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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > That's speculation, but I'm game.

> > > >

> > > > That's their decision. The TP doesn't care what reason people do or don't buy mats and that reason is completely transparent to a buyer or seller. The barrier to purchase is irrelevant. If anything, we more practical types thank players that exclude themselves for emotional reasons. If people want to exclude themselves because of how they feel instead of what they want, then I question their motives and expectations; it's an empty gesture ... the market works regardless.

> > >

> > > It's a game. If you're not playing it for fun -- an emotional reason -- you're doing it wrong . . .

> > >

> > > That aside, you've failed to answer the question and instead raised another. Regardless of how you **feel** about ppl removing themselves from the market, the fact remains that the supply they would have consumed remains on the tp, and if it didn't whether enough supply would exist is an open question that the numbers indicate would be answered in the negative. Which would mean there is not sufficient supply of sigils, which was the question posed. You chose not to address this and instead raised another issue of whether the market is working, which of course it is . . .

> >

> > The reason I 'failed' to answer that question is because I don't know the answer ... but you don't either, even though you pretend you do. You keep throwing around the idea the supply is insufficient ... you have no idea if that's true or not. You don't have the data to make that statement.


> Okay, there we go, there is no way to know if supply is sufficient to meet demand and therefore the true availability of the sigil is an unknown. If you scroll back up you'll discover this was a hotly debated point within the last page or two. Caps lock was even involved on several occasions. With that resolved, what would be the best way to improve the availability of the sigil moving forward . . ?


It doesn't need to be improved ... there are sigils on offer in the TP since the release at fair market value. You're just fishing for a solution to get a lower price and incorrectly associating that with availability.

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> @"Dedicant.6820" said:

> Price is not the issue stop deflecting.


Your right, it's not, but your arguments are because complaining about how the TP works and how the sigil was implemented for the armor is a price-based complaint. If you don't want to have a price-based discussion, don't complain about how the sigil was chosen or how you get it. If people were being sincere, they would realize the most valid complaint is a practical one based on availability ... and since sigils are available on the TP, there isn't really a problem here.

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I'm not complaining about how the tp works or the price of the sigil my issue and the issue many others have is with the acquisition of the sigil from the ingame mechanics outside the tp. I don't want nor care for a price based discussion so you can stop with that nonsense wherever you pulled it from. As I have said many times and as you have ignored many times I don't care about the price Anet could set any price they want at a vendor.

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That a insincere complaint then because farming specific mats on your own has never been the primary way to get mats in this game. Now it's a problem after 6 years? That's just a shallow ruse because people don't want to pay market value for sigils. See, all the things people are unhappy about here are related to price or how the game works ... but the game didn't change.


The TP is a fundamental pillar of the economy in this game; it's not going anywhere. Based on the history of this game, it's use will only continue to be promoted that way.

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You can make false assumptions all you want go ahead. I can afford the sigils as they are and as they were at their height market value is no issue to me. It is the principle of the matter. I think we should be able to craft every sigil in the game from a recipe anyway so in multiple ways I think this is wrong.

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> @"Dedicant.6820" said:

> Is that what I said? Or is that you making assumptions again?


Well, that's how one has to interpret your statement since your being intentionally vague to draw out moderation attention. If your going to say my point is wrong and my point was that TP use is encouraged, how else do you want me to respond to you? Maybe you want to get this discussion back on track.


Anet encourages TP use and making content like this armor in this way is how they do it ... that's not wrong. That's how the game has worked since it was released.

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Another assumption well done, how is me responding going to draw out moderator attention?


I said you were wrong because there is a difference between incentives and forcing people with no other reasonable option of obtaining the sigil. I didn't expand on this because I really don't think it would have mattered to you.

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That doesn't make sense. The TP IS the reasonable option to obtain the sigil ... like any other mat. That's how TP use is encouraged. That's how almost every mat in the game is reasonably obtained for the last 6 years. The whole game is designed so the TP is the first stop to fill your mat list for crafting.


Again, if you don't find using the TP is a 'reasonable' option to get your mats, I'm surprised you continue to play this game.

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I buy materials on the tp all the time... when I don't feel like collecting them myself or I need more than the 250 limit. The issue here is there is no reasonable way to obtain the sigil yourself. If every one of your responses is gonna be based around some false assumption that I hate the trading post and everyone who uses... when I in fact use it almost every time I play GW2 you may need to think again.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > In 4 days

> > >Requiem: Experiment 6 (Full completion of CoS Requiem)- (5 Sigils needed) **Completed by 2,585 (Increase of 360 accounts** x 5 sigils = 1800 sigils)

> >

> > That’s not even 100 accounts a day getting this completed.

> >

> > I don’t consider that rate of completion a good argument for the system the way it is. In Oct 2017, **50k** had gotten a griffin right after launch so that sets a lower limit on the numbers that have PoF. The actual numbers of players that have PoF is much higher. 2585 players who managed to get enough sigils to finish this armor set isn’t very many at all.


> I love how you skim over the fact that only 784 accounts have done Requiem: Experiment 1 in those four days. You know, the one that costs 5 Ectoplasms, 20 Watchwork Sprockets and **0 Sigils**.


> From September 28th:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/698314#Comment_698314

> The Convergence of Sorrow I: Elegy had been completed by 15,212. It's now been completed by 18,396, a **3,184** increase of accounts in **9 Days**. Not alot right, to say it's a cheap collection... That *needs* to be done before even starting CoS: Requiem...


Wow, it was already obvious ppl had been turned off to this content, but to actually look at the numbers is just staggering. A sad tale . . .


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> As always, the Minority of the forum population has a problem. Not the majority of the player base.


The numbers you provide tell a different story . . .


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> @"Dedicant.6820" said:

> I buy materials on the tp all the time... when I don't feel like collecting them myself or I need more than the 250 limit. The issue here is there is no reasonable way to obtain the sigil yourself. If every one of your responses is gonna be based around some false assumption that I hate the trading post and everyone who uses... when I in fact use it almost every time I play GW2 you may need to think again.


That's not an issue for anything else ... so why is it an issue here? That makes no sense.

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> @"Dedicant.6820" said:

> I buy materials on the tp all the time... when I don't feel like collecting them myself or I need more than the 250 limit. The issue here is there is no reasonable way to obtain the sigil yourself. If every one of your responses is gonna be based around some false assumption that I hate the trading post and everyone who uses... when I in fact use it almost every time I play GW2 you may need to think again.


Like Superior Sigil of Force/Air/Energy (Meta sigils accross PvE/WvW). But why is the 'Sigil-not-able-to-be-crafted' problem, *all of a sudden*, a problem? People quite happy paying TP for these sigils, for multiple characters on many accounts, but now there's another sigil in the same boat, it's a problem? I don't get that. I've never seen a thread, ever, in my 6 years playing and forum-ing, stating that all sigils should have a crafting recipe.

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> @"Dedicant.6820" said:

> I've already said I think it's an issue for every sigil without a crafting recipe. The dungeon ones are different as they have a reliable acquisition method through dungeon currency.


Well, it's not. It's an issue to you because you want to craft sigils, but that doesn't make it a problem in the game because the TP is the primary way to acquire mats you need for crafting. There are many sigils you can't craft. This one isn't an exception. IIRC, you can't craft MOST sigils so your complaint seems contrived and out of line to how the game is intended to work.


The only reason this is SUDDENLY a problem is because people don't like the price.

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My view isn't just different, it's inline with what is intended for how the game works because I understand why the TP is important and why the price or the availability for this particular sigil isn't a problem. You can give your view all you like, but it just doesn't seem to jive with how the game is intended to work. This isn't an academic discussion about who's view is better. It's not a situation where if your view is better, you get what you want. It's about understanding why the game works the way it does. I'm here to help you.

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