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What themed guilds are out there?


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There's probably a lot, but I'm not sure how many have members who visit the forum.


I know there's some role-playing guilds which are charr warbands or companies (a group of warbands, led by a centurion). There's also EU guilds for people who live in specific counties or speak an unsupported language like Russian or Italian and for other real-life things like a Christian guild or a gay and lesbian guild. I couldn't tell you any of the names though.


One of my guilds is _very_ loosely tea themed. We're called Make Tea Not War and one of the guild 'rules' is that you must be drinking tea when you attend a guild event (including raids). But that's more of a joke thing than a serious theme.


(There's also my personal bank guild which I named To The Glorious Lonely after one of my favourite musicians/'bands' - Jeff Rouse, because like the band the guild was just me. TTGL was a project which sort of morphed into one of his current bands, The Guessing Game. But again I doubt that's the sort of thing you're looking for.)

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I used to have 3 or 4 jokey guilds for personal space but never used them (some of the names would have been force changed anyway).


My current guild has a jokey name that I’m surprised hasn’t been reported (going on 6yrs), but it’s true meaning is only for members. We make chicken jokes ALL the time, it’s a poultry themed ‘inside joke’.


I did *breifly* join a, controversial at the time, J*ssica Pr*ce guild. You can probs imagine the guild and rank names.


I’ve not seen many other themed guilds though.

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At launch I started a "Guild" to be a Charr Warband of Gladium. I called it "Felines Of Unusual Size[FOUS]". Its a play on "Rodents Of Unusual Size (RoUSs)" from Princess Bride. Its not very big at all, and mostly just friends of mine, many of which only play very very sparingly as of late. :) But I still use it. lol


As was said before...probably many out there...but most are probably small and just for fun for some friends.

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