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Overhaul of condition ranger to make it wanted in wvw


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This improvements are not aimed to increase the DPS (which i think are very fine) but to improve the amount of targets and increase the utility condition skills bring to the ranger so it's a suitable build for team combat



Baseline range increased to 1200. Remove all Flanking requirements.

The changes are aimed to have the projectiles to splinter and causes lesser duration of conditions to enemies around the target up to 240 units.

* [CrossFire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crossfire "CrossFire") : The skill causes 1 Bleeding (3 secs) to target and it causes 1 bleeding (1 1/2 sec) up to 2 targets at up 240 radius from the target.

* [Poison Voley](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poison_Volley "Poison Voley") : REmove the piercing effect. Each voley apply 1 poison (6 secs) to each target. Each voley create a poison area 240 on target which last 2 seconds.

* [Quick Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quick_Shot "Quick Shot") : Increase the leap range to 600 units. The leap is a leap finisher. Apply cripple and slow on hit to target and smaller duration 240 units around the target up to 2 aditional targets. .

* [Crippling shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crippling_Shot "Crippling shot") : Apply 3 sec immob and 4 sec bleeding to target, apply 1 sec immob and 2 secs bleeding up to 2 foes in 240 around the target.

* [Concussion Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Concussion_Shot "Concussion Shot") : Apply Stun 2 secs to target. Apply 2 seconds daze up to 2 foes at 240 from target.



Better postions of traits and some reorganisation so the traits don't overlap. Better effects for underused traits, some baseline and new traits to improve other traits from this line.

* [sharpened Edges](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sharpened_Edges "Sharpened Edges") : to replace tail wind, so it can be in the same position as necro's [barbed Precision](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barbed_Precision "Barbed Precision")

* [Hunter's Tactics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter%27s_Tactics "Hunter's Tactics") : Critical chance increase 10%

* Hunter expertise: conditions last longer. increase expertise +150.



* [spotter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spotter "Spotter").

* [Primal Reflexes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primal_Reflexes "Primal Reflexes") : Apply Vigor, swiftness and Fury when sucesfully evade an attack or swap weapons.

* [Trapper's Expertise](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trapper%27s_Expertise "Trapper's Expertise") : Traps recharge faster (20%). Traps increase duration and pulses (+2 seconds \ pulses) . Increase target cap up to 5.



* [Hidden Barbs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Barbs " Hidden Barbs").

* Lust for Blood : Trait increases chance of Sharpened Edges to 100% to happen in a crit.

* [Honned Axes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Honed_Axes "Honned Axes") : Trait moved to this line as sword is power and Strider's Defense is moved to BM. Increrase condition damage and ferocity up 180 points each. Increase weapon speed in 15% (similar to LB GM) . (no CD reduction) .



* [Quickdraw](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quick_Draw "Quickdraw")

* [Vicious Quarry](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vicious_Quarry "Vicious Quarry")

* Shortbow Mastery : Trait is change to: Reduce recharge of shorbow skills(20%). Increase radius of shortbow splinters to 450 units, increase targets up to 4. Increase condition damage while welding a short bow: +250



Traps to become ramp up skills over time. So they can have uses in Raids or zerg combat. All traps affects up to 3 targets (allies or enemies) pulses once a second to apply effects. Removed spike trap in favor of immob trap which keeps the functionality in a better way than a single launch(0). The effect is applied at the beginning of each pulse.


* [Healing Spring](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Healing_Spring "Healing Spring") : Reduce Base CD to 24 secs. Pulses 6, Healing: 4,920 (1.0). Each pulse cleanse 1 condition and heal 300(0.2). Water field.

* [ Flame Trap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flame_Trap " Flame Trap") : Pulses 6 . 1 stack burning 6 seconds. Fire field. damagex6 (0.7)

* [Viper's Nest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Viper%27s_Nest "Viper's Nest"): Pulses 8. 1 stack poison 8 seconds. Posion field. damage x8 (0.6)

* [Frost Trap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frost_Trap "Frost Trap"). Pulses 4 apply 1 chilled 3 seconds. ice field. Damagex4 (2.0).

* Vines trap : Roots come up from teh ground and entangle enemies. 5 pulses, apply immobilise and bleeding each pulse. Damagex5 (1.3).



* Smoke trap: 60 secs CD. Pulses 4. Damage x4 (0.8) . Apply blindness every pulse. Smoke field.


Further notes:

Entangle is removed as survival elite, the skill is replaced by _Survival of the Fittest_ an skill which applies pulsing Quickness, Fury and Resistance for 6 seconds at 75secs CD

Entangle skill is moved to be the active of the elite spirit Spirit of Nature.


So what do you think? Would this open the door for some condi ranger in competitive scene (pvp/wvw) without nerfing the PvE side?

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Condi rangers can already drop people in one immobilize condi trap burst while stealthing as much as some thieves and being uncatchable for anyone but the fastest classes. I dont see why a zerg condi spec would be needed. Well unless you are saying gimp their roaming capability as a fair trade which will make many people happy. Mostly not rangers.

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Love your idea about splinter arrows for Shortbow skills. I also like you ideas about Skirmishing re-haul. I'm not sold on Axe and Sword swap, the trait could become a One Handed mastery, it would fit both.


Survival of the Fittest does fit more Survival than Entangle. Entangle/Vines Trap should be the Trap Elite and Smoke trap an Utility choice, but either one is good too. I don't think Entangle should be on a Spirit. Spirits are trash outside of Raids/Fractals.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Condi rangers can already drop people in one immobilize condi trap burst while stealthing as much as some thieves and being uncatchable for anyone but the fastest classes. I dont see why a zerg condi spec would be needed. Well unless you are saying kitten their roaming capability as a fair trade which will make many people happy. Mostly not rangers.


Eh, I don't really know about WvW roaming, but I don't think Condi Trap Rangers with Trapping Runes are that common ? The condi burst is only a problem if you have no condi clear at all. Condi Traps Rangers have very weak utilities if they go full Traps. Having 2 traps on the utility bar is already pushing it.


So far, right now, Ranger has 0 zerging build for WvW. I still argue that Throwing Traps should come back on Ranger and nerf Trapping runes if it becomes problematic and needed. If a Scourge can dump condis at 900 range with Shades, then I don't see how far fetched it would be for Rangers to have Throwing Traps back, except the ''roleplaying'' mechanic of a trap.


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I like Entangle on survival it good use for them.No need to swap to other skill spec.

Spike trap let it launch it funny to see somebody bloody flying than immo(people act alert with immo faster than launch).


Tail wind+furious grip shoud be merge in minor 2nd.

and 1st minor should be self defensive : if you got Disable you will auto use self spike-trap.


about traits IMO...



Sharpened Edges : stay what they are and give 66% chance for bleed from attack.

Trapper's Expertise : Trap rechange faster, Trap Duration longer,Trap can Cripple ,

Trap can place 1st faraway and 2nd on self when use , Ranger Condition longer33%.



Hidden Bards : Your "condition" more dangerous Dmg +33%.


Grand Master

I use Light on your feet on other weapon other than shotbow too.

If need to change I think about your Shortbow Mastery ...

Change to

Art of shooting : Trait is change to: Reduce recharge of shortbow skills(20%). Increase radius of shortbow splinters to 450 units, increase targets up to 4.

Increase condition damage/Duration on ranger skill 16%.

It will use on varity skill and weapon set not jsut only shotbow.


Quick Draw : Have effect when ranger evade too.

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