me feel like I had agency and actually accomplished something on my own verse another reliance on deus ex machina at every step. "Victory was taken from you by writer fiat. Now it’s being foisted on you by writer fiat."


The events which still reward less than the cost of a port aren't even worth farming, especially considering how long they take to do.


All the aesthetic content seems to have been axed and put on the gem store.


Meta events wouldn't save the content because meta events are crap. Meta events turn players into cogs rather than individual players which is the same reason why I dislike raids and Fractals. I don't want to be just another person wailing on a mob using cheat codes to pump up its stats and give it bs immunities. That isn't fun for me and I have never once understood how or why players enjoy doing that in raids and fractals. At least in normal events you actually feel like you are making a difference individually for the 5 minutes that the ride lasts before the game resets and completely undermines all the effort you put in to save the npcs from being killed by Joko's minions.


PoF is only better than HoT because HoT was the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to game expansions. There has never been a worse expansion than HoT.

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:+1: =

-Mounts refresh and revitalize the process of map exploration. Movement is a joy now.

-Story was engaging and fun. Definitely had me hooked. loved the afterlife level and sohothin felt great to use!

-Bounty trains are great!

-The griffon quest integrated lore into mount acquisition really well. I'd love to see more mount-related collection quests like that in the future, minus the gold paywall!

-Scored beautifully.

-Map designs were a lot of fun to explore.

-New elite specs are awesome! Scourge is my favorite, but Spellbreaker is also really aesthetically pleasing.


:-1: =

I feel like things are starting to get locked behind bigger and bigger paywalls. Glider skins were cheap enough that you could buy one that you wanted and be done with it, but if i didn't just happen to have a year and a half's worth of gold sitting in my bank I'd never have gotten my griffon. The new RNG lootboxes to get mount skins are insulting and a huge cashgrab marring an otherwise highly enjoyable experience. They're super exploitative of people with poor impulse control, and I'd hoped Anet would be savvy enough to know it'd be way better PR to let people just.... buy what they want.


Also, I wish there was more to do on the desert maps in terms of meta once all the story stuff was completed : (

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