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About death magic for power


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What do you guys think about going Deadly strength then corruptors fervor?


I mean you get power based on your toughness.You get double in shroud and you get toughness from inflicting conditions for fractals of course.


I found out the toughness from condis from external doesn't increase the dmg.


it has to be static toughness from armor and external increase doesn't work.


So what do you guys think?




strength ferocity and percision should be our main stats? I mean if we can get power based on toughness so wouldn't that translate to more powerful spec?

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Death Magic is curently quite the mess...

Corruptor's fervor is more an anti-condie trait, considering the damage reduction it offers on those is 20%, and the toughness (being only 300) offers very little.

Death Nova is semi-bugged, considering the poison cloud that apears on a minion's death is aparently suposed to deal damage when it is first summon, as if dealing a power-based strike like a well, but does NOT inflict said damage when actively sacrificing minions such as flesh wurm, blood fiend, and bone minions. (That fact is not written anywhere in the tool-tip or anywhere...)

Reaper's protection is not even a stunbreak..(Why!?)

Soul Comprehension is... Oh god why is it even a thing?

Armored shroud is incredibly weak, offering only 180 toughness when it could be something more decent like, when in shroud, reduce all damage taken by 7% (or 10%?).

Putrid defense is an interesting trait, similar to the previous iteration of Cold Shoulder, but it is ultimately overshadowed by the other 2 traits, and compared to the reaper's cold shoulder and the abundance/ease to apply chill compared to poison, it is... GURH.


So yeah.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > There is a trade-off. Death Magic is 4th in line for power damage after spite, soul reaping and reaper. So to take DM you have to sacrifice a better line that gives better damage options, in exchange getting more passive defenses.


> I'd say it's 5th in line after Blood Magic.


Was about to say. Blood was even 3nd for a time, before SR buff. For party dps at least.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> There is a trade-off. Death Magic is 4th in line for power damage after spite, soul reaping and reaper. So to take DM you have to sacrifice a better line that gives better damage options, in exchange getting more passive defenses.


That's a subjectif ranking of traitlines which have nothing to do with balance tradeoff. A traitline is not supposed to be weaker or stronger than another, it's supposed to give different options.


Yes DM need to be looked at by devs but no, having offense positively affected by defense isn't a good balance choice. Ideally, the necromancer need to invest in offensive stat to have a good offense and benefit from defensive stats to have a good survivability. Having good offense thanks to defensive stats is not good design except if you enjoy being forever bottom of the barrel in offense.


The necromancer's community is endlessly asking for damage buff and traits that promote the use of defensive stats or reduce the need to take offensive stats in favor of defensive stats are a brake to these damage buffs.

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Pre PoF (and some buffs to other lines), I was running death magic as core power necro and it worked. It just doesn't work with scourge or reaper because you sort of need 2 other core lines. I was using it for the power stacking from deadly strength, as well as some defensiveness from the line. Since Soul Reaping picked up so much extra damage recently and gained a Vitality trait a while back, it fits the roll I needed from death magic.

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**Traitlines for Power Necro:**


- Reaper (mandatory)

- Soul Reaping (mandatory after recent patch, it's just too good now)


Then pick one of the following:

- Spite (for burst and great synergy with Reaper traits)

- Curses (for additional corrupts and nearly 100% weakness uptime - very niche)

- Blood Magic (for sustain and support - very niche)


Don't pick:

- Death Magic (100% useless, outclassed by every other traitline)


**This results in the following Power Reaper tiers:**


- Spite/SR/Reaper



- Curses/SR/Reaper

- BM/SR/Reaper



- any other non-SR and non-DM combination



- any combination that includes DM



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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I run soul reaping because of gluttony right now, but maybe if i was pvping i might use death magic for defense vs condis and stuff like that.


If you're picking Soul Reaping because of Gluttony, I question your priorities. It had no meaningful changes in the last patch, since that Might gain is once per weapon swap.


If you're picking it for Vital Persistence, Death Perception, Foot in the Grave, or Last Gasp, then yeah, I'm with you.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> If i'm not wrong traits like _deadly strength_ aren't affected by temporary gain of stats.


> And what I think is that it's bad design to have both defense and offense without real tradeoff.


They are on every other profession, so it should be. There are just very few effects which share toughness - most are in DM itself - as flat DR is much more common to share nowadays.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > If i'm not wrong traits like _deadly strength_ aren't affected by temporary gain of stats.

> >

> > And what I think is that it's bad design to have both defense and offense without real tradeoff.


> They are on every other profession, so it should be. There are just very few effects which share toughness - most are in DM itself - as flat DR is much more common to share nowadays.


Not really, no. Temporary stat changes don't work with stat conversion traits.

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