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Suggestion: Make PoF Metas that reward Amalgamated Gemstones.


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> @"TexZero.7910" said:


> Lass, if you add unique crafting materials to everything you deem relevant, they will quickly cease being such. Learn to craft them instead. Additionally, these meta's for PoF do not need crafting materials to be the go to shiny reward. New rewards unique to those meta's do the job infintely better than adding a pittance of gold in the form of materials.


You are not adding it to everything, did you read the thread? Asking for 1 or 2 more metas to drop it is not everything. And like I said, you can add a cap to how many you can loot. It's not about the loot, it's about having MORE OPTIONS TO GET that loot. Read.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:


> Stats and Trends. Numbers never lie and if you just go scroll back to the link earlier in this thread to a duplicate topic i've already covered why adding them is a bad idea.


I think you should post it here or at least post the link, cause I really don't see the big deal with adding a couple more PoF metas that reward AGs, sure the price might drop a bit, but AGs will never sink. Or you should just tell us the truth cause maybe you got some money in the AG market and you don't want it to go down? I mean, it has only risen since the new legendary, so why not balance it a bit and give PoF players a chance to pick it from the reward chest at the end of a meta?


I'll be waiting for your logical explanation with links and details.


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I don't understand why people are saying this would be bad for the game. I mean, legendary market is something that will stay active pretty much until the end of the game, plus 2 new season two legendaries still coming out in the next few months.


Why would increasing the supply of AGs by adding a couple of metas would break the economy if the demand will practically always be there? The price of the components to craft AGS would also self regulate.

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> @"Kolmena.2416" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> >

> > Stats and Trends. Numbers never lie and if you just go scroll back to the link earlier in this thread to a duplicate topic i've already covered why adding them is a bad idea.


> I think you should post it here or at least post the link, cause I really don't see the big deal with adding a couple more PoF metas that reward AGs, sure the price might drop a bit, but AGs will never sink. Or you should just tell us the truth cause maybe you got some money in the AG market and you don't want it to go down? I mean, it has only risen since the new legendary, so why not balance it a bit and give PoF players a chance to pick it from the reward chest at the end of a meta?


> I'll be waiting for your logical explanation with links and details.



I have nothing in the AG market. I've already showcased why it's a bad idea earlier in this thread and previous threads with similar mindsets.

But because you asked ever so nicely here's the link to the exact post - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/640470/#Comment_640470


Glad i could do the hard steps of reading for you.

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> @"dani.4398" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> >

> > Lass, if you add unique crafting materials to everything you deem relevant, they will quickly cease being such. Learn to craft them instead. Additionally, these meta's for PoF do not need crafting materials to be the go to shiny reward. New rewards unique to those meta's do the job infintely better than adding a pittance of gold in the form of materials.


> You are not adding it to everything, did you read the thread? Asking for 1 or 2 more metas to drop it is not everything. And like I said, you can add a cap to how many you can loot. It's not about the loot, it's about having MORE OPTIONS TO GET that loot. Read.


Adding more options devalues them and removes their purpose. They are meant to be items that help maintain the gold value of crafting legendary items. If you keep adding sources you inievitable fall into the pratfall of those items losing not only their value but any prestige that would have been associated with crafting. This is exactly what Anet didn't want with Gen2 Legendary items hence why they have the item in such a state to begin with.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"dani.4398" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:.

> > >

> > > Because having a healthy economy actually matters and as i've already showcased in the other thread with just 4 "new sources" the priced tanked 50%. Arguably people only do 3 of the 4 because the 4th is Dragon Stand and that "takes to long". Given that very simple information it's pretty easy to make an educated guess what will happen by introducing "1 or 2" more sources. That nice "valuable" reward you added just became yet another useless reward. You're not solving the problem and you're actually just inadventnly pushing more people to go farm gold.

> > >

> > > Additionally, it's not like AG's are without a way to craft them and if you want "more things to do" then they can increase the end of jumping puzzle T6 Gem rewards so you're more incentivized to craft them.

> >

> > Lad, if you are so worried about the economy you can add a cap to how many AGs you can loot per day. Let's say you can only loot 4 a day... problem solved. The economic side is not my point, my point is arguing for the introduction of new metas with valid or unique materials and relevant currencies, like AGs and HoT currencies.


> Lass, if you add unique crafting materials to everything you deem relevant, they will quickly cease being such. Learn to craft them instead. Additionally, these meta's for PoF do not need crafting materials to be the go to shiny reward. New rewards unique to those meta's do the job infintely better than adding a pittance of gold in the form of materials.


Although between adding new unique rewards or already existing rewards, one is more likely than the other to happen.


I don't see ArenaNet adding new rewards to old metas, unless they use all those metas in one swoop under some collection for one new reward.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"dani.4398" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > >

> > > Lass, if you add unique crafting materials to everything you deem relevant, they will quickly cease being such. Learn to craft them instead. Additionally, these meta's for PoF do not need crafting materials to be the go to shiny reward. New rewards unique to those meta's do the job infintely better than adding a pittance of gold in the form of materials.

> >

> > You are not adding it to everything, did you read the thread? Asking for 1 or 2 more metas to drop it is not everything. And like I said, you can add a cap to how many you can loot. It's not about the loot, it's about having MORE OPTIONS TO GET that loot. Read.


> Adding more options devalues them and removes their purpose. They are meant to be items that help maintain the gold value of crafting legendary items. If you keep adding sources you inievitable fall into the pratfall of those items losing not only their value but any prestige that would have been associated with crafting. This is exactly what Anet didn't want with Gen2 Legendary items hence why they have the item in such a state to begin with.


This again... Let the suckers drop in price. We are getting new Legendaries every couple of months, there will always be a demand for AG.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > This again... Let the suckers drop in price. We are getting new Legendaries every couple of months, there will always be a demand for AG.

> This again... People who could care less about anything other than their own gain in a video game and cant see the bigger picture.



Key word here is video game.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > This again... Let the suckers drop in price. We are getting new Legendaries every couple of months, there will always be a demand for AG.

> > This again... People who could care less about anything other than their own gain in a video game and cant see the bigger picture.

> >


> Key word here is video game.


Yeah, its almost like it wants to have long term goals for you to keep playing or something.

But entitlement does make people not notice this.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > This again... Let the suckers drop in price. We are getting new Legendaries every couple of months, there will always be a demand for AG.

> > > This again... People who could care less about anything other than their own gain in a video game and cant see the bigger picture.

> > >

> >

> > Key word here is video game.


> Yeah, its almost like it wants to have long term goals for you to keep playing or something.

> But entitlement does make people not notice this.


Key words here is entitlement and video game.

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Kidding aside, I don’t see an issue with the gem stones dropping from like 1 gold 95 silver to like 1 gold 20 silver. There is many a way to entice people and it seems like Mike Z will be addressing it. What they have should have done is have the Metas drop the funery incense for the PoF metas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> Kidding aside, I don’t see an issue with the gem stones dropping from like 1 gold 95 silver to like 1 gold 20 silver. There is many a way to entice people and it seems like Mike Z will be addressing it. What they have should have done is have the Metas drop the funery incense for the PoF metas.


He won't answer, cause he doesn't understand this is a game and the purpose of this post was to promote other metas, which could reward AGs. We even gave Tex solutions to the "problem" of increasing the number of AGs people can loot, however, he won't read them.

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