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[Suggestion] self style hair kit value improvements

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I realize that the self-style hair kit is the cheapest makeover on the gem-store but would like to see the addition of "**eye colour**" to the available changes as eye colour goes a lot with hair colour. As the current list of changes in this kit includes hair style; hair colour; horns; facial hair; for those who have female human or norn toons, only the first two apply (unless you were able to make a very ugly toon) so maybe if you do not want to give away too much in the kit a person could even be able to choose up to 4 items about appearance which they can then change for their moneys worth. You could even make it so one pays per appearance change for the equivalent value; like 25 or 30 gems per change therefor allowing a person to select as much or as little as they like to change and only pay for the changes they made when they do not have horns or facial hair. I know these types of changes are not difficult to do and have played other games where such individual customization were available.


However since I doubt Anet will be interested in the latter type of changes I suggested then at least please add **eye colour** to this basic kit change. That is the only reason I will not spend real money on this kit because that is one of only three changes I normally desire to do to the basic toons I have made. 1/ hair style; 2/ hair colour; 3/eye colour. It seems rather an exaggerated leap to have to buy a complete makeover kit when only 3 changes to character customization are actually desired. Of course there is the full makeover kit which will allow this but the point is most of the rest was usually done in the original toon creation and so unless you had a high level toon you were not wishing to remake from scratch that kit is rarely necessary just for hair/colour remodeling. But as this game largely exists as an appearance thing and Anet makes reasons to spend money on appearance perhaps since only 3 or four things in appearance are often desired some people like myself would be more ready to part with my money if I actually could make the 3 changes I would desire and I might then be able to afford to do it a little more often. I am not prepared to spend 250 gems for only 2 changes missing the last one that would top off that "perfection" I am after. (eye colour). Of course you can say buy the bigger kit or just do not make the changes since I will not buy the bigger kit; nor the lesser kit since I cannot change the eyes. But I am suggesting a change that would benefit me and possibly others and tempt me to spend money I currently will not spend with what is available.

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I kind of fail to see how eye is integral to hair color looking good. Plus the big selling point of the kits is exclusive colors and style options, making the "character creator making the hair kit moot" kind of confusing as an argument. And the cost argument kind of goes in a circle given the total make over kit is 350 gems, and does all those things and more, making it a better value.... so what is invaliding it as an option? If its just cost, whats stopping you from buying total make over kits on sale, since its roughly as cheap or even cheaper then the Hair kit at normal price?


The issue here is that its not really a compelling argument since everything listed is trying to spend less money, but implying it'll make you spend more. Especially when theres something already on the table that meets these requirements, and is by all accounts a better value within how your argument is being presented.

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I don't see this as very likely. The hair kits are 250 gems each (5/1000), while total makeover is 350 gems (5/1400). It's not a big price difference to adjust more than just hair/accessories. And the more tools added to Self-style, the less likely it is that people plunk down coin/cash for Total Makeover.


Vaguely plausible is an in-between "Partial Makeover Kit" at 300 gems each (5/1200) which would allow one to change all the above-the-shoulders sliders (mouth, eyes, hair, nose, ears), but not height or shape, gender or tats or glow, not face type. But that seems like a lot of extra work for someone, without being likely to generate a lot more sales.


Put another way: of course as players we all like getting more features for the same cost. The question is: why should this be a priority from all the other changes we'd like to see in the game? Is it cost effective for them?



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Well I suppose for one thing this is a forum where one puts things they might like to see or have. So I did. Of course I expected to see negativity from people like yourselves; so you did. I understand that Anet sells things to make money. I however am in a position that even saving a few dollars is necessary. But even I like to be able to change the appearance of my characters if I can afford it and if it feels like good value to me. Whether you like it or agree with it or not does not concern me. I asked for something and gave my reasons. And for me it makes a difference how many I can afford to buy with real money or if I will bother to buy if I do not feel the value is in it for me. I am sure if the change took place many other people would also like it. I just happen to be the one that put the suggestion out there. I know how simple it is to make any or all of the changes I mentioned, so difficulty to implement is not the issue.


And if buying the total makeover kit when it is on sale is your suggestion for me to get what I want and save money then imagine if the self-style hair kit also came on sale how many more I might be able to afford. You do not know my circumstances so cannot know my reasons for putting forwards the suggestion. Perhaps spending real life money on a game to you is not a problem; but that is not the case for everybody. Anyway I asked which I am entitled to do; Anet will probably ignore the comment as they are entitled to do; and you will go on being negative to anyone who asks for something which you yourself do not want or need perhaps, which you are entitled to do. So I guess there is no harm in asking is there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me having gems to spend in gem store involves spending real life money to buy gems. I am not good at earning much gold in game with which to buy gems. That said I would like to have that one more thing I can change with the self-style hair kit. Everything else about the basic character I made I am happy with and do not desire to change. Just hair style; hair colour (these already in it) and eye colour.


So you don't understand why I would want it. So what. I would like to have it for that last little appearance change I could not make in the basic character creation; and to me it makes the difference of whether or not I feel I am getting value for my money.(If I buy gems to buy self-style hair kits). Nobody is forcing Anet to make the change I asked for but it is my right to ask. If people don't ask they don't get. If every change that someone did not see the need for was not done then there would be no mount skins or dyes would not have been made account wide. But somewhere someone saw a desire for or a need or a reason to inspire people to spend money for something in the game they want because it makes them feel good. If it was up to me there would be no legendary weapons because I do not have one nor do I want one. I do not see a need for them. But what one person wants or does not want is not a reason to not let others have something that makes them feel good about the game or their character. I am not against anyone having what makes them feel good or asking for it if it is not there and they think it might be a nice thing for whatever reason.


Stop whinging about you do not see a reason why I should want it and just accept that it might make me happy. If I get it, it might be because I asked and Anet decides to do it. If I do not get it I am no worse off for asking other than having to tolerate whingers who feel put out that I asked.

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