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Revenant WvW solo roaming build help


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Hey guys, I have only about 60 hours on rev, all spent into WvW mainly before the latest patch.


Because I am bored of easy mode professions like warrior and guardian, I decided to main revenant for solo roaming, which seems so rewarding once you learn how to use it properly.


I gotta say I have tons of fan with it, and if I don't make any big mistake I melt those spellbreakers ganking me pretty hard.


I am using this build as a starting point:



But I decided to switch all the berserker trinkets for valkyrie instead, to deal a bit better with all the condi spam.

I am encountering a lot of scourges alone, reapers, soulbeasts...


I saw even Tubby Two Ton, well known rev switched to marauder-cavalier gear achieving over 3k armor.


I tried going for full cavalier trinkets and having 3.1k armor (I have the pvp/wvw trinkets easy stat swap and legendary backpack, armor and weaps full marauder), but I felt like against reapers or soulbeasts, even having 3.1k armor was useless and I was getting oneshot the same way of having 2.3k armor, so I decided to go valk for 27k hp without borderland buff.


I achieve a crit chance under fury of 75% and I feel it's pretty good even if it's not near 100% like running full mara and zerk.


What do you guys think?


Consider that I am not the greatest rev out there and I still ahve a lot to learn, and consider being outnumbered is just common as drinking a glass of water, so I don't think pure mara zerk is viable while roaming, it's good only for gank or ambushes in my opinion.


About traits I run the same as metabattle build, tell me if they are good or not :D

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I don't think Tubby runs a build that has over 3k armor? He has some Cavalier trinkets and a Cavalier sword but he only has like 2.6k armor - over 3k seems a bit overkill (or did he do that in one of his streams?). He also runs Leadership instead of Durability.


Since you mentioned Tubby, I feel like he is a pretty good rev to learn from - it involves a lot of kiting and reading the opponent and bursting at the right time - and plus he explains it on stream all the time (and sometimes in his YouTube videos). IMO it's better than going for high vitality/armor and facetank damage (Reaper's shroud for example - Rev has quite a few ranged skills that can be used to pressure reapers without going in melee range).

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> He went full mara/cava/dura? kitten? That's like giving up at playing a power build.


Just mara cavs mix still with leadership runes.

In it's latest twitch stream for a moment he shows the build and stats because someone asked him if running crusader and he said just a mix of mara cavs.


You didn't notice how many deadeyes and soulbeasts and oneshot build are lately roaming around?

You can't survive a second especially in outnumbers if you run standard mara/zerk.


I am running valk instead of cavs and having good success, I don't think I'll switch to cavs.> @"idolin.2831" said:

> I don't think Tubby runs a build that has over 3k armor? He has some Cavalier trinkets and a Cavalier sword but he only has like 2.6k armor - over 3k seems a bit overkill (or did he do that in one of his streams?). He also runs Leadership instead of Durability.


> Since you mentioned Tubby, I feel like he is a pretty good rev to learn from - it involves a lot of kiting and reading the opponent and bursting at the right time - and plus he explains it on stream all the time (and sometimes in his YouTube videos). IMO it's better than going for high vitality/armor and facetank damage (Reaper's shroud for example - Rev has quite a few ranged skills that can be used to pressure reapers without going in melee range).


Saw it in his last stream, in the stats panel the armor was 3k. He changed his usual build seems.


In his last stream #Roadto1k- Rip mac miller

Minute 37:10.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Saw it in his last stream, in the stats panel the armor was 3k. He changed his usual build seems.


> In his last stream #Roadto1k- Rip mac miller

> Minute 37:10.


Oh yeah you're right - his crit chance is at 71% and he has 3k armor. Probably a better build for outnumbered fights then - I would still keep my 92% crit chance though just because I don't want to see a 3k Deathstrike lol.

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> @"idolin.2831" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Saw it in his last stream, in the stats panel the armor was 3k. He changed his usual build seems.

> >

> > In his last stream #Roadto1k- Rip mac miller

> > Minute 37:10.


> Oh yeah you're right - his crit chance is at 71% and he has 3k armor. Probably a better build for outnumbered fights then - I would still keep my 92% crit chance though just because I don't want to see a 3k Deathstrike lol.


I have around 75% crit chance with fury in my build and it I didn't even notice the difference in crits against the 95% I had before, maybe as you said 3k armor is overkill, maybe even achieving over 90% is overkill and you can invest in more survivable stats to help with cheesy builds and outnumbers, but yeah your build probably works best on duels and purely 1vs1 due to the solid and sure crits.


WvW builds are fun because people can play with those a lot, in the end it's just playstyle and preference I guess :D

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I have around 75% crit chance with fury in my build and it I didn't even notice the difference in crits against the 95% I had before, maybe as you said 3k armor is overkill, maybe even achieving over 90% is overkill and you can invest in more survivable stats to help with cheesy builds and outnumbers, but yeah your build probably works best on duels and purely 1vs1 due to the solid and sure crits.


> WvW builds are fun because people can play with those a lot, in the end it's just playstyle and preference I guess :D


I agree - I might try your build and see how it fares in outnumbered fights. Do you mind sharing your build on the Build Editor (and don't worry about the Herald traitline - they haven't updated it yet but that's fine)?


Another way to improve your sustain without going too much Cavalier is to take the Retribution trait line instead of Devastation (Retribution 2-2-2). You'll get Retaliation & Stability, some damage reduction, endurance regeneration rate, at the cost of some damage from Devastation.

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> @"idolin.2831" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > I have around 75% crit chance with fury in my build and it I didn't even notice the difference in crits against the 95% I had before, maybe as you said 3k armor is overkill, maybe even achieving over 90% is overkill and you can invest in more survivable stats to help with cheesy builds and outnumbers, but yeah your build probably works best on duels and purely 1vs1 due to the solid and sure crits.

> >

> > WvW builds are fun because people can play with those a lot, in the end it's just playstyle and preference I guess :D


> I agree - I might try your build and see how it fares in outnumbered fights. Do you mind sharing your build on the Build Editor (and don't worry about the Herald traitline - they haven't updated it yet but that's fine)?


> Another way to improve your sustain without going too much Cavalier is to take the Retribution trait line instead of Devastation (Retribution 2-2-2). You'll get Retaliation & Stability, some damage reduction, endurance regeneration rate, at the cost of some damage from Devastation.


Here the build i am running.



I have full mighty power wvw infusions on everything.


The herald traitline is 313 same as the pic, just watch the new traits log into the game and put 313.


Note that im new to revenant and i am experimenting since i can swap trinkets and backpiece stats so easily.


Use my stats only if you can switch them with the pvp shards of glory.


Buy 500 shards of glory.

Go to the armor vendor and buy 2 mist capacitors.

Put the trinkets in the inventory and use both the mists and they reset the stats and you choose which one you want.

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Tubby used to be a friend of mine, always prided himself on running less armor and complained about people running tons of cavs (full anti-power meta). What a shame.


I would say your build is looking solid but you don't need 24.5k health to survive on rev- which is even more once you factor in the new 10% flat health bonus.


I would suggest aiming your changes mainly at the valk pieces. Swap them to something like 4 zerk 2 cav. That way you'll have 2.7k armor (counting durability runes) which is enough to save you from some one shots but not enough to say "I've given up running glass" like Tubby apparently has. Don't watch his videos so I wouldn't know. That said I have played with and against him, so I think his stream would likely be a solid place to start. Try to play a little less passively than he does and you'll have a lot of fun.

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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> Tubby used to be a friend of mine, always prided himself on running less armor and complained about people running tons of cavs (full anti-power meta). What a shame.


> I would say your build is looking solid but you don't need 24.5k health to survive on rev- which is even more once you factor in the new 10% flat health bonus.


> I would suggest aiming your changes mainly at the valk pieces. Swap them to something like 4 zerk 2 cav. That way you'll have 2.7k armor (counting durability runes) which is enough to save you from some one shots but not enough to say "I've given up running glass" like Tubby apparently has. Don't watch his videos so I wouldn't know. That said I have played with and against him, so I think his stream would likely be a solid place to start. Try to play a little less passively than he does and you'll have a lot of fun.


Yeah as I said I am experimenting a lot with the trinket stats, I'll try as you said to achieve 2.6-2.7k armor with some cav, then rest mara or zerk.


I am having a lot of fun even tho I am dying a lot.


Sometimes walking away from 2 people while they are chasing me, I look back and then immediatiale burst down one guy with sword4 plus something else and down him. xD Got salty whispered a lot of times already being called sword4 spammer.

Really people don't know anymore what to say, if rev is spammy, then all those scourges, reapers, condi and power mirages what are? haha


It feels so rewarding getting kills with rev on decent players because you deserved those kills, not like playing warrior, reaper, soulbeasts who can afford multiple mistakes and win by build and not by skill.


Edit: what about the new herald traitlines, i cannot decide especially between the middle tree:

1. When apply boon you get might

2. using a consume skill heals you

3. gain damage reduction for each point of upkeep in use

which is the best to use while roaming?

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> > Tubby used to be a friend of mine, always prided himself on running less armor and complained about people running tons of cavs (full anti-power meta). What a shame.

> >

> > I would say your build is looking solid but you don't need 24.5k health to survive on rev- which is even more once you factor in the new 10% flat health bonus.

> >

> > I would suggest aiming your changes mainly at the valk pieces. Swap them to something like 4 zerk 2 cav. That way you'll have 2.7k armor (counting durability runes) which is enough to save you from some one shots but not enough to say "I've given up running glass" like Tubby apparently has. Don't watch his videos so I wouldn't know. That said I have played with and against him, so I think his stream would likely be a solid place to start. Try to play a little less passively than he does and you'll have a lot of fun.


> Yeah as I said I am experimenting a lot with the trinket stats, I'll try as you said to achieve 2.6-2.7k armor with some cav, then rest mara or zerk.


> I am having a lot of fun even tho I am dying a lot.


> Sometimes walking away from 2 people while they are chasing me, I look back and then immediatiale burst down one guy with sword4 plus something else and down him. xD Got salty whispered a lot of times already being called sword4 spammer.

> Really people don't know anymore what to say, if rev is spammy, then all those scourges, reapers, condi and power mirages what are? haha


> It feels so rewarding getting kills with rev on decent players because you deserved those kills, not like playing warrior, reaper, soulbeasts who can afford multiple mistakes and win by build and not by skill.


> Edit: what about the new herald traitlines, i cannot decide especially between the middle tree:

> 1. When apply boon you get might

> 2. using a consume skill heals you

> 3. gain damage reduction for each point of upkeep in use

> which is the best to use while roaming?


I prefer Shared Empowerment. The middle trait is garbage, and Hardening Persistence is a trait that is pretty much only usable when you're running shield AND need to counter comp against condis.


The issue with rev is that for those just beginning it, it is just so much easier and linear than it used to be. Build diversity died with the nerf of old condi rev and subsequent nerf of retribution line. Skill in might stacking (and bursting)" died with the deletion of equilibrium, addition of incensed response, and rework of offhand sword. Utility was decreased when impossible odds was reworked. Now that the line has been "reworked" and F2 is garbage in glint, rev is even less interesting and skillful than it used to be.


Edit: If you are just beginning rev you might want to hit a 2.8 or 2.9k armor mark. I was only throwing slight shade at Tubby for giving into the anti-power meta as I knew him, but it's important to note rev's protection uptime is pretty much dead and it may well be better to tank up.

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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> > > Tubby used to be a friend of mine, always prided himself on running less armor and complained about people running tons of cavs (full anti-power meta). What a shame.

> > >

> > > I would say your build is looking solid but you don't need 24.5k health to survive on rev- which is even more once you factor in the new 10% flat health bonus.

> > >

> > > I would suggest aiming your changes mainly at the valk pieces. Swap them to something like 4 zerk 2 cav. That way you'll have 2.7k armor (counting durability runes) which is enough to save you from some one shots but not enough to say "I've given up running glass" like Tubby apparently has. Don't watch his videos so I wouldn't know. That said I have played with and against him, so I think his stream would likely be a solid place to start. Try to play a little less passively than he does and you'll have a lot of fun.

> >

> > Yeah as I said I am experimenting a lot with the trinket stats, I'll try as you said to achieve 2.6-2.7k armor with some cav, then rest mara or zerk.

> >

> > I am having a lot of fun even tho I am dying a lot.

> >

> > Sometimes walking away from 2 people while they are chasing me, I look back and then immediatiale burst down one guy with sword4 plus something else and down him. xD Got salty whispered a lot of times already being called sword4 spammer.

> > Really people don't know anymore what to say, if rev is spammy, then all those scourges, reapers, condi and power mirages what are? haha

> >

> > It feels so rewarding getting kills with rev on decent players because you deserved those kills, not like playing warrior, reaper, soulbeasts who can afford multiple mistakes and win by build and not by skill.

> >

> > Edit: what about the new herald traitlines, i cannot decide especially between the middle tree:

> > 1. When apply boon you get might

> > 2. using a consume skill heals you

> > 3. gain damage reduction for each point of upkeep in use

> > which is the best to use while roaming?


> I prefer Shared Empowerment. The middle trait is garbage, and Hardening Persistence is a trait that is pretty much only usable when you're running shield AND need to counter comp against condis.


> The issue with rev is that for those just beginning it, it is just so much easier and linear than it used to be. Build diversity died with the nerf of old condi rev and subsequent nerf of retribution line. Skill in might stacking (and bursting)" died with the deletion of equilibrium, addition of incensed response, and rework of offhand sword. Utility was decreased when impossible odds was reworked. Now that the line has been "reworked" and F2 is garbage in glint, rev is even less interesting and skillful than it used to be.


> Edit: If you are just beginning rev you might want to hit a 2.8 or 2.9k armor mark. I was only throwing slight shade at Tubby for giving into the anti-power meta as I knew him, but it's important to note rev's protection uptime is pretty much dead and it may well be better to tank up.


Thanks a lot for the tips :dizzy:



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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I tried going for full cavalier trinkets and having 3.1k armor (I have the pvp/wvw trinkets easy stat swap and legendary backpack, armor and weaps full marauder), but I felt like against reapers or soulbeasts, even having 3.1k armor was useless and I was getting oneshot the same way of having 2.3k armor, so I decided to go valk for 27k hp without borderland buff.


> I achieve a crit chance under fury of 75% and I feel it's pretty good even if it's not near 100% like running full mara and zerk.


> What do you guys think?



There's a stat combo from LWS1 that you can get from the fractal vender for your trinkets/rings called "Berserker + Valkyrie." It's a lot stronger than adding in Marauders or straight Valkyrie, imo... It basically just trades some Precision for extra Vitality--instead of actually gaining precision and overcapping like Marauder will or losing too much precision like Valk's does.


The build you linked uses Durability Runes, which I think are definitely the right choice for adding some tankiness to your Zerker set. One thing builds never say is why though... And that has to do with the stat weighting on Durability being substantially more than any other runeset in the game. So if you're stacking your defense there, instead of on your gear itself, you're getting more bang-for-your-buck, so to speak. The only reason NOT to use them really is if you want a specific runeset's proc like Surging or Leadership, but Leadership's not as great in WvW roaming as it is in sPvP, IMO... Any condi-players you encounter will usually be more hybrid focused, or at least have some defensive gear choices, so being able to immediately cleanse their condi-bombs isn't as do-or-die for the most part.


The only trait feedback I would say is that Assassin's Annihilation isn't always your go-to... All 3 Dev GM traits are really strong, play around with them and see what you like best and switch them liberally as the situation demands. And, as far as I know, Rising Momentum is still not working as intended, so in Shiro/Glint it's not even worth using. Whereas, Elder's Respise is sort of sneaky good... It's nothing like zomg, but in pure offensive gear, it makes your regen tick for 30 more health per second, which sounds small but really does add up, especially since since the active proc doesn't have an internal cooldown.

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