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Clearing things up | Just some questions I have :)

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Long story short: I deleted a character with some ascended items on him. Now - the deletion of the character was intentional. However, the deletion of the ascended weapons was not.


Now - the questions I have are these:


1. Are such tickets worth submitting or there are limits to what Support can do? (Like, is/are un-deleting an item/s or character/s a "lucky" exception in some cases, but usually a big "No, no")

2. In my case is it possible for Support to recover those ascended weapons without un-deleting the character himself?

3. How long does it usually take for those kinds of situations to be resolved?

4. In one post it was mentioned that there was an overflow of tickets in the summer, and the update from the beginning of September stated that Support was trying their best to basically squeeze the ticket response time to about 24 hours. Now - the question here is: Do tickets get resolved one after the other, no matter the situation and/or complexity, or are they prioritized on some way? For example this ticket I have right now is 2 days old and is about just some items/character issues and is still not answered. Don't know if it was even looked at, because there isn't an update from a Support representative. But a ticket I had about a MasterCard issue got looked at, commented and resolved in like an hour. So, are tickets looked at equally and resolved one after the other, or depending on the priority?

5. In such cases, where there is restoring involved - Is it okay to play the game after you've submitted the Ticket and waiting for a response, or with such an action you can unintentionally mess something and make the solution a problem? (I'm asking this, because after the rookie mistake I made I hardly played from fear not to mess something up and make the task of the Support representative harder.)

6. I saw on two occasions that the ticket had a "Last activity change" without me even adding an update - Are those just some software changes the system is making to the ticket, or are those actual representatives taking a look at the ticket itself? (Which in the second case would make it a bit worse, because I personally think it's a good idea for the Support representative to at least give an update on what is happening with the case. A bit same as in outsourcing - You got a person waiting on the other line for whatever reason/issue and if you're silent the person becomes a bit confused on what is going on.)


In the end, I have to mention: I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against the way Support is doing their job. Everything is understandable - It's a huge game after all - Lot's of issues are filed in hourly.

(And in the end the first priority for every business is revenue and then profit, and after that comes everything else for the public. This last sentence is mentioned regarding the priority of tickets, and everyone who says: "No, the client and individual is first" etc. etc. is being oblivious. It's business after all and I'm just being a realist. I actually have worked in Customer Support so speaking from experience. I'm just against "political correctness" if you accept this last part as an offence.)


And don't get me wrong, really - No offence: I LOVE this game! It's absolutely the best game, period. (Hence being a fan since the 2012 release.)

But since it's a developing company, system, etc. there is no harm in just asking a question or two.. or 6 :lol:


Thank you! <3

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My experience related to this was the deletion of a character who had Unbreakable gathering tools (the plain ones) equipped, and CS verified that they had found the right character and then just mailed me a new set of the items. The key point above all else is to provide the most detailed information you can about the character:

* Name

* Race

* Class

* Level (approximate)

* Sex (male/female)

* Date deleted

* Example: "Neri Olafsdottir (female Norn Revenant, level around 15) , deleted 26 December 2016"(1)


And the item:

* Type (weapon, armour, trinket)

* More details (which kind of weapon / armour / trinket, which stats, was it transmuted)

* Example: "Weapon: Greatsword: Zojja's Claymore, transmuted to Kymswarden, Superior Sigil of Force, Superior Sigil of Air" or as much of that as you remember.


(1) These are the details from my ticket for the character I deleted. I also threw in my home world. The title of the ticket was "I deleted a character with gemstore items, can I get the character or the items back?".

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Tickets are triaged first-come, first-served; they are then sent to the appropriate CS Team(s) based on priority.

The CS Team can restore a deleted character, if the account meets the requirements; such as: having an empty character slot, the name is not taken, etc.

The CS Team can replace deleted items in some cases.

When there is no backlog, the CS Team strives to answer tickets within 72 hours. YMMV.

You can play the game while this issue is being considered; restoring a character or replacing items would not be affected.

'Last Activity' may mean the ticket was sent to the appropriate team, needed information checked, or other possibilities. The CS Team member will respond when appropriate.


Good luck.

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