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New Tournament Code - 9/18

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> I don't think anyone cares anymore. The implementation of Swiss takes way too long. This kind of ''warm up messages'' are way overdue.

Yup I agree, whatever you tryna do now to safe pvp it’s simply too late. Nobody cares, only way to revive pvp scene is to give money(€,$) or gems as prizes other than that have fun wasting your time trying to save something that’s not saveable

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How many patches that changed the underlying tournament code without actually changing tournaments except for bringing in new bugs did we have now? 3? 4? 5? I honestly can't tell anymore. I'm pretty sure the people working on pvp now have no idea how to work with the code present, probably because the people that made it have quit long ago. The pace of changes in PvP is abysmally slow and by now we've probably reached the state of the community has probably reached the point of no return.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Update on this. There are still bugs. However, we're not going to revert the code, as the bugs are only showing up in the live environment and we can't repro them on our internal servers. We've added a bunch of logging to help us track things down, but be aware that tournaments may be unstable until further notice.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

New update: Ui issues remain, but are just display issues. They should finish just fine.


As far as what swiss tournament is:



We'll be using a combination of swiss and single-elim. You'll play a number of swiss rounds and then the top X teams from swiss will move to the bracket. This is still a bit away though.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> New update: Ui issues remain, but are just display issues. They should finish just fine.


> As far as what swiss tournament is:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss-system_tournament


> We'll be using a combination of swiss and single-elim. You'll play a number of swiss rounds and then the top X teams from swiss will move to the bracket. This is still a bit away though.


"A bit away" is a few weeks, few months or nearly a year?

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Hey @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

we played the at 3 hours ago and i was in a group with friends & we enrolled. then they kicked me cuz a other friend wanted to play instead of me. enroll got cancelled and everything. it was xx:13 i believe. then they enrolled again with the new mate. they waited for qpop cuz they got a bye and then i had a qpop at like xx:30 despite me leaving the group and not being enrolled anymore and them enrolling again with the new teammate. we were pretty confused cuz i ended up in the match & the rest of the tournament while the other friend didnt get a qpop at all. u might wanna look into this. if u need screens just pm me on this account. my ingame name was Floodi.5961 and i was in a group with Flandre.2870 ... i cant see our team name atm cuz ui is still buggy. it clearly said that my enroll got closed. hope this is enough info for you to resolve the problem. have a nice day!

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> I don't think anyone cares anymore. The implementation of Swiss takes way too long. This kind of ''warm up messages'' are way overdue.


You can still have hopes though, people probably still do care. But i agree it really takes too long for a feature that's not " super special " since it existed in GW1

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