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Why doesn't anyone do Serpent's Ire?


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> @Andred.1087 said:



> Stop calling these larger-than-average event chains "metas"


> Do you even understand what "meta" means


Then go back to HoT to fight your "EPIC BOSSES" or whatever you call those oversized pinatas.

Meta Events are all Events in GW2 that have that orange background thing - that's what makes a GW2 Event a "meta".

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I'm surprised people are going back on PoF maps at all, they have barely any replayability.

You mostly find only slow people on them nowadays, usually people who consider themselves too important to listen to commanders or have little knowledge of the game, leading to a lot of disorganization and failed events.

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> @VaLee.5102 said:

> I'm surprised people are going back on PoF maps at all, they have barely any replayability.

> You mostly find only slow people on them nowadays, usually people who consider themselves too important to listen to commanders or have little knowledge of the game, leading to a lot of disorganization and failed events.


Like HoT in the beginning before anet tuned the maps and events down, and ramped the rewards up

but i agree with OP, as i have the achievement for the gloves, i won't do this event in the near future

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> PoF maps have currently the following problems


> * They are miuch bigger, than the usual maps people played before, so the amount of players is much more spread thing in the maps, and have due to this move also much longer distances than before, to reach certain locations, also due to the reduction of waypoints. People are lazy, if they see, that they have to move a long distance, even if its now with mounts, they won't do it, if its not worth it.

> * PoF Events are all of Noob Level Niveau in regard of what you gain there, just the typical exp ,karma and low amounts of gold, that no butt cares for, as you receive this everywhere or far more oftenly soemwhere else in a short amount of time from farming Meta Events

> * Bounties are abslutely too unrewarding, and despite this fact, they are still the most rewardign thing, yiou can do in all PoF maps, the other metas everywhere are mostly interstign for peole to do just only 1 single tiem for their personal gain of achievements, but afte that, nobody cares for these thigns anymore, because the rewards after that are pure garbage an totally ininterestign and not worth your time and effort, which is why you see nobody doign at all maw

> * Aside of these points, are still way too many peopel way too budy with other things, like map exploration, mastery receiving, griffon unlocking, mastery/hero point hunt, and do all their very own thing, while running around with horse sight, not looking left and right, whats happenign around them, nor caring for others, if they could help out others in what they are doing...

> * Achievement Hunters roam also still around, having surely not donw all of their stuff in all maps and as long the stuff you do, isn#t on their list as well to do, then you barelly gonna see them helping out somewhere else



> PoF is simply a way too much casual player orientated expansion, because people complaned that HoT therefore was way too much of the opposite and not casual player friendly. With Pof we just received now, what many peopel here in the forums whined for - an expansion, that should feel more like the Core Game as less complex like HoT.

> The sad point is only, that by this decision is PoF naturally for the high active playersa and hardcore players so quickly so unappealing and uninterestign due to the clearly inferior rewards compared to Silver Wastes, and Hot Maps, that the moment where you have done everythign you care for in poF, you have nothign left in poF anymore, which gives you a reason to stay active there, because staying there feels for many peopel like a waste of time, because the maps aren't equally as lucrative for most players as like farmign their daily routines on SW, AB & Co, which is the reason also why so many people are disappointing from poF, that the maps have no hot like Meta Events with epic scaled meta boss battles ala Mouth of Mordremoth, Chak Gerent, Octovine and the various legendary bosses at night time in VB to hunt down which have all their map unique rewards, that feel also more rewarding, than the map rewards and the stuff, you can earn with PoFs map currency which is basically for all maps the same stuff, while HoT provided for each map somethign completely different, which is th reason why peopel begin now already to ask about, what they should do with all their extra of contracts, cause they have unlocked already everything with this map currency now.


> I personalyl hope, that ANet will use this feedback now, they got about PoF, to improve the weaknesses of PoF with the help of Living Story Season 4 Patches, to fil lthe gaps, and add the content, that should have been in the expansion that alot of people missed in the poF maps and so on..


> Therefore that PoF was claimed to be the CONTENT EEXPANSION, therfore has given Heart of Thorns us all the impression to have had added much much more content, than actually PoF did, despite HoT being called by anet a FEATURE EXPANSION.

> Ridiculously, HoT had even a LONGER STORY than PoF, consiting of 4 ACTS each 3 Missions and Side Stuff in between the Missions.

> PoF had only 3 ACTS and so it had lesser MIssions. We were much quicker at the point to defeat Balthazar, than it had taken us, to defeat Mordremoth... as if Mordremoth was the way much more dangerous treat... just look and compare how much harm he did to Tyria, compared to what balthazar did.. he barely did ANYTHING and we already killed him, before balthazar could become active - kind if disappointing in itself, if you look at it this way in regard of a comparison between a Content Expansion, that should deliver in fact a muhc longer and complex story narrative, than actually a Feature Expasnion should, do, whose role it is to focus itself on implementating new gameplay features and adding lesser new story actually, where new story is more like a by product, but not the main focus of the expansion.


> Currently it feels like HoT is the Content Expansion and PoF was more like the Feature Expansion, because the whole expansion is merely focused on the addition of just one single new feature - Mounts.


I average 5 to 10 gold an hour chilling in the desert, junk trophies are worth at least 50 silver, if you open your unidentified gear you get more rares and I see at least one to two exotics, you also get your gold from Evergreen Lodestones which run 1.5 gold a piece, I usually see at least one branded crafting reagent that runs roughly 75 silver, while crafting mats are in the bargain bin they still make you money, and even green vigils/runes have vendor value, you need to base your rewards around your Trade Post returns not the loot at a first glance.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > PoF maps have currently the following problems

> >

> > * They are miuch bigger, than the usual maps people played before, so the amount of players is much more spread thing in the maps, and have due to this move also much longer distances than before, to reach certain locations, also due to the reduction of waypoints. People are lazy, if they see, that they have to move a long distance, even if its now with mounts, they won't do it, if its not worth it.

> > * PoF Events are all of Noob Level Niveau in regard of what you gain there, just the typical exp ,karma and low amounts of gold, that no butt cares for, as you receive this everywhere or far more oftenly soemwhere else in a short amount of time from farming Meta Events

> > * Bounties are abslutely too unrewarding, and despite this fact, they are still the most rewardign thing, yiou can do in all PoF maps, the other metas everywhere are mostly interstign for peole to do just only 1 single tiem for their personal gain of achievements, but afte that, nobody cares for these thigns anymore, because the rewards after that are pure garbage an totally ininterestign and not worth your time and effort, which is why you see nobody doign at all maw

> > * Aside of these points, are still way too many peopel way too budy with other things, like map exploration, mastery receiving, griffon unlocking, mastery/hero point hunt, and do all their very own thing, while running around with horse sight, not looking left and right, whats happenign around them, nor caring for others, if they could help out others in what they are doing...

> > * Achievement Hunters roam also still around, having surely not donw all of their stuff in all maps and as long the stuff you do, isn#t on their list as well to do, then you barelly gonna see them helping out somewhere else

> >

> >

> > PoF is simply a way too much casual player orientated expansion, because people complaned that HoT therefore was way too much of the opposite and not casual player friendly. With Pof we just received now, what many peopel here in the forums whined for - an expansion, that should feel more like the Core Game as less complex like HoT.

> > The sad point is only, that by this decision is PoF naturally for the high active playersa and hardcore players so quickly so unappealing and uninterestign due to the clearly inferior rewards compared to Silver Wastes, and Hot Maps, that the moment where you have done everythign you care for in poF, you have nothign left in poF anymore, which gives you a reason to stay active there, because staying there feels for many peopel like a waste of time, because the maps aren't equally as lucrative for most players as like farmign their daily routines on SW, AB & Co, which is the reason also why so many people are disappointing from poF, that the maps have no hot like Meta Events with epic scaled meta boss battles ala Mouth of Mordremoth, Chak Gerent, Octovine and the various legendary bosses at night time in VB to hunt down which have all their map unique rewards, that feel also more rewarding, than the map rewards and the stuff, you can earn with PoFs map currency which is basically for all maps the same stuff, while HoT provided for each map somethign completely different, which is th reason why peopel begin now already to ask about, what they should do with all their extra of contracts, cause they have unlocked already everything with this map currency now.

> >

> > I personalyl hope, that ANet will use this feedback now, they got about PoF, to improve the weaknesses of PoF with the help of Living Story Season 4 Patches, to fil lthe gaps, and add the content, that should have been in the expansion that alot of people missed in the poF maps and so on..

> >

> > Therefore that PoF was claimed to be the CONTENT EEXPANSION, therfore has given Heart of Thorns us all the impression to have had added much much more content, than actually PoF did, despite HoT being called by anet a FEATURE EXPANSION.

> > Ridiculously, HoT had even a LONGER STORY than PoF, consiting of 4 ACTS each 3 Missions and Side Stuff in between the Missions.

> > PoF had only 3 ACTS and so it had lesser MIssions. We were much quicker at the point to defeat Balthazar, than it had taken us, to defeat Mordremoth... as if Mordremoth was the way much more dangerous treat... just look and compare how much harm he did to Tyria, compared to what balthazar did.. he barely did ANYTHING and we already killed him, before balthazar could become active - kind if disappointing in itself, if you look at it this way in regard of a comparison between a Content Expansion, that should deliver in fact a muhc longer and complex story narrative, than actually a Feature Expasnion should, do, whose role it is to focus itself on implementating new gameplay features and adding lesser new story actually, where new story is more like a by product, but not the main focus of the expansion.

> >

> > Currently it feels like HoT is the Content Expansion and PoF was more like the Feature Expansion, because the whole expansion is merely focused on the addition of just one single new feature - Mounts.


> I average 5 to 10 gold an hour chilling in the desert, junk trophies are worth at least 50 silver, if you open your unidentified gear you get more rares and I see at least one to two exotics, you also get your gold from Evergreen Lodestones which run 1.5 gold a piece, I usually see at least one branded crafting reagent that runs roughly 75 silver, while crafting mats are in the bargain bin they still make you money, and even green vigils/runes have vendor value, you need to base your rewards around your Trade Post returns not the loot at a first glance.


but all that requires "work". and in this day and age, all we want is instant gratification, else we enter the forum and complain.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @Ahlen.7591 said:

> > PoF maps are already ghost towns so asking for that many people is a recipe for disaster.


> Mind sharing this data with us or are you just pulling numbers/stats/data out of your behind?


Old post but, considering I can travel the entire length of a map without seeing a single person, yeah they're ghost towns.

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > > @Ahlen.7591 said:

> > > PoF maps are already ghost towns so asking for that many people is a recipe for disaster.

> >

> > Mind sharing this data with us or are you just pulling numbers/stats/data out of your behind?


> Old post but, considering I can travel the entire length of a map without seeing a single person, yeah they're ghost towns.


Just because it was a ghost town for you doesn't mean it was a ghost town for everyone.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> PoF maps have currently the following problems


> * They are miuch bigger, than the usual maps people played before, so the amount of players is much more spread thing in the maps, and have due to this move also much longer distances than before, to reach certain locations, also due to the reduction of waypoints. People are lazy, if they see, that they have to move a long distance, even if its now with mounts, they won't do it, if its not worth it.

> * PoF Events are all of Noob Level Niveau in regard of what you gain there, just the typical exp ,karma and low amounts of gold, that no butt cares for, as you receive this everywhere or far more oftenly soemwhere else in a short amount of time from farming Meta Events

> * Bounties are abslutely too unrewarding, and despite this fact, they are still the most rewardign thing, yiou can do in all PoF maps, the other metas everywhere are mostly interstign for peole to do just only 1 single tiem for their personal gain of achievements, but afte that, nobody cares for these thigns anymore, because the rewards after that are pure garbage an totally ininterestign and not worth your time and effort, which is why you see nobody doign at all maw

> * Aside of these points, are still way too many peopel way too budy with other things, like map exploration, mastery receiving, griffon unlocking, mastery/hero point hunt, and do all their very own thing, while running around with horse sight, not looking left and right, whats happenign around them, nor caring for others, if they could help out others in what they are doing...

> * Achievement Hunters roam also still around, having surely not donw all of their stuff in all maps and as long the stuff you do, isn#t on their list as well to do, then you barelly gonna see them helping out somewhere else



> PoF is simply a way too much casual player orientated expansion, because people complaned that HoT therefore was way too much of the opposite and not casual player friendly. With Pof we just received now, what many peopel here in the forums whined for - an expansion, that should feel more like the Core Game as less complex like HoT.

> The sad point is only, that by this decision is PoF naturally for the high active playersa and hardcore players so quickly so unappealing and uninterestign due to the clearly inferior rewards compared to Silver Wastes, and Hot Maps, that the moment where you have done everythign you care for in poF, you have nothign left in poF anymore, which gives you a reason to stay active there, because staying there feels for many peopel like a waste of time, because the maps aren't equally as lucrative for most players as like farmign their daily routines on SW, AB & Co, which is the reason also why so many people are disappointing from poF, that the maps have no hot like Meta Events with epic scaled meta boss battles ala Mouth of Mordremoth, Chak Gerent, Octovine and the various legendary bosses at night time in VB to hunt down which have all their map unique rewards, that feel also more rewarding, than the map rewards and the stuff, you can earn with PoFs map currency which is basically for all maps the same stuff, while HoT provided for each map somethign completely different, which is th reason why peopel begin now already to ask about, what they should do with all their extra of contracts, cause they have unlocked already everything with this map currency now.


> I personalyl hope, that ANet will use this feedback now, they got about PoF, to improve the weaknesses of PoF with the help of Living Story Season 4 Patches, to fil lthe gaps, and add the content, that should have been in the expansion that alot of people missed in the poF maps and so on..


> Therefore that PoF was claimed to be the CONTENT EEXPANSION, therfore has given Heart of Thorns us all the impression to have had added much much more content, than actually PoF did, despite HoT being called by anet a FEATURE EXPANSION.

> Ridiculously, HoT had even a LONGER STORY than PoF, consiting of 4 ACTS each 3 Missions and Side Stuff in between the Missions.

> PoF had only 3 ACTS and so it had lesser MIssions. We were much quicker at the point to defeat Balthazar, than it had taken us, to defeat Mordremoth... as if Mordremoth was the way much more dangerous treat... just look and compare how much harm he did to Tyria, compared to what balthazar did.. he barely did ANYTHING and we already killed him, before balthazar could become active - kind if disappointing in itself, if you look at it this way in regard of a comparison between a Content Expansion, that should deliver in fact a muhc longer and complex story narrative, than actually a Feature Expasnion should, do, whose role it is to focus itself on implementating new gameplay features and adding lesser new story actually, where new story is more like a by product, but not the main focus of the expansion.


> Currently it feels like HoT is the Content Expansion and PoF was more like the Feature Expansion, because the whole expansion is merely focused on the addition of just one single new feature - Mounts.


You are right in some things, but entirely wrong on others.

You said that there is spread of people. It is true but means that you get to travel let you traverse map much more effectively and reach things faster than in hot in some cases

This is also not a problem of map capacity. When I was commandeering serpent's ire I was easily able to taxi full squad of people and someone at the same time on this map made full zerg of bounty run

What is the problem with that event is that it have the same story as nuoch lane on gerent event at start of HoT. Either Anet acknowledge the problem or not, cc requirements are too high as for meta event where not everyone have everything let alone full cc build upfront. Using wyvern charge + wing flap + fused with wyvern wing flap and pull + headshot from back (2 sec stun) I was able to maybe make 15% break bar and that's considering I would be there alone . It maybe wouldn't be an issue if you would have to do it once but you have to do it constantly over the whole event and STILL have dps check that if you are not fast enough on cc will be failed. So it needs people that perfectly needs to know what to do and as in gerent case you need full squad because scaling is terrible. Then after this event you give same reward as for legendary bounty. Someone will say that if there is infusion people will run it. Some may be, but it is not enough to motivate me at least. On other events like this you get unique currency( chak eggs, aurilium ingots) where here you get mosaics that are obtainable in easier fashion from other source, not even mentioning that you get daily reward amalgamated gemstone or keys too chose and chests after hot metas . TBH i really wonder who looked and thought it would be okay to leave this like that .

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Serpent's Ire isn't overtuned in difficulty for the game if compared to other harder open world events. Vinetooth Prime is still hard to simply zerg since it requires people actually knowing their skills and what to do, Triple Trouble requires about the same level of coordination to be completed, Tequatl is in farm mode after people figured out how to spread a few key people to do some tasks that are required so the event doesn't fail.


Serpent's Ire is in the same boat, it requires coordination and people knowing what to do to complete the event, what turns people away from it is that for the time and effort spent the rewards are bad, if they were at least around TT/Tequatl level people would probably be running it a few times everyday.

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The whole event chain just plain sucks. It's horrible. The environment is annoying, the action up to the final 2 bosses is boring as hell. The regrouped zealots don't even fight back. It's just an uninspired CC+DPS check.


The final 2 bosses are a total disaster. The effect graphics are insane. Usually in boss fights, it's just the players making a mess, but here, the bosses contribute as well, and they contribute big time. Whatever special attack kept making me small and lose 90% of my damage output, I couldn't tell. It happened every time I moved from ranged into melee as the Forgotten's immunity changed. I had and still have no idea how to avoid that, because I couldn't see a thing. It probably didn't help that the hydra was on top of the forgotten for almost the entire fight. I couldn't even see the forgotten. Try and split them up? With 2 almost full squads of people on them? I don't think so.


There was no joy after we won, just a desire to log off and be done with the game for a while.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Every event you mention above gives you either nice material rewards or a chance to drop unique stuff - ascended tequatl's chest for example. Seprent's Ire is just an event. It gives nothing interesting back for time invested. All these events take 10-20 minutes to complete, while SI takes an hour. No way anyone will be going for this event and this is not the case of "this is new content, people still progressing".


You are incorrect in one thing, nobody KNOWS whether or not Serpents Ire gives you anything special because nobody has done it enough to find out...that's the only thing we do know.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > Every event you mention above gives you either nice material rewards or a chance to drop unique stuff - ascended tequatl's chest for example. Seprent's Ire is just an event. It gives nothing interesting back for time invested. All these events take 10-20 minutes to complete, while SI takes an hour. No way anyone will be going for this event and this is not the case of "this is new content, people still progressing".


> You are incorrect in one thing, nobody KNOWS whether or not Serpents Ire gives you anything special because nobody has done it enough to find out...that's the only thing we do know.


If you compare it ot Gerent and Tarir, both events even if don't reward you with this one unique, expensive drop, still give you enough loot for you to feel rewarded. Meanwhile playing Serpent's Ire for almost an hour gives you same trash that you would get for pressing F collecting shadows intel for 2 minutes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I learned long ago to do everything right away and especially so if it relies on other players. The longer you wait, eventually it’ll get difficult to find players to do what you need.


Anet really needs to look at the longevity of their maps rather than just the initial experience when playing them. Rewarding meta events tend to keep people coming to the maps as we see with HoT and SW. Sadly, I saw this coming during the beta and it was one of my complaints.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> > @etsubmariner.4690 said:

> > I've got the problem of Xedra, a branded hydra bounty. People outright refuse to do it when I LFG. There are just some things people aren't doing, and I can't understand why except that they have this Achievement Buzz thing going that cannot be diverted. For a meta thing to just go like that (also the Maw is a big meta) with no one really playing it . . . I don't know. Maybe it will settle soon once people have their achievement buzz in cool down.


> Then I'll tell you why I straight out refuse to do it: supremely annoying mechanics that are not appropriate for the open world audience, and not fun. First the boss moves all over the place every 5s. A lot of melee classes rely on ground targeted aoes and these aoes don't follow the boss, so that's just frustrating. Then the boss charge attack also hits players on the side and behind it. Go figure... Then all AoEs are targeted so melee is a no-go zone due to meteors. So it's yet another forced ranged mode boss that zips around constantly with massive targeted area denial. Not fun. I don't mind having bosses moving but rather slowly or just once in a while, and I don't mind being forced to go range just not constantly, because the dps loss is insane as range is pretty much worthless for any class but ele. So ultimately, it's long, tedious, and since it hits like a truck you spend half the fight respawning people.That's my reasons, others may have different ones.


I did some desolation bounties yesterday on my Deadeye and I think 4/5 of them had some kind of shield that blocked ranged attacks. So I was "forced" to melee which is straight up fucked for a class that was sold as being a sniper.

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