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The death of pvp in Guildwars?


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> @"Vaughn.8172" said:

> I think a total revamping would bring players back in to the game. I think a total rescale revamp of the PvP and WvW would help the game in to the next stage of being a progressive MMO.


While I agree, the ROI is far too large of a question mark to invest in such a huge and expensive undertaking.

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Guild wars 1 you could start up a new PVP character from the very start and choose to never play anything else. Most of the people that are coming to this game are coming for MMO experience, they will dip their toes in for dailies. We can never expect to have the population the base game does and be competitive unless we are actively recruiting and bringing people into the mode. The learning curve is pretty steep and their is no tutorial, training mode with bots to teach players. The amount of salt from other players doesn't help retain people either, I think the mode is fun and rewards are good. I personally would love to play tournaments with a 5 man group on discord, feel like I could learn a lot from other players. This isn't something that is easy to just LFG and jump into which hurts accessibility of players new to the mode.

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> @"Vaughn.8172" said:

> I think a total revamping would bring players back in to the game. I think a total rescale revamp of the PvP and WvW would help the game in to the next stage of being a progressive MMO.


We need new additions to PvP and WvW.

Imagine WvW with multilayer (underground + floating above SM one) EB and increased player cap (double).

We need 3 times faster reward tracks and 5 gold at the end of each.

We need more PvP and WvW exclusive items and skins.

We need more PvP and WvW events and tournaments.

We need something to bring not only PvE gold farmers but also a completely new auditory to the game.


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it's simply not a good pvp game anymore because the powercreep has been going for so long that pvp right now is just "spam every cd you have" (prime example is scourge). There are very little matchups left that need some skill. As long as your build is broken enough rotation is all you need to know. If you want to play a pvp only game play LoL or DotA or any of those fotm battle royale games..

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> Yes. It's been dead for years now.

To me the real death came about with PoF. It's to much AoE based damage for a point controlled winning pvp based factor.. You can have a good killing team but still holding a point with some people using "untraditional" practices of game play.


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> @"Vaughn.8172" said:

> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > Yes. It's been dead for years now.

> To me the real death came about with PoF. It's to much AoE based damage for a point controlled winning pvp based factor.. You can have a good killing team but still holding a point with some people using "untraditional" practices of game play.



The real death to me was removing my ability to compete with friends, this is a MMO after all.


Only reason I'm playing is because of hope, hope that Anet will release Swiss and Alliances and with Swiss will come an opportunity to compete with friends again, any time of the day without time restraints as I have enough time restraints due to work and family life...

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Vaughn.8172" said:

> > I think a total revamping would bring players back in to the game. I think a total rescale revamp of the PvP and WvW would help the game in to the next stage of being a progressive MMO.


> We need new additions to PvP and WvW.

> Imagine WvW with multilayer (underground + floating above SM one) EB and increased player cap (double).

> We need 3 times faster reward tracks and 5 gold at the end of each.

> We need more PvP and WvW exclusive items and skins.

> We need more PvP and WvW events and tournaments.

> We need something to bring not only PvE gold farmers but also a completely new auditory to the game.



Rewards aren't the problem. At the beginning there were just glory vendors that sold only bags...and everything was fine. The problem is Anets lack of commitment to pvp and it shows.


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Coming back after being away from the game for a few years... It definitely seems like more people these days are interested in WvW compared to PvP. Is the main reason that people are no longer doing PvP due to the lack of rewards for doing so? Or are there balance issues / other factors as well?

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> @"Vaughn.8172" said:

> Does anyone feel as though PvP has died in GW2? Because it feels more and more like a joke to play it.


It depends what you do call a death. It's still in a good shape, you have activity in PvP regularly, some tournaments are active ( although could have more people).

If i recall GW1 after 6 years, back in mid 2011, most places were quite empty and there were already lot of second accounts cheating. You had some activity in GvG and HA on evening, but that's it.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > Remove PoF classes, PvP will be semi revived.


> Not quite, a lot of base classes have taken nerfs because of their PoF counterparts. Some have been buffed to try and reach PoF counterparts (IE Reaper). The result would still be really bad balance.


Taking them away would make it easier to see where issues truly reside on a class. Making for better balancing choices.

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I think there are several design-mistakes responsible for this sad PvP we have today.

Years ago, when the solo/duo queue Vote was initiated, Anet promised a second Vote which they still owe us to this day.

Banning Teams from a Team based mode was the biggest Mistake Anet could ever do to their own game. But they did it anyways.

The only Mode in the whole game, where you are not allowed to play with Friends.

many people left the game, because they cant play ranked together with friends.

Wasnt the social aspect the most important Task in this game for Anet? Where is it now?


Another Mistake was the Reward boost in PvP, which made it very profitable (during seasons) for PvE oriented players, no matter if win or lose.

This made the Match Quality in general very weak and boring, since it doesnt matter if you win or not, u get rewarded anyways.

Close matches became super rare, while boring clear Wins and Loses (like 500:120) increased.


Another important point is Anets lack of support for PvP.

Adding a PvP Legendary Armor Upgrade without any new skin and Benches to sit on in the (unnecessarily remade) Heart of the Mists doesnt help boost Quality of Life in PvP at all.

Since this game was released, the Community was calling for a comeback of the original GvG and AB mode, for new Maps and modes in PvP and for more Diversity in Builds.

Anet still ignores all of it.


I think, Anet has forgotten that Guild Wars was always focussed more on the PvP side of the game back in the original Days.

Today, Anets main Priority seems to focus on the living World Story, leaving their once passionate PvP-Community to rot in boring Matches on the eversame Maps...

Another Factor for the Coma of PvP is the Toxicity among the Community.

If Anet would add more personified stats to count as a bonus to every Score in the end of a match, people would feel more motivated to play the match until the end, instead of giving up after the first death in a running game.


After 7 exiting Years of GW1 and 6 disappointing Years of GW2 PvP i have no hopes for GW3 PvP at all, IF it ever will be released...

As a dedicated PvP Player ill refuse to play any Anet Franchise after GW2, until Anet starts to care more for PvP.

Its just sad to see a potentially great PvP Game going down the Hill so fast, just because the Dev doesnt care for it anymore.

All Hopes for Anet commenting and debating these huge Issues are gone as well.

But hey, at least we can sit on Benches now, we all waited for this for soooo long........

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> @"LeBub.9053" said:

> I think there are several design-mistakes responsible for this sad PvP we have today.

> Years ago, when the solo/duo queue Vote was initiated, Anet promised a second Vote which they still owe us to this day.

> Banning Teams from a Team based mode was the biggest Mistake Anet could ever do to their own game. But they did it anyways.

> The only Mode in the whole game, where you are not allowed to play with Friends.

> many people left the game, because they cant play ranked together with friends.

> Wasnt the social aspect the most important Task in this game for Anet? Where is it now?


> Another Mistake was the Reward boost in PvP, which made it very profitable (during seasons) for PvE oriented players, no matter if win or lose.

> This made the Match Quality in general very weak and boring, since it doesnt matter if you win or not, u get rewarded anyways.

> Close matches became super rare, while boring clear Wins and Loses (like 500:120) increased.


> Another important point is Anets lack of support for PvP.

> Adding a PvP Legendary Armor Upgrade without any new skin and Benches to sit on in the (unnecessarily remade) Heart of the Mists doesnt help boost Quality of Life in PvP at all.

> Since this game was released, the Community was calling for a comeback of the original GvG and AB mode, for new Maps and modes in PvP and for more Diversity in Builds.

> Anet still ignores all of it.


> I think, Anet has forgotten that Guild Wars was always focussed more on the PvP side of the game back in the original Days.

> Today, Anets main Priority seems to focus on the living World Story, leaving their once passionate PvP-Community to rot in boring Matches on the eversame Maps...

> Another Factor for the Coma of PvP is the Toxicity among the Community.

> If Anet would add more personified stats to count as a bonus to every Score in the end of a match, people would feel more motivated to play the match until the end, instead of giving up after the first death in a running game.


> After 7 exiting Years of GW1 and 6 disappointing Years of GW2 PvP i have no hopes for GW3 PvP at all, IF it ever will be released...

> As a dedicated PvP Player ill refuse to play any Anet Franchise after GW2, until Anet starts to care more for PvP.

> Its just sad to see a potentially great PvP Game going down the Hill so fast, just because the Dev doesnt care for it anymore.

> All Hopes for Anet commenting and debating these huge Issues are gone as well.

> But hey, at least we can sit on Benches now, we all waited for this for soooo long........


Some great point's here & also Vaughn.8172 Revamping point as well.

My take on this is & always has been simple.

Complete split from PVE, Meaning trash everything starting from builds , traits & the rest.

( WvW would be another issue so lets stick with pvp for now)

Putt lots of money & resources to hire university mathematicians & rebuild balance & build from scratch. So that you have an infinite possibilities.

Steal good base idea's from other games to create new game mods & map's.

Be willing to scratch & trash a game mods or anything that is not working or appealing to players & go with something else instead of just trying to fix it. (Strong hold is a great example) Despite a fragment fanbase.

From this foundation, build up the rest. Rewards & ect..

See, simple direction, just add money.




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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"LeBub.9053" said:




> Complete split from PVE, Meaning trash everything starting from builds , traits & the rest.

> ( WvW would be another issue so lets stick with pvp for now)


> Steal good base idea's from other games to create new game mods & map's.

> Be willing to scratch & trash a game mods or anything that is not working or appealing to players & go with something else instead of just trying to fix it. (Strong hold is a great example) Despite a fragment fanbase.


> See, simple direction, just add money.





Exactly !! COMPLETE SPLIT from other game modes. Total re-work of the whole system. PvP should be drastically distinct, team based/guild based, and for competition.

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