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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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About the release:

Surprises are only good when people can actually enjoy them. As an EU player the first few days were brutal on the new maps.

Also it feels like the problems with most of the professions/new weapons could have been avoided with more beta testing.


About the content:

I love everything, even with bugs, but why not even ONE new meta map after people got so used to it in HoT?

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I dislike the lack of large scale, rewarding, and repeatable content. I would have really liked it if one (just one) of the zones had been like Silverwastes, player driven (not on timer like HOT) map meta with events.


Once completed (masteries, any desired achievements, story, etc) I don't see any reason to play the new maps.


Bounties are basically just spawnable Champ Trains which is old content with a new spin.


Elementalist Sword sucks. It's auto attacks are slower than 2h weapons for each class.

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Commonly video games entice inattentive people, immitating action movies where instead of narrative tension and character building you have hopscotching between the settings to trumpet the the awe, the spectacle and the quirkiness. Whilst artists and designers did a great job with tastefuly crafted set-pieces there isn't much of a continuity in overarching storyline.


Path of Fire appears to be more of a advertisement, not only appealing to the viewers primary senses in a quick snapshot but also reiterating the last year of developmental changes. Demonstrating Anet has learned their lesson since HoT's launch & made great strides to improve their game whilst leaving you on a cliffhanger earning for more.



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Map design.




Bounties (they get boring quickly, require too much travelling).

Soloable hero points (I think the 10-point ones should be group content - _unpopular opinion_ ).

New elite specs (balance issues).



Story is too short.

Locking story behind masteries. Please don't interrupt my story with mastery hunt/exp grind!

No map-wide meta events.

Way too many mobs and they have a huge aggro radius - always in combat, hard to use mounts/waypoints/map.

Not enough armor skins and they are not available in the wardrobe for preview.

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The story features too much dialogue, running around and waiting which makes it frustrating for subsequent play-throughs with different characters. The hearts don't seem to fit a lvl 80 high level map. Most of them require too much time to complete for very little reward. No map wide organized meta events like Dragon Stand or silverwastes to continuously bring me back to the maps. I don't find bounties and redoing hearts as engaging end game content.

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I love the mounts. Doing the story with a friend was a lot of fun. We loved Act 1 and Act 2, but Act 3 felt rushed and we were surprised to be at the final boss already. Exploring the new maps has been fun so far, we'll see if I miss having "map metas" to complete on regular, PREDICTABLE timers. Thanks for the fun!

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Aight, here i go: Maps are stunning, with being able to rushed through if you are burning to finish the story, but enough incentive to occasionally stop and require resources (although raptor 3 for the bunny felt a bit forced tbh), but enough depth to return, explore and stay, so very good design in that aspect. The story was very well paced, with some good chuckles, overall character synergy and developement, and a bit of replayability due to the differences in choices and Sohothin. Character balances still needs to be done though, firebrand and weaver are busted.

97 in total ;)

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The maps are phenomenal, a sheer pleasure to explore, augmented of course by the equally phenomenal mounts. Speaking of, the entire ‘hidden’ Griffon quest chain is (imo) some of the very best content GW2 has produced so far. Detailed, engaging, an awesome reward - more of this, please. Story was on the whole excellent; started strong, dipped a little towards the end, but peaked again for the finale. Some of the timed achievements are a bit too unforgiving, however. Overall, I’ve loved experiencing PoF so far, and better yet I’m not even close to exhausting the content. Scourge FTW!

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Love maps. So much. Please give your environment artists a balloon and a cake. I'm happy PoF is light on map-wide metas, but hope for one during season 4. Wish I could swap pets while merged as a SB. Wish I could right-click fractal chests. Kinda feel like the story got a bit rushed towards the beginning of Act 3 (flying through Desolation so quickly), but nonetheless had a very satisfying and polished finale, imo. Overall, PoF is the best content you've delivered for GW2, by far, and I love that it doesn't invalidate older content by replacing their metas, in fact, I'd argue PoF has enriched this content by way of making mounts available. Thank you.


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1. Allow the Mirage to dodge roll or at least move with the same distance in the same time frame when dodge backwards. Dodging back right now triggers Mirage Cloak but your just walking backwards at a snails pace.

2. Rework Mirage s bit to include phantasms and rework core mesmer since many of the Mirages problems are born from there

3. Controlling the Awakened was way to similar to controlling the Withered in WoW the version in this game is basically a lighter version to WoW's

4. More underwater content and TLC is needed for underwater in general in this game

5. Mobs dropping new pairs of pants are a hallmark to all expansions thus even if its ugly new skins and gear dropping from mobs is the core of an expansion

6. No matter what you add it doesn't matter if the foundation isn't good and this game needs to fill in LS1 and address some issues with HoT or people will quit before they even see PoF.

7. Lastly new expansion new maps to spread the base thinner so nerf the difficulty of old maps so its easier for new players to experience before hitting the meat of a new expansion. As again they'll quit before ever getting to the new stuff if they start failing old events because the majority of players are somewhere else.

8. Oh allow the player the choice to side with Joko instead of some future arc to fight him he is a stabilizing force and he should stay in power.

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Mounts are wonderfully well-implemented, storytelling is at its best, maps continue to be beautiful, collecting chests instead of coins for achivements is more satisfying. Armor skins are somewhat ugly (too much assymetry, heavy armor makes characters look fat, etc.), and the two elite specs I've played are disappointing (firebrand and renegade). I enjoy a strong, focused theme, and firebrand seems to juggle between two (is he a axe-wielding barbarian, or a support nerdy scholar? Both themes don't seem to fit together). But Renegade is just a mess. There's no gameplay flow to it. It's possibly the most poorly-made spec in this game, in my opinion.

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-Overall an amazing experience, great designs and a surprisingly good story.

-I don't know how I ever lived without mounts!

-Bounty rewards should be improved so that they could compete with Silverwastes farm (let us stay in the new zones without feeling like we're being punished or held behind for it)

-Mirage is still underwhelming.

1. Can't see any wvw use other than solo roaming for fun (unlike chrono)

2. no real raid viability (dps cannot compete still)

3. still inferior to the chrono in spvp,

4. still inferior to core power mesmer in open world pve roaming (takes longer to kill mobs)

5. will never be used in fotm due to heavy triple phantasm reliance for dps.

-repeatable hearts and hero points are getting in the way of map exploring by ruining the content guide. Repeatable hearts and hero points should be removed from it as they get in the way of event hunting as well.


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Great map but seem little bit less playable content. People were crying about the meta event is because there was nothing to make you go back to the map after you finish the Griffon. HoT maps are the meta event. LS3 maps are Aurora. I really hope Anet could make both or something "adventure" happen on the map to really make people have to go back.

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Good things with PoF:

- Less confusing maps has made exploration and open world more fun

- Maps added a ton of replay to older content. I love this!

- Overall style of the expansion is great. This could have been a drab desert, but it was so much more.

- Less focus on meta events is so nice! I love that I'm not punished for logging in at the wrong time of day.

Areas for improvement:

- Class balance is crucial to the success of the elite specs and there's some big problems here.

- Hiding new skins from the wardrobe makes it feel like there's no new skins and I don't know if there's anything worth going for.

- Maps still need a queue system for when they're full.

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What I liked


- I hate deserts in games in general. Not my thing. I really loved the crystal desert so huge plus for you guys.

- Story was the best you've done so far.

- Mounts are incredible! I hope we see some more in the future. At least add one new with every next expac! Underwater mount would be awesome :)

- Map are gorgeous and amazing to explore! Specially the shiverpeaks area is the best!

- Music and sound as always spot on!

- Everything else that is not listed in "what I didn't like" section.


What I didn't liked


- Return of the hearts as a main way of getting stuff done. I don't mind them, but I preferred big meta events like the one introduced in HoT. Also some of the hearts are tedious to do and really slow. And I don't want to repeat them ever again like the one with the coffins in Vabbi.

- Lack of World Boss encounter. Bounty legendaries are not enough to keep ppl coming back and play expac. Expac needed one big ass event that force ppl to work together to common goal with epic ending like DS or Tarir. Nothing that PoF did gave me such thrill and enjoyment as killing Garent for the first time or saving Tarir.

- The Mouth of Torment are is begging for something epic to happen there! I never played first GW but it feels like the whole zone should have something more amazing going on.


All together If I would have to give it a score, for me my personal enjoyment would be around 9 out of 10! Blood good job guys. I'm just scared in a couple of months desert will feel empty again with people coming back to HoT maps for loot.

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PoF is Anets excuse to release elite specs. There was about 3 days worth of content not including collections and there is no future end game content announced at this time. All game modes remained the same but 5 new maps with no end game content were added along with the story. Mounts while a welcome addition offer nothing to keep the normal content fresh.

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1. Story - Great, this is how an expansion story should be. No complaints.

2. Maps - Great, love the openness of them mixed with just the right amounts of verticality and exploration. Only complaint would be I would like to see large scale meta or world boss on at least one of the maps. I know there are legendary bosses, but i'm talking something big, something that requires lots of folks and/or heavy coordination.

3. Bounties are a great addition. Really enjoy them. Only suggestion would be to maybe add some liquid gold to the rewards, make them a little more relevant in compared to the other gold farms.

4. Mounts - fantastic, no complaints.

5. Elite specs - so far so good, i'm mainly playing mirage right now, which feels decent but could use some love.

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Deadeye is under performing, it isn't a burst spec and it isn't sustained damage. It doesn't have a strong foot to stand in besides maybe pvp as a decap spec. seems very gimmicky for one shotting players in wvw after building up malice. On top of this anet put some boonsharing on steal into the traitline, 15 seconds of 20 possible might with a 25 second cd, without the damage (with the required traits to might share) it doesn't do as much dps as a ps warrior, making it pointless. (including it not having, banners or EA) making the leg you meant for it to stand on in pve pointless.

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As long as you like exploring and not farming or boring end-game goals that depends on repeating the same stuff 100 times, this is the best expansion ever. I really like to wander around without an specific goal finding new secret achievements and enjoying the feels that mounts bring into the game, and PoF is a masterpiece of exploration. The only thing that I dislike is the "silly" skins/outfits that break immersion. With more armor rewards it would had been greater.

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Mount progression was great; super fun and rewarding, and seamlessly integrated into the story.


Selecting and switching between mounts feels a bit clunky (though they otherwise look and feel fantastic). A radial menu for mount selection on a long key press could be a solution, with a short press of the mount key selecting your most recently used mount instead.

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Soulbeast is in dire need of a visual rework. The fartshroud is still a visual mess that clashes with the theme of the class (Red in Tooth+Claw. Not this weird viney-leafy stuff for any pet but Jacaranda), and the animations are extremely lackluster, especially on Charr. Give us spirit-animal claws and teeth to strike with, not the Worlds Wimpiest Punches, Kicks, Uppercuts, and that Stupidly Stupid Locked Hands Slam.


Still a lot of bugs.


But the actual content is great.

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The expansion doesn’t have much longevity to it. This is caused by:


**Low content replayability.** Wandering around opening chests and clearing events loses its appeal once you become familiar with the map. Repeating heart quests is tedious. And while bounties are an enjoyable new type of activity, they encourage players to zerg rather than split up which trivializes the fights. These bounties are the only piece of content that appeals to long term players, and that isn’t enough.


**Poor incentives.** No new legendaries, auras, or other such prestigious items to work towards. No long-term goals, home instance nodes, (actual) resource gobblers. Trade contracts are nearly worthless and gold earned is low. Past mounts the only thing the maps have to offer are a few armor/weapon/backpiece skins and equipment stat options.

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