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Ranger solo PvE build after playing Revenant Herald


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I've been playing Rev Herald for a while and fell in love with its mechanics, combination of survivability and mobility it has on s/s and staff (which possibly is the most common power setup). Its mechanics appeal to me a lot to say it simply.

Recently I've decided to try out Ranger since it looks like a quite flexible class with variety of options. For now I'm running the most recommended non-elite solo build with marksmanship and beastmastery. But I cant make up my mind whether to choose Druid or Soulbeast, I presume first one is more defensive but more useful to the team due to both boons and heal options, while latter is pure dps construct. Similarly I cant decide which weapons to focus on obtaining since I was looking into longbow, shortbow, sword, warhorn and axe as well as staff if Druid is chosen.


What I'm looking for is basically a build for running solo on HoT/PoF as well as doing some basic fractals. For any specific content I know there are dedicated roles and builds and that I leave for later time, for now Im seeking something a bit unusual but fun to run around. I was more leaning towards Druid with staff and sword / axe or sword / warhorn but dont know if that is any viable option.

Could possibly someone help me with both making choice and producing a build for character. Possibly a power dps build since I was never a big fun of condi builds.


Thank you.

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I've been using the power soulbeast build from snowcrows, with greatsword/ axe/axe. For open world PVE I've switched a few utils to improve sustain (water spirit > stance as not as stationary). Would recommend as easy to gear and rotation is simple if you like that sort of memorising.


The druid elite is built more around support/healing (celestial avatar), I have a charr druid but don't really play as too ugly to look at.


As a reminder you can try both in pvp - use golems/join a custom room if you want to experiment.

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I use this SBeast power build, mostly since I find it does excellent damage and CC as well as having high survivability, and some decent support as well.


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqAd8i1CCO8Cs8il8A7pOsEee5v357+dJAUAWblI95A-jxRBAB4pLgS1fMTJ4DPBgrU+t/+DAcJAWHcAM2YJ2YBGbsxGbsxaAxGbsxGbsxGbsxKFgeCtA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqAd8i1CCO8Cs8il8A7pOsEee5v357+dJAUAWblI95A-jxRBAB4pLgS1fMTJ4DPBgrU+t/+DAcJAWHcAM2YJ2YBGbsxGbsxaAxGbsxGbsxGbsxKFgeCtA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqAd8i1CCO8Cs8il8A7pOsEee5v357+dJAUAWblI95A-jxRBAB4pLgS1fMTJ4DPBgrU+t/+DAcJAWHcAM2YJ2YBGbsxGbsxaAxGbsxGbsxGbsxKFgeCtA-e")

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I've been running my Spirit Archer Ranger build since the big update to the trait system before HoT came out.


It's got a very nice balance of damage and survivability (providing you don't get lynched)

I have never elite spec'd the build and I regard the character my main.. so i've been running a core Ranger through both HoT and PoF without any common difficulty issues others have complained about.


If you want to use the build or make alterations feel free.



As far as playstyle goes the name should say it all, It's mostly an Archer build with sprit support.

I designed it years ago to be a solo glass PvE build with a decent to high level of survival.

You can pull out some nice damage if you manage to line up a 5 target rapid fire, barrage combo but that will depend on how well you can position yourself in combat.


The main goal is to avoid damage entirely by staying at range hence the archer but you can get up close and personal with sword and the stone spirit will help take a hit or two from most things.

Spirits can also double as a range shield when you stand behind them blocking all projectiles except piercing ones.

Pet will mostly take aggro and you can stealth with LB3 to force enemies to de-aggro you and focus pet.

Stalker for might and dmg, Smokescale for something that can tank a few punches and still pack a punch itself.


I have not used this build much in Fractals but I have run some lower level stuff with it on occasion over the years and found it capable enough that i'd invest agony into it if I ever wanted a second fractal character.


I like to make builds that i'd consider to be a one build suits all scenarios sorta thing and this is definitely one I'd say fits that.

Raids and maybe high level fractals are the only PvE content I wouldn't use this in.

That said I did use it against Vale Guardian back when the first raid was added and while obviously not ideal by todays raid standards we did pretty well despite having no clue what we were doing XD

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Thank you for the replies. I've tried above Snowcrow build and messed a bit myself, changing weapon and some skills. Overall it feels now more smooth to me, sword unlike in other classes doesnt seem to be particularly fast weapon, so I moved to dagger. I've settled with following:


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