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Blackgate WvW, returning player


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WvW kinda dead unless a few hour before and after reset. I returned to relive my greats i used to have while roaming.


Most action you see are a couple of players dancing around SM trying/waiting for commanders to tag up. When someone tags up it lasts for maybe 1 hour then everyone gets tired/pissed and quits.


Im from Desolation (T1) and thats my experience the last month or two.

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WvW usually starts to pick up from 6pm when people are home from work/school/uni, and this increased activity lasts until about 11 pm. This is where you're most likely to see action.


Also like mentioned earlier, friday evening is a sure bet and probably the peak activity of the week because of server reset.

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They need to open blackgate, it isnt healthy for a server (specially on a dying game) to be closed for over a year straight without new bood injection, really ridiculous, the game is dying at a fast rate we should have 6 server on NA maybe 9, since pupulation shrinked so much during the past couple years, no linking just straight up delete half the servers force people into new ones like hey you are no longer darkheaven now you are Fort aspenwood, no questions asked. Straight up merge servers and be done with it to balance population out (Or what is left of it) and stop that server closing nonsense.

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> @"LPrine.3845" said:

> Launch player returning to game. Are there any times Blackgate WvW is busy? Always seems dead when I pop in.


If you want to see dead, log in to TC. Every time we get FC for a link, we are rewarded with the outnumbered buff 12+ hours a day on every map.

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BG activity is all relative. If you are returning to BG from some time off, you'll definitely think it is a ghost town. In BG NA afternoon/primetime, you can have 2 BL maps with outnumbered up for hours and hours. Reset/Weekends are really the only populated times.


Then if you hopped on another server, you'll soon realize it is just as bad. It is not that BG is a ghost town, nearly all servers are a ghost town for many portions of the day. WvW is hopefully reinvigorated with alliance matchups but ...


From a T1 perspective, SoS + BP is really overpopulated (thic) and probably match the WvW populations of all the other servers in T1 right now (Black Gate, Kaineng, ET, and SF combined). It just is odd to see SoS+BP so bored that multiple people end up dolyak escorting consistently throughout the day/night. My guess is SoS+BP does not have the commander tags (or rather runs many smaller guild 5-10 mans) but it also does have the bloated PUG population right now.


Why BG warscore is so high from time-to-time is KDR. Once BG commanders log, SoS+BP power points to "victory". Kaineng + others is "not caring" to an extent as there is no real focus on PPT to stay in T1 as Kaineng's vibe is to have variation in matchups. But Kaineng is definitely much higher population in early primetime too and there are always PPT warriors (Ajax) during that time.


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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> They need to open blackgate, it isnt healthy for a server (specially on a dying game) to be closed for over a year straight without new bood injection, really ridiculous, the game is dying at a fast rate we should have 6 server on NA maybe 9, since pupulation shrinked so much during the past couple years, no linking just straight up delete half the servers force people into new ones like hey you are no longer darkheaven now you are Fort aspenwood, no questions asked. Straight up merge servers and be done with it to balance population out (Or what is left of it) and stop that server closing nonsense.


Yup. Delete Blackgate and have their massive population flood the other servers to bring them up to speed.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Dont worry everyone, maybe we should just stack a link and solve the problem ourselves


> Please do!

> Arenanet might make us a new map with the surprise windfall.


How dare you cut off my smiley face :angry:


We should talk more about this new map. Considering their last 2 maps (EoTM, Dbl) I am not hopeful.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> They need to open blackgate, it isnt healthy for a server (specially on a dying game) to be closed for over a year straight without new bood injection, really ridiculous, the game is dying at a fast rate we should have 6 server on NA maybe 9, since pupulation shrinked so much during the past couple years, no linking just straight up delete half the servers force people into new ones like hey you are no longer darkheaven now you are Fort aspenwood, no questions asked. Straight up merge servers and be done with it to balance population out (Or what is left of it) and stop that server closing nonsense.


agree B)

BG always outman 2 map at every match on NA reset ,and closed for over a year straight without new bood injection, really ridiculous.



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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> How dare you cut off my face :angry:


I don't want to see you happy.


> We should talk more about this new map. Considering their last 2 maps (EoTM, Dbl) I am not hopeful.


I figure they've tried showering us in glitter and we've hated it, next one: flat and uniform beige.

It should be awesome!

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > How dare you cut off my face :angry:


> I don't want to see you happy.


> > We should talk more about this new map. Considering their last 2 maps (EoTM, Dbl) I am not hopeful.


> I figure they've tried showering us in glitter and we've hated it, next one: flat and uniform beige.

> It should be awesome!


Isnt that just EB? If there was ever a new map, all I want is a decent looking map with a proper layout of objectives. Dbl template just kills activity.


And back on topic...errr BG bad, evil empire, we sacrifice puppies etc etc. We had a whopping 1 map queued on reset night, BLOBGATE!

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