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Kit Reworks


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Well not necessarily REWORKS per se but there do need to be some serious changes to the kits on engineer. Mostly to the traits that buff and change the functionality of certain kits. Personally, I do not think it should be necessary to take a trait just to give something a basic functionality and the kit traits lean towards that quite a bit. Grenadier gives your grenades the reliability and speed they need to be effective in the fast paced combat we have now, short fuse allows bombs to cover a wider area and go off quicker which is needed for them to be effective, etc. (Most of the kit traits aren't that way but some of them are highly influential and imo ought to have the buffer parts made baseline with the cd reductions scrapped. Things like juggernaut and inversion enzyme can stay where they are as they don't change the functionality of the kit) In their place, design new traits that can have a bigger effect on the choices you make when building a character and open up more build variety.


It's not a hugely needed change but for QoL I'd love to see some of that happen so we can utilize the full potential of our kits and our profession.

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Its funny, you list ones that are totally not a big deal that "need to change" but then say that juggernaut is fine?


Its a grandmaster for a weapon that is now 100% dedicated to conditions (specifically, burning condition) that competes with our grandmaster that gives us increased burn duration. When they changed flamethrower they should have 100% reworked juggernaut since camping flamethrower was made useless for a power build, and you'd never take it over 33% burn duration on a condi build.


Grenadier is there to give better options for PvP so that grenades aren't so easy to walk out of and Short Fuse could definitely be more useful but overall its not nearly as big of a problem as juggernaut. Inversion enzyme would be good if supporting as an engi was worth a damn.

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Some kits need work (IE toolkit, some of the skills in elixir gun, grenade kit needs a better targeting system), but honestly, traits need more attention. They're botched and broken in so many ways it's stopped being funny. Most of our traits are useless, leaving the remaining ones the only ones people ever pick.

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The reason I left inversion and juggernaut out is they aren't needed for the respective kit to be at a competetive effectiveness. I'm looking at this from a pvp perspective where projectile hate is rampant and often the grenades get destroyed or reflected during their travel time because they are slow, or someone simply walks out of them if you attempt to use them any further than melee range. Bombs are so easy to counterplay the only practical use for them in pvp is for a decap from big ole bomb. My intention with those listings was to not force engineer's to into a line just to buff a kit to viability.


Honestly, I haven't done much work with FT outside of some occasional condi builds but I haven't found it's performance lackluster at all without juggernaut. That being said, I'd love to see the trait changed to discourage camping but give a hefty bonus on swapping into it (possibly 3 stacks of stab for 5 seconds and 15 stacks of might on swap on a 20 sec cd to encourage it's usage on engineer but not have the trait be useless to anyone not camping the kit)

Also would like to point out that even if juggernaut was made baseline in it's current form the ft would not see any more usage than it does now. It'd still be either a meme or utilized solely on burn engi. That's why a rework is necessary for that trait, not the baselining of it.

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> @"Nova Pint Kiosk.7085" said:

> Its funny, you list ones that are totally not a big deal that "need to change" but then say that juggernaut is fine?


> Its a grandmaster for a weapon that is now 100% dedicated to conditions (specifically, burning condition) that competes with our grandmaster that gives us increased burn duration. When they changed flamethrower they should have 100% reworked juggernaut since camping flamethrower was made useless for a power build, and you'd never take it over 33% burn duration on a condi build.


> Grenadier is there to give better options for PvP so that grenades aren't so easy to walk out of and Short Fuse could definitely be more useful but overall its not nearly as big of a problem as juggernaut. Inversion enzyme would be good if supporting as an engi was worth a kitten.


It's true that Juggernaut shouldn't compete with the Incendiary Powder trait (because it will never be picked this way)(in a decent build). But what Ario (I think) was trying to say with "I do not think it should be necessary to take a trait just to give something a basic functionality and the kit traits lean towards that quite a bit. " is that without the velocity increase of the "Grenadier" trait or the 0.5s fuse time reduction of "Short Fuse" those kits become near unusable in player vs player combat scenarios and therefor should be made baseline (A trait and therefor a whole traitline should not be neccesary to make a kit usable).


Toolkit attacks are executed the same way with or without the "Power Wrench" trait.

Flamethrower attacks are executed the same way with or without the "Juggernaut" trait.

Elixir Gun attacks are executed the same way with or without the "Alchemy" traitline.

Grenade Kit attacks are not only way slower but also have a smaller blast radius without the "Grenadier" trait.

Bomb Kit attacks are way slower without the "Short Fuse" trait.

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Agree with Vagrant, kits don't need work traits do.


It would be nice if the kit specific traits were made a little more generalized and applied to all kits. That seems to be the way all other traits work for a given utility type (I recognize kits are not exactly comparable to other utility skills).


Trying to keep in the theme of what Anet generally does as trait suggestions are often way too OP to ever make it in game...


**Grenadier:** Merge functionality into short fuse and give us something else for explosions. Doesn't need to be the 10% damage modifier back... but something to make explosions feel like they're worth building for (especially since we're getting more explosion skills!) I'm getting off topic...

**Short Fuse:** give all kits a modest attack speed increase like 5-10%, bombs explode faster, mortars and grenades fly faster.

**Juggernaut:** Pulse stability and might when using a kit, tone it down a little if that's what it takes to balance, but it does compete with IP that will generally always be used.

**Power Wrench:** Modest damage increase, cooldown reduction, or range increase on kit skills.

**Health Insurance:** Just make this base functionality of the Med Kit and turn this into something else.

**Inversion Enzyme:** This one is already pretty targeted to Elixir Gun... but maybe just merge functionality into Backpack Regenerator and open up space for a non kit trait. Look how many kit traits there actually are!

**Backpack Regenerator:** Hey one that works already!


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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Honestly, I'd like to see grenade and mortar kits get proper autoattacks.


> Grenade kit even has them underwater so it's clearly a thing they can do.


Would they track the target? Because with them being the not AOE AA, they would be quite easy to avoid without changing the directory. AOE AA is a hassle but with some sill it's very good if you're able to predict opponent's movement.

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> Some kits need work (IE toolkit, some of the skills in elixir gun, grenade kit needs a better targeting system), but honestly, traits need more attention. They're botched and broken in so many ways it's stopped being funny. Most of our traits are useless, leaving the remaining ones the only ones people ever pick.


What needs to be reworked about the tool kit or the elixir gun?


How are kits "botched or broken"?


Which traits are "useless"? What makes them useless to you?


Honestly, why bother posting if you are going to make random, nonspecific complaints, with no solutions or even suggestions?

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I appreciate they tried to help the explosive engineer with the trait changes but there was alot left out.


Bombs on land definitely need to be faster. Grenades become faster with a trait but no such thing exists for the bombs really they remain slow even with the trait that's supposed to make them go faster. The explosive size of the bomb kit is tiny as well compared to traps on the trapper ranger or the traps on the dragon hunter. It's been a problem for years now.


The trait that creates a spell when swapping to a kit needs work as well. We need a return to the healing well that appears when using the elixir gun. The glue just does nothing. Additionally there's some kind of weird glue blob that appears with the elite kit mortar, it doesn't give boons or anything honestly it's useless.


I have to agree about juggernaut as someone who plays the other classes might building is superfast on all other classes when using the might traits but not on the juggernaut it's quite slow in comparison. Pistol thief for example builds might per bullet which is super fast with the #3 skill on dual pistols. The same goes for the short bow on the ranger it's might building is super fast because of the shot speed compared to the flame thrower.


There are many things on this class that need a touchup or a change to bring it in line with other classes. I don't understand the hostility when people post these requests to make these changes, it's for the benefit of the class and the game and thus for the benefit of all to improve this class and bring it in line with the other classes baseline capabilities.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Honestly, I'd like to see grenade and mortar kits get proper autoattacks.


> Grenade kit even has them underwater so it's clearly a thing they can do.


If you select the option for focus AOE on target in the options this helps sometimes when an enemy is slow or stationary because they are ranged but this mostly helps with PVE not PVP.

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> Some kits need work (IE toolkit, some of the skills in elixir gun, grenade kit needs a better targeting system), but honestly, traits need more attention. They're botched and broken in so many ways it's stopped being funny. Most of our traits are useless, leaving the remaining ones the only ones people ever pick.


I agree and I don't understand people's hostility about improving the class and bringing it in line with other classes base line capabilities?! Do you understand that mentality? It makes no sense to me why people get so hostile when you mention what's been wrong with this class for 5 years now.


Medkit is a great example of something that's needed an update for some time now sure they gave it a once over with the #1 skill but that skill alone doesn't makeup for the sheer number of heals that the Guardian sets off every few seconds. That's just one example.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Honestly, I'd like to see grenade and mortar kits get proper autoattacks.


> Grenade kit even has them underwater so it's clearly a thing they can do.


If for no reason other than to make them less spammy. One of my favourite aspects of GW2 is that I don't have to thump my 'filler' spell like in other games, until I came across grenade kit and mortar kit, of course.


That said, I bloody love grenade kit and mortar kit. I hope that if they DO give them a proper auto attack, it will simply be making the current ability able to be auto-cast. I wouldn't want them to touch anything else.

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> @Adamantium.3682 said:

> "Guard can do this so Engi should be able to do it as well" is a bad approach to balance. I'm glad there are 9 professions in game with unique abilities and mechanics instead of 9 basically similar professions that all do the same thing just with different skill names. It seems like that's what you're asking for.


We aren't asking for engineer's med kit to behave exactly like a guard's heals. What we want froom that kit is a strong anti condition/heal kit that can be used for personal support and sustain as well as in a team setting. Right now the only skill worth using on that kit is the toolbelt because the other skills have no worthwhile heals, cleanse a marginal amount of conditions, and are so awkwardly targeted it makes for a giant garbage can of a kit. My suggestion was buff the base healing anywhere from 1500 to 2k, make the throws aoe explosions similar to grenade (makes them viable for team support as well as more practical with targeting, buff the conditions removed on each of the skills to 2, and make the auto function like fumigate (larger spread of healing and more healing but longer channel) and make the auto effect the engineer as well as their allies. This unlocks a possible support spec for engineer in the form of light heals and condition removal through projectiles and such rather than aoe around the character like a guard and ele.

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Personally, my big issue with kits at the moment is that Grenade Kit and Mortar kit feel like the same kit. They are both ranged kits with all ground targeted abilities. both have basically the same 3 field abilities (poison, chill, blind). They just feel way to similar to me. Maybe turn one or the other into a ranged power-based kit and leave the other as a more condi oriented kit?

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