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Osicat - High dmg Shatter build *master thread*


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@"Jazz.4639" Cheers. I try some GS zerker gameplay other day mainly due to your vids :)


@"Koen.1327" I do a try.


I think main reason is I find Griefing the best setup is my perosnal gamestyle. I play in phases based on my cd,s. Out, juke in, burst juke out utility/target Juke in etc etc. In the setup with close to full or full dmg gear ist al about hit and run, use cd,s to survive and get to range after the hit for a new hit on same or another target alternative wait a sec or 2 for heal/deccide where to hit.


With griefing gear I get enought condition preassure to have high dmg djuring my "out juke" phase to finnich of a severly dmged foe or keep him supressed by incomming conditions untill I can juke in again. Also the griefing gear give enought crit/critdmg and power to do wery high burst in the juke in phase. This is extra important vs enemys like thiefs/deadeye etc, it alos give a "OH SHIT" feeling for somone who get a unexpetec burst 70% of their hp and make ppl panic in a grp fight.


Cele gera give good hybrid setyup but offer a more steady preassure gamesetup, basicly you can stay in dangerzone longer. Carrion give more burst but I feel I dont get the first drop on thiefs who run durability runes with it, simply I want more burst.


In SPVP I run carrion gear thu, this as if you dont stay in the cirkle you give the point away :)


Hope It explain stuff. and as I say its al personal oppinions, what is correct for me nessesery dont have to fit other ppls, gamestyle. GS is an example, I can get it to work but I feel it dont fit my way to play in wvwvw and in the end I dont enjoy it.



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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> @"Jazz.4639" Cheers. I try some GS zerker gameplay other day mainly due to your vids :)


> @"Koen.1327" I do a try.


> I think main reason is I find Griefing the best setup is my perosnal gamestyle. I play in phases based on my cd,s. Out, juke in, burst juke out utility/target Juke in etc etc. In the setup with close to full or full dmg gear ist al about hit and run, use cd,s to survive and get to range after the hit for a new hit on same or another target alternative wait a sec or 2 for heal/deccide where to hit.


> With griefing gear I get enought condition preassure to have high dmg djuring my "out juke" phase to finnich of a severly dmged foe or keep him supressed by incomming conditions untill I can juke in again. Also the griefing gear give enought crit/critdmg and power to do wery high burst in the juke in phase. This is extra important vs enemys like thiefs/deadeye etc, it alos give a "OH kitten" feeling for somone who get a unexpetec burst 70% of their hp and make ppl panic in a grp fight.


> Cele gera give good hybrid setyup but offer a more steady preassure gamesetup, basicly you can stay in dangerzone longer. Carrion give more burst but I feel I dont get the first drop on thiefs who run durability runes with it, simply I want more burst.


> In SPVP I run carrion gear thu, this as if you dont stay in the cirkle you give the point away :)


> Hope It explain stuff. and as I say its al personal oppinions, what is correct for me nessesery dont have to fit other ppls, gamestyle. GS is an example, I can get it to work but I feel it dont fit my way to play in wvwvw and in the end I dont enjoy it.


> /Osicat


thanks a lot

seems like the gear is flexible couldn't go wrong with any of them. Carrion seems so safe with such big hp pool but i guess halves the direct dmg output.


final question:

is it worth considering viper's over grieving? how does this go with condi damage from illusions over direct damage from yourself? in addition i run infinite horizon and occasionally staff. Any info from dps meters?



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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > @"Jazz.4639" Cheers. I try some GS zerker gameplay other day mainly due to your vids :)

> >

> > @"Koen.1327" I do a try.

> >

> > I think main reason is I find Griefing the best setup is my perosnal gamestyle. I play in phases based on my cd,s. Out, juke in, burst juke out utility/target Juke in etc etc. In the setup with close to full or full dmg gear ist al about hit and run, use cd,s to survive and get to range after the hit for a new hit on same or another target alternative wait a sec or 2 for heal/deccide where to hit.

> >

> > With griefing gear I get enought condition preassure to have high dmg djuring my "out juke" phase to finnich of a severly dmged foe or keep him supressed by incomming conditions untill I can juke in again. Also the griefing gear give enought crit/critdmg and power to do wery high burst in the juke in phase. This is extra important vs enemys like thiefs/deadeye etc, it alos give a "OH kitten" feeling for somone who get a unexpetec burst 70% of their hp and make ppl panic in a grp fight.

> >

> > Cele gera give good hybrid setyup but offer a more steady preassure gamesetup, basicly you can stay in dangerzone longer. Carrion give more burst but I feel I dont get the first drop on thiefs who run durability runes with it, simply I want more burst.

> >

> > In SPVP I run carrion gear thu, this as if you dont stay in the cirkle you give the point away :)

> >

> > Hope It explain stuff. and as I say its al personal oppinions, what is correct for me nessesery dont have to fit other ppls, gamestyle. GS is an example, I can get it to work but I feel it dont fit my way to play in wvwvw and in the end I dont enjoy it.

> >

> > /Osicat


> thanks a lot

> seems like the gear is flexible couldn't go wrong with any of them. Carrion seems so safe with such big hp pool but i guess halves the direct dmg output.


> final question:

> is it worth considering viper's over grieving? how does this go with condi damage from illusions over direct damage from yourself? in addition i run infinite horizon and occasionally staff. Any info from dps meters?




While I haven't been actively playing gw2 for the last month or so (addicted to warframe), I can chime in here having roamed quite a lot with @"Arlette.9684" where he has run a primarily Viper mix with IH and I run a Grieving mix with EM, both with Axe/x plus Staff.


End of the day it all boils down to build and playstyle - either one can wreck things. Myself I prefer the extra burst direct damage so I can land nice juicy F1s, and have nuked many glass cannons this way.


My opinion is that if you use IH and say Staff, Viper has more benefit because the expertise benefits all the condi application. Whereas if you use EM then you may want the higher burst that Grieving provides as you'll be relying more on your own damage rather than clone ambush combos. Though end of the day you can run either with either and be successful so it really doesn't matter much - just ask yourself what kind of playstyle you want.

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@"Koen.1327" I personally find viper better in my build for pve/fractals while grieving work best for wvw but again personal opinion. A lot cause thief’s who I regularly run into when I roam, they tend to demand a lot of front burst to handle unless you play bunker and can take a bit of the beating they deal.


@"Curunen.8729" wery well explained, in the end it the playstyle that make a gear or wep setup work better for some and other setups for others. I find viper/expertise in wvw work best if they get 1 extra tick from a low tick ability thu. To bump burn from 9-14 sec don’t do a lot but to get bleed from 1 to 2 ticks are huge.


Hope this help in any way. This kind of discussion is wery good, not only it help me to reflect over why I chose To do things I do but also it show how good results can be reached thru different paths!


Btw. I made a reddit post of my latest 2 vids. Fun to see what feedback it get :) unsure if I shuld post my guide / build there aswell thu. In a honest Reddit confuses me.





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The first guide/video as a project together with JazzXMan. Its a simpler more basic version of hes deeper guide for how to counter Warrior. Go see hes guide aswell, this might bring a smile to your face thu untill then or help the more casual player:




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Just dropping in to say I tried the build, and is very nice. It can hold it's own and has plenty of tools to get things done (still have some personal issues with thiefs, but that's more of 'L2dodge invisible incoming damage that hits for half health' and 'stop panicking after it hits' issue)


Btw, the build link in the OP has listed a plain/empty focus in main switch. I assume that was meant to be a pistol with energy sigil (energy sigil felt most comfortable due to more dodge access)

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In remember of ur Portal style today i took in portal and mirage advance + Blink.

I messed up some minds.

laying down portal - open it - stealth - dont use it, blinking everywhere.

This playstyle is funny as hell, but it needs a lot of skill to actually kill the group which is chasing u after a few minutes.


Love to u Osicat

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Want to tip about Jazz latest vid. Got some amazing anti DE action at a point.


Also last night I had a wery interesting encounter. San P and I ran into a team of DE’s who fought us for a hour. For a while they was 4 ppl. Super funny, ended up build rams to soak their Backstabs and downed them al so many times. Got some superb vid material for next video.




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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> New Video.


> My "Alternative condi sPVP Build"



> Enjoy


> /Osicat


Honestly, this is the first time I watched one of your videos and said "Meh". There's some rotational and priority issues that stood out for me.

Also I do realize that EU and NA metas play very different. But I'm almost positive that this build would get chewed up if you were trying to play it on NA.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:


> Honestly, this is the first time I watched one of your videos and said "Meh". There's some rotational and priority issues that stood out for me.

> Also I do realize that EU and NA metas play very different. But I'm almost positive that this build would get chewed up if you were trying to play it on NA.


Fully respect you not find it a wery exiting vid. Simply presenting a alternative condi build. Not the most sexy as its condi aswell. The spvp part (rotati/priori) I give you, alot playes better at prioritice point gain in spvp and vid is not about "how to gain points in pvp", im only low plat and use spvp mainly to practice combat for wvwvw :)


About chewed I would say I doubt but hard to prove, its a extremly strong 1 vs 1 or even 2 vs 1 build so far after some hard dueling/testing.


Next vid will be about the power build I use in WvW atm in



(more etertainment factor build aswell.


Ty alot for input and critcisim anyway @"Arlette.9684" and feel free to come with more inputs if u want. I try to listen to everyone who post about vids, both good and bad and I do listen even if I dont answer always. Also if u ever want to test duel the condi build to se how it play and got a eu toon just /w Osicat.


/love Osicat



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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:


> > Honestly, this is the first time I watched one of your videos and said "Meh". There's some rotational and priority issues that stood out for me.

> > Also I do realize that EU and NA metas play very different. But I'm almost positive that this build would get chewed up if you were trying to play it on NA.


> Fully respect you not find it a wery exiting vid. Simply presenting a alternative condi build. Not the most sexy as its condi aswell. The spvp part (rotati/priori) I give you, alot playes better at prioritice point gain in spvp and vid is not about "how to gain points in pvp", im only low plat and use spvp mainly to practice combat for wvwvw :)


> About chewed I would say I doubt but hard to prove, its a extremly strong 1 vs 1 or even 2 vs 1 build so far after some hard dueling/testing.


> Next vid will be about the power build I use in WvW atm in




> (more etertainment factor build aswell.


> Ty alot for input and critcisim anyway @"Arlette.9684" and feel free to come with more inputs if u want. I try to listen to everyone who post about vids, both good and bad and I do listen even if I dont answer always. Also if u ever want to test duel the condi build to se how it play and got a eu toon just /w Osicat.


> /love Osicat




My problem with it wasn't from a PvP strategy PoV. I saw some glaring issues with the way you play the build. Mainly you play it the same way you play your power shatter, and the two builds are million miles apart. If you want to PM me, I'd be more than happy to illustrate the shortcomings I saw and give you some pointers. I think it would devalue your **GREAT** work in promoting the class, if we go into it here.


Edit: Since you wanted feedback, you should consider cutting out the voice comms, the French accent really doesn't do it for me. I admit I play most of your vids with the sound off. It's not something you did wrong, it's just that I find (I'm sure I'm not the only one), that I would go with CCs over mispronounced words anyday, when trying to soak up information.

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@Arlette.9684 , cheers for input. Have a few night shifts at the ambulance atm so no gaming for a few days for me so why I been a bit absent. Reguarding the language part. I Have 4 types of videos I post atm on my channel.


1: The Classic music/gameplay video where no voice just some music is added. This is a type of video I intent to do a little more frequent in the comming future. Its fun to make, dont need alot of work and alot of ppl fav this type of videos. In these I usualy play the gamestyle I prefer most, shatter or power shatter. Example



2: The Guide. Here I nowdays have myself do a voice cover, its a more rare kind of video but will keep do a few. I have English as my second language but in no way do I wana feel ashamed for not pronouce every word correct. I do not want people to feel that "unless u native eng you should shut up". Rather I feel I like to show that you can do voice and guides while speaking even if you come form a non engish country and inspire people. In my gulild (Judge 14 y old and been part sens day 1) we have/had people form Finnland Sweden Norway Dennmark, England, France, Holland, Romania and Scottland (y they are part of GB but they sure sound scottish). My dialect is Swedish btw. Example



3: Stream. Not sure yet how regular I will stream, not deccided yet. Leaning towards focus this on the upcomming PvP season rhater than wvwvw. in wvwvw I play with my Guild and here people talk.


4: The Guild Movies. Here is the biggest source of what you describe as French accent. This type of movies is not focused on the gameplay. Its the " bullshittery" movies. This is alot of "bad English" and discord. The focus is on the fun we have and the Communication. This movies just are not everyones favorites and here I reccomend you just skip them rather than listen without sound :). Example




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> @"Osicat.4139" said:


> 2: The Guide. Here I nowdays have myself do a voice cover, its a more rare kind of video but will keep do a few. I have English as my second language but in no way do I wana feel ashamed for not pronouce every word correct. I do not want people to feel that "unless u native eng you should shut up". Rather I feel I like to show that you can do voice and guides while speaking even if you come form a non engish country and inspire people. In my gulild (Judge 14 y old and been part sens day 1) we have/had people form Finnland Sweden Norway Dennmark, England, France, Holland, Romania and Scottland (y they are part of GB but they sure sound scottish). My dialect is Swedish btw. Example



My apologies if I made you feel ashamed of not being a native speaker, it was never my intention. It was just a personal observation and a suggestion for adding closed captions as the speech to text generated by youtube is quite messy, especially of you have an accent.


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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> About chewed I would say I doubt but hard to prove, its a extremly strong 1 vs 1 or even 2 vs 1 build so far after some hard dueling/testing.


I met several builds like this recently in PvP (new fashion ? ;) .) . But I'm suprised about your feedback because it seems particulary vulnerable to ranged attacks and CC.



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