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so how long will i not be able to play my main in GW2?


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Depends if it has a babysitter. Especially fb. A baby sat scourge us deadly in wvw small groups. Zerging is still pretty much "I have more baby sat scourges than you" with a hint of war bubbles and rev backlines, and the rare glimpse at a weaver. Solo roaming as a necro, you might as well just tab out the moment you see anyone, unless you're willing to bet you're a much better player than them.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > Didn't Necro just get a buff? How are we back to it's been nerfed to death again? I took a break from the forums with the start of the semester but I could have sworn that Necromancer wasn't as bad off as it was a month or so ago. I still see Necro's running in all 3 modes of play. Though I'd love to see some numbers that indicate that PvE is where the game is supposed to be about.


> I posted above one guy showing being able to get around 30850 DPS.Thats a pretty good position to be in no? and no its not as bad off as the guy is saying.


> The sky isn't falling.


But it also has drawbacks. Reaper cannot be healed in shroud and is heavily dependant on his shroud.

Just 3 examples:

1.Reaper gets dmg, but rotation wise he has to go in shroud. Now you will loose 10%dmg from scholar runes until you get out of shroud, as you cannot be healed in shroud.

2.reaper tries to do gorseval, has to go in shroud while cc phase, you will get huge retail dmg and cannot contain shroud long enough, which will also loose you dmg

3.you have to delay cc skills, which will again, lower your dmg. Especially gs5. Then reaper5 has very long casttime. And you won't have as easy access to those cc-skills as they are hidden behind the max DPS rotation (yeah we still got golem)


Point 3 also counts for other classes though



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