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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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* Story

* Mounts

* Awesome Istan with amazing lore, stunning graphics, and attention to detail

* Currency not cluttering storage - that was the best probably

* Less time-gated stuff (do this grind for 7 days, then grind for 5 days more) - very happy here


Some suggestions:

* **Update collections / achievement UI**: it is getting hard to navigate. I like completing achievements, but I don't like completed ones obstructing my view. A quick checkbox 'hide completed' would be very helpful, but a larger overhaul would be very welcome as well

* **Update bug reporting UI (revisit / add options)**. Bizarrely, there are categories missing. For example, there is old Beta (which is I believe for Beta HoT), but there is no category for story, whether it's a personal or living world. Also there is no ping saying 'we've looked at it, thanks'. I'm not even sure my feedback is being looked at nowadays, which used to be not the case :(

* **Add upgradable gathering tools** - volatile magic tools will be a new thing after unstable magic ones. Many people already bought unstable magic tools. I find it very annoying carrying multiple ones. How about a tool that combines all currencies / allows to toggle between them? Less storage clutter that way. I'll be also happy to buy tools skins (love the necromancer ones), if it's just how they look but give me the resource I want.

* **Story plotting / key secrets revealing - make sure players know all information**, otherwise a glorious revelation will be substituted with player confusion. Previous GW episode sometimes make little sense when your character speaks of something they are apparently deeply familiar with but you are not. Here is an example: Living World 3, Kerida's identity gets revealed, my character goes: 'Livia? The Livia?' and I'm thinking 'Who is it exactly? Am I supposed to be surprised?'. You can find references to Livia in previous instance, but you have to be looking for them. What if you did not find them? Instead of being awed, I got confused.

* **Story onboarding - make sure key characters are introduced**. This is very helpful to a new player if you are interested in them getting into the story faster. I onboarded during Living World season 1 and it started for me with everybody celebrating victory, talking to my character like they know them, and me thinking 'Who are these people and why are they acting like we've known each other for a while?' That was probably not the smoothest introduction to Kasmeer, Braham, Rox, and the rest of the company.

* **Make more events scalable**. You have to do everything in the new content asap because once the bulk of people are done with achievements you are in a tough spot - the content is not for solo / small group of people, and there is no larger group. I'd be very curious what happens to Choya Pinata in a couple of months... actually it will probably not happen at all because it will be not possible to trigger it as very few people will be there to collect coins in the first place. Once again, this kind of kills an interest of a person who just started playing.

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I wish there was some kind of alert for story missions before starting each mission that player 2 is almost useless and will have to redo the mission themselves to get the achievements. 100% of my gaming is with my husband, but since the last living story before PoF, I've noticed that quite a few of the missions don't let the 2nd character do anything but be a helper. Why can't there be a "please note you're pointless, do this one on your own" warning before the ones that should be done by one person only? Time's limited to maybe an hour or two a night to play, so knowing ahead of time would have been great.

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Having thought about it for a while, I like the expac, mounts are a great addition, I love the map designs, and the new elite specs are awesome.... Though I wish there where one or two heart of thorns style map wide metas (like tarir or dragons stand) or even world bosses (set time, everyone shows up and makes a go of it) to keep me coming back to some of these maps again and again. Also, I thought that the masteries are a little too quick to gain compared with Heart of Thorns masteries.

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Griffon Mount Collection:


Awesome idea, putting a really nice mount as a bonus. However, the collection is rediculous! Why? Because of the required Legendary bounty that is impossible to complete without a group!


The legendary event is the last collection item. I was so happy to see the bounty on the boards, grabbed it, went to the location and wasted 10m sitting looking at a mob I cannot kill! Fun. I tagged up, spoke in map chat, listed in LFG, I got ONE player show up. Needless to say we couldn't complete the stupid event on our own. I'd like to see this item removed from the collection.

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I would suggest adding either Funerary Incense or Amalgamated Gemstones to the PoF metas. I would enjoy participating in them more often, but it’s hard to justify doing them when they are so much less rewarding than other metas. Adding either of those items as part of a “Hero’s choice” type chest would give me more of an excuse to search them out.

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Vista "puzzles" are about as fun as a kick in the balls! I'm fed up of having to look up video guides on every vista I encounter because it's not possible to figure out without spending hours on it!


Gotta go 50miles North, take a random hidden portal that takes you 300 miles East, to get the vista that's nowhere near either of these points! -.-

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**Good things in PoF**

* Mounts are cool (though griffon should be twice cheaper in gold)

* Story is really nice.

* Location appearance is lovely.


**Bad things in PoF**

* Bounties! May be idea is not bad. But implementation is awful. Bounties can hardly be killed with small group. Hence they encourage zerg play. And zerg is extreamly boring.

* Almost nothing to do in this lovely locations!. Few events with unknown timers spread over huge maps (so you don't know which events are up). Only Crystal Oasis have more or less enough events.


In Verdant Brink we have 4 long event chains during daylight lasting more than 1 hour. **We can join any event chain at any moment.** No need to roam the map seeking for event. And then we have awesome 45 min long night meta, where 50-70 players need to cooperate. And night meta is in no way a zerg play. Same thing in Auric Basic and Tangled Depth.

In Dragon's stand we have large meta event lasting for 1.5 hour. And though there's 3 full squads in this meta it still doesn't feel like zerg play because of multiple side events.


PoF locations are heavily lacking long event chains and metas. The only really nice meta is in Domain of Vabby. But Domain of Vabby is so empty that there almost never enough players to do this meta.


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Now that I've finally gotten around to playing the story (late to the party, as usual), I can say that PoF was a new low for me.


Let's break this down:

The story was this weird mix of super predictable main story and pointless side stories.

The main story (if you can even it call that) was: Balthazar is the bad guy, go south and kill him. _And that's exactly what happened._


As this would have made for a pretty short story it was dragged out by all these little side stories.

Some of them literally only were: Run around the map and talk to random people or grind some hearts/mastery. _Nobody needs that, players that want to explore will do so on their own. Imho every part of the story should be instanced and contain either relevant new information, cutscenes, interesting combat or puzzles._


Let's look at the parts of the story that were not just literal filler.

We have sadly way too many bossfights with punching bags that have no meaningful abilities and even if they manage to defeat you, you just respawn a few steps away. When you have finally whittled down their health, they turn invincible and teleport away or defeat the player deus-ex-machina style. _For me this is the worst and most disappointing way to handle a story element like this._


Then we have the puzzle parts that are mostly fine. I say mostly because completing the story as a group _(this is a MMO after all)_ forces everyone but the leader of the instance to idly stand by and wait or "help" as a pointless wisp or ghost with no mentionable power more often than not. _To add insult to this: Many achievements can only be earned by the instance owner for whatever reason._


The final nail in the coffin was the terrible idea of having the character die and then have amnesia in the middle of the story for a pointless recap of all previous stories told in the most boring way possible.


As far as relevant new information goes - there barely was any. We visited Kormir and got the old "you already have everything you need to know" talk as well as them leaving for good now. The whole story about Vlast and the Exalted was pretty meh. Palawa Joko is trapped, Kralkatorrik is still out there and well that was about it.


In the end we celebrated with a lot of characters I had already forgotten about, and I loved how the pc was like "let's get this over with, I don't want to be here", as that was exactly what I was thinking all along.

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Wow, thanks for the work you did in PoF. I LOVE the mounts, just wish you made RNG on the mount skins more specific to a particular mount, or no RNG at all. As I often don't play in groups, mounts have been a refreshing welcome to me. They have helped with moving around in the frustrating HoT area, so a HUGE thank you from me. I have shown my thanks by plowing money into the gem store, and getting my wife and son into GW2 as well. So, thanks!


I found the story enjoyable. Not too long or short.


You turned a boring desert, into a aesthetically wonderful place. Well done.


I honestly don't mind the lack of a meta event in the desert area, I think we have quite a few already (IMHO), and it would just reduce the number of players in the other older maps.


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To say that the mobs and events in the new zones need a nerf, is a galactic understatement!


I am fed up of being practically one-shot by everything, then having to trek the 5000miles back from the nearest waypoint. Who's bright idea was it to put so few waypoints in the maps?!


I am fed up of trying to get the Griffon mount, which is tied to huge group events, and only 5 people turn up :\ Great, thanks for letting all the other players get this mount because they were in the right place at the right time to get said event. I'm tired of camping the ENTIRE DAY for one event!!!!


Also, why bother giving us mounts when you spend the entire time walking anyways?! Because you're constantly in combat and dismounted from the OP mobs that 2-shot your mount! Yeah, I really enjoy having to kill every mob in the area just to mount up, it's fun ... not. -.- Someone told me this would get better with the Jackal evasion mastery ... well, it makes NO difference at all! I'm still dismounted all the time. Maybe if we could mount IN combat, this wouldn't be an issue!


I also was forced to give up on a Mastery point that required some "rare" items from killing certain types of mobs in the zone, because one of these items simply WILL NOT drop for me! I've spent over 90 minutes on this now! I asked in map chat, and a lot of players replied saying it took them on average 5 minutes per item!!! Why does it take me over 90 then? Killing the SAME mobs in the SAME areas?! How is that fair? No the item is not in my bag, or bank or on another character, I've looked.

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With a new set of elite specializations, I feel like we finally NEED build templates. Currently, if you want to change from Condi Scourge to Power Reaper, you need to change specializations, skills, armour, and weapons, which can add up to a lot of time spent pretty fast if you need to swap every time you do fractals or raids or metas.

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Flat out loved everything about PoF except one thing, the Meta events in HoT were better, PoF for me was a quick play through and then I put the game down. When HoT came out I was farming events for over a year. I really feel like HoT executed bringing people together event wise better than PoF. So instead of playing I have been just waiting for the next expansion :'(

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I agree that POF was a much more fun experience than HOT except for one part of it. The serpent Ire's meta is downright terrible at its current state. I wasn't quite active during release so I can't speak of it then but at it's current state the meta suffers from inadequate rewards and terrible scaling. This makes getting the gated collection behind it impossible. Honestly there's barely anyone doing it this days and if we do somehow get a group going its often too small to impact the second phase at all. Basically everyone treats it as a one time do and begone kinda thing which severely hampers the experience for players only getting to this stage.

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Do not get me wrong I love a lot of POF, but that being said, Guildwars/Anet makes a huge deal of promoting their nerfs of characters skills to "balance gameplay" but take forever to nerf the enemy skill powers in the main maps. POF maps are like walking down a hallway 2 feet wide and not hitting an enemy mob, that decimates characters especially when solo. I realize that this is a level 80 expansion, but to not be able to stop moving unless on top of the world, and sometimes not even then is truly gross. We need a culling of the numbers on these maps, balance the condi gang bangs that occur everywhere we go, and decrease both the numbers of vets and the agro Zones. of enemies. You Guys are great about killing our ability to fight efficiently time to balance your little creations, and stop driving players out of solo play. I belong to a small guild, and rarely have guildies with me for most of the basic stuff, but leaving more and more frustrated daily is making me not want to play a game that has been my solace for over five years now. It is sad that their is always something that is horribly unbalanced in each Expac, and in this one, a beautiful creation on many levels, your lack of balance with mobs, agro zones, and overpowered conditions for enemies ruins something I generally loved. but now these issue I point out are emptying the maps and slowly the game.

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I am finished the first story line for POF. I killed that god! As an elementalist it killed me to have to give up the berserker gear and switch to sentinel to make it through the zone. The mobs here are even tougher than HOT and you gave us no upgraded gear to deal with them. The mounts never mattered to me in the first place but it is a nice change but only having 4 or 5 is freaking dumb. Mounts shouldn't be limited to just those five. I can honestly say if another expansion comes out, I doubt I will but it as playing POF did add to my stress level just from the amount of mobs that hit like a ton of bricks. I'd rather of had upgraded gear to handle the new mobs over a new elite specialization. I think it's time to come out with improved level 80 gear or nerf the zone.

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> @"Rentapest.6503" said:

> To say that the mobs and events in the new zones need a nerf, is a galactic understatement!


> I am fed up of being practically one-shot by everything, then having to trek the 5000miles back from the nearest waypoint. Who's bright idea was it to put so few waypoints in the maps?!


> I am fed up of trying to get the Griffon mount, which is tied to huge group events, and only 5 people turn up :\ Great, thanks for letting all the other players get this mount because they were in the right place at the right time to get said event. I'm tired of camping the ENTIRE DAY for one event!!!!


> Also, why bother giving us mounts when you spend the entire time walking anyways?! Because you're constantly in combat and dismounted from the OP mobs that 2-shot your mount! Yeah, I really enjoy having to kill every mob in the area just to mount up, it's fun ... not. -.- Someone told me this would get better with the Jackal evasion mastery ... well, it makes NO difference at all! I'm still dismounted all the time. Maybe if we could mount IN combat, this wouldn't be an issue!


> I also was forced to give up on a Mastery point that required some "rare" items from killing certain types of mobs in the zone, because one of these items simply WILL NOT drop for me! I've spent over 90 minutes on this now! I asked in map chat, and a lot of players replied saying it took them on average 5 minutes per item!!! Why does it take me over 90 then? Killing the SAME mobs in the SAME areas?! How is that fair? No the item is not in my bag, or bank or on another character, I've looked.


I bet it was the same feather I threw away. Make a ticket and they will check to see if you did and give it to you. I didn't realize it was needed and trashed it and another wouldn't drop and I tried for days and made the ticket! Good luck!

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> @"Ellisande.5218" said:

Aggro mobs are not content and don't make a map less empty. Immersive interactive content is what makes a map full. The content that you haven't ever created, preferring to just copy paste the same pointless aggro mob killing kitten over and over again.


> The events which still reward less than the cost of a port aren't even worth farming, especially considering how long they take to do.


> All the aesthetic content seems to have been axed and put on the gem store.


> PoF is only better than HoT because HoT was the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to game expansions. There has never been a worse expansion than HoT.


I agree! i finished POF but I will not clear all the zones as i can't being a solo elementalist. I have gotten 3/4 of desolation done and just don't have it in me to try anymore. i hate dying so much even in sentinel gear. I have gotten to the point when I log in to play, I just stand around and can't bring myself to play it. I even opened up some of the living stories I missed wanting to do them but POF's desolation just burnt me out.

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graphics, music



too much platforming (with mounts added, its another level of platforming),

i miss map METAs - it was fun when all players on map had same goal and had to work together - my favourite ones were Silverwastes and Verdant Brink


I appreciate all the effort of GW team but right now I rather play alts or HoT or Silverwastes maps than PoF expansion which I did not complete yet. I feel that GW2 is too much of platformer for me because if I am stuck in progress it is usually not because my character is too weak but rather because I am lost... and it should never be this way in MMORPG.

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**For Arenanet staff: The bit I most would like you to read is my expansion suggestion at the bottom. <3**


**Mounts:** I anticipated mounts to ruin the game but having since acquired them all and maxed the masteries I have to say I feel these were executed very well and have made my game much more enjoyable. I also have a lot of appreciation for how much work must have been put into every map in the game to make them harder to break out of. My old under/over map hangouts have been blocked off!


**Story:** Really enjoyed the story, I intend to replay it on another character soon. I loved the final instance but having recently replayed the arah story instance a few times I can't help but feel a little sad that arah has been made to be incredibly anti climatic in terms of difficulty, which is what makes the final PoF instance so EPIC, HoT's too.


**Open world:**

**Mobs:** I like that these all seem to kick a lot of bottom. However it does mean I'm less inclined to spend time doing exploring and doing map completion than I am with core Tyria or HoT of which I sometimes just 100% a map because I feel like it (and for transmute stones or keys)

**Maps:** Really pretty I have much appreciation for the art. However, aside from the issue mentioned above I feel about as drawn to doing bounties as I am drawn to doing core tyria world bosses (in that I am not drawn to them at all except maybe I'll do core Tyria bosses because they're in a map I'm completing for fun or I'm feeling nostalgic). I absolutely love HoT meta events, particularly Dragon's Stand but PoF maps don't seem to provide as much events like these that give the same teamwork effect, if they have I haven't found them and haven't seen anyone talking about them, as these maps are so huge I feel like we're all missing a trick there.


Overall I enjoy it, it looks good, it's challenging and mounts are great. However I find myself drawn more to HoT or Core Tyria than I do to PoF.


**Suggestion for a future expansion: As with GW1 I feel strongly about a Hard Mode setting. Two versions of every map, everything the same except for mob AI and level of rewards. I'd suggest the current PoF maps getting a slight increase in difficulty and rewards with HoT maps difficulty/rewards relatively increased to be on par. Core Tyria is currently what I'd consider the "normal mode" level of difficulty and reward. So an expansion could be "Core Tyria Hard Mode" to include the normal modes of HoT and PoF which would be the HoT and PoF maps we know and love today just downgraded to be of similair difficulty as Core Tyria is. I imagine that to be a massive programming undertaking but... it would render the entire game accessible and give the old maps reasons to be more occupied (all without having to come up with any new art or content).**


Thank you very much for making these games and making these stories, they have been a very big part of my life!


PS: If you could make a use for gifts of exploration other than legendaries I'd be very very happy, none of the legendaries interest me so the one reward for 100% mapping is kind of wasted on me. :P <3

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