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does anyone actually shatter their clones ?


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Now you shatter. There was a change few months back. It used to be that phantasms didnt turn to clones but continue to atack. Shattering them would lose you dps (as would overwrining them with a clone). Now phantasms turn to clones and unless you use mirage or you want specific damage unrelated stuff from their aa chain (like destroying enemies boons with sword clone) shattering is good idea

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Its a good Idea to learn when to Shatter based on your production of new cloned aswell.


Example, you want to use ability’s who produce 2 clones but u already have 3, shatter those three before make 2 new give you a better result.


Also shatter clones is a way to get burst dmg landed or have a longer invulnerable. It’s always a judgment.


Things that affect if you shatter or not:


If you don’t use shatter in cd u lose utility and dps.


If you shatter the utility and dps land on cd = you might need a ability, sometimes worth save the cd if you suspect a incomming need.


If you overwrite clones without shatter them you lose dps / utility uptime.


The more clones you shatter the better result of the shatter. A invulnerable state last longer from 3clones than 1, and you get more “bang for the buck” if you use multi clones shatters.



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It depends. I assume playing axe in PvE. In solo PvE, I shatter when mobs are around 25%. Against more beefy mobs, I typically use axe 2 twice, wait for it till it the charges are about to fill, shatter then use axe 2 twice. To maximize dps, as much as possible you want to use axe 3 and ambushe when you 3 clones.

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I feel like people completely ignored the OP's question..he is running mirage not chrono or base. All of this class mechanics thing is nonsense as mirages damage comes from having clones UP.


If you play axe in PVE you should never shatter clones, unless you are about to die and need the distortion or CC.


Scepter is a newish build that does shatter clones to provide more dps, but only when they are able to instantly recast another 3 clones to keep ambush damage up.


PVP has shattered clones for a long time, and still does as far as I know.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> I feel like people completely ignored the OP's question..he is running mirage not chrono or base. All of this class mechanics thing is nonsense as mirages damage comes from having clones UP.


> If you play axe in PVE you should never shatter clones, unless you are about to die and need the distortion or CC.


> Scepter is a newish build that does shatter clones to provide more dps, but only when they are able to instantly recast another 3 clones to keep ambush damage up.


> PVP has shattered clones for a long time, and still does as far as I know.


You can shatter clones as mirage right before your phantasms turns into clones (one axe #2)

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> I feel like people completely ignored the OP's question..he is running mirage not chrono or base. All of this class mechanics thing is nonsense as mirages damage comes from having clones UP.


> If you play axe in PVE you should never shatter clones, unless you are about to die and need the distortion or CC.


> Scepter is a newish build that does shatter clones to provide more dps, but only when they are able to instantly recast another 3 clones to keep ambush damage up.


> PVP has shattered clones for a long time, and still does as far as I know.


yeh. this is exactly what i was wondering. thanks for this!

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