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[SUGGESTION] The griffon needs to be a full fly mount


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Flying mounts would make the game feel so empty, because everyone would just be flying from point a to point b. All maps would feel deserted. You think you want flying mounts, but you really don't. It would be so bad for the game. Just look at WOW, even the devs admit it was a mistake to introduce them.

Also, in mmorpg's with instanced maps it doesn't feel very good to have flying mounts when you hit an invisible wall all the time, flying didn't feel very good in FFXIV etc.

Gliding is a pretty great compromise for flying mounts. Since you can only "fly" when you are at high distances.

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> @jokke.6239 said:

> Flying mounts would make the game feel so empty, because everyone would just be flying from point a to point b. All maps would feel deserted. You think you want flying mounts, but you really don't. It would be so bad for the game. Just look at WOW, even the devs admit it was a mistake to introduce them.

> Also, in mmorpg's with instanced maps it doesn't feel very good to have flying mounts when you hit an invisible wall all the time, flying didn't feel very good in FFXIV etc.

> Gliding is a pretty great compromise for flying mounts. Since you can only "fly" when you are at high distances.


And updrafts enhance the flying look-and-feel


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I disagree and hope they never add flying mounts to this game. Flying changes a game, in many ways for the worse. Even WoW, a game where flying was added years ago, is trying to scale flight back.


> [WoW Devs regret adding flying to the game](https://www.polygon.com/2015/5/22/8645293/world-of-warcraft-no-flying-tanaan-jungle-warlords-of-draenor-mmo-pc-blizzard)


> >"Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways,” Hazzikostas said. “While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what’s in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there."


> >Originally, Blizzard took out flying in Warlords of Draenor as an experiment, and Hazzikostas says he would have bet “slightly better than even money at the time” that they were going to bring it back eventually. But as they played the expansion and watched others play it, they discovered that they liked the game better without flying.


> >“The world feels larger, feels more dangerous,” he says. “There’s more room for exploration, for secrets, for discovery and overall immersion in the world. At this point, we feel that outdoor gameplay in World of Warcraft is ultimately better without flying. We’re not going to be reintroducing the ability to fly in Draenor, and that’s kind of where we’re at going forward.”


To be fair that was a problem with world design, not flying.


When flying was introduced in WoW Very few quests required a player to do more than get a single objective "Kill General Orcman." On top of this there were only 2 zones where NPCs interacted with flying players this trend continued into the next 2 expansions. As expansions grew and so did the development team, attention to flying fell sharply, and it became the end of expansion reward to skip everything with flying. This was WoW's problem, flying doesn't inherently make the player immune or make the map less interesting. In fact there are plenty of games where flying does not pose these same problems because the developers designed it with these problems in mind.


Flying only negatively impacts discovery and exploration when there is nothing to discover or explore by flying! Flying only feels safer when there is no enemies or obstacles to deal with while flying.


If the Guild Wars 2 team can keep this in mind moving forward then there would be no problem with flying, and it can be an enriching portion of the game. If there are hidden caverns or caves reachable only by flying, If there are more (long range) guns and net launchers that bring down flying players. If there are dragons and other flying enemies in the air that a player has to dodge, flying can be just as interactable and meaningful as walking on the ground it just takes some effort from the devs to make it so.


In the current game however, flying would be exactly like it was in WoW.

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Learn to use the griffon and you realize that its abilities are far and beyond above that of a glider. I've probably put more than 10 hours on the mount alone in flight testing it.


1) you cannot start from ground, but you certainly don't need a very high point to fly, only high enough to be able to gain significant momentum

2) You can indeed stay airborn for pretty much forever.

3) You can gain height with the thing, even if there is significant diminishing return based on a soft cap calculated by your last on-land Y axis degree.

4) Griffon is best mount and even the devs said so.


The only thing that makes it short of being a true flight mount are 2 things: You cannot start from the ground and gain height without momentum, which ensure that the other mounts have a use and it does not reward laziness. Also, climbing in the air is limited by your initial start point. But it *is* possible to get higher still. I climbed Siren's landing JP yesterday with the griffon, only landing when climbing became practically impossible.


In my honest opinion, the devs managed to give us the best possible compromise between simply gliding and straight up flying. We get a mount that can remain in the air for pretty much forever if done right, but it does not remove the importance of the other mounts introduced in the games. It rewards effort for climbing to a high enough point by making it more than possible to constantly go back to that soft cap in height and even slightly higher (Keep in mind that some map such as Lion's arch looks like they have a soft ceiling lower than the highest point you can get to), while not making people capable of starting straight from the ground. Once you got sufficiently high, momentum should make sure you are plenty capable of going higher as long as you give yourself sufficient height to dive and pull yourself up.


Not the JP but:

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To be honest, putting in the Griffon was sort of asking for it.


I can only think that true flying is already planned somewhere in the future of this game.


I have no idea how GW2's Dungeons and Raid compares to those in WoW but to me it is starting to look like GW2 is trying to become the game that Blizzard failed to deliver.





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The mount does kind of fly though doesnt it? I dont have it yet, but from what I hear, you can gain some altitude by hitting the space bar, waiting for your energy to refill and use it again. Seems pretty good compromise, you get to fly, but must actually climb to the proper altitude to do it. I think its pretty epic design. Flying without full free form flight. :) I dont agree with most posters that it would be bad, it just wouldnt be optimal in GW2. ANet has done a great job of taking existing systems and making them work differently in this game. Combat, progression, dungeons, raiding, quests, and even mounts. To just give GW2 players to ability to do something we do in another game is just MeH. . . . ANet needs to spin it the ANet way.

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> @Beazy.4512 said:

> The mount does kind of fly though doesnt it? I dont have it yet, but from what I hear, you can gain some altitude by hitting the space bar, waiting for your energy to refill and use it again. Seems pretty good compromise, you get to fly, but must actually climb to the proper altitude to do it. I think its pretty epic design. Flying without full free form flight. :) I dont agree with most posters that it would be bad, it just wouldnt be optimal in GW2. ANet has done a great job of taking existing systems and making them work differently in this game. Combat, progression, dungeons, raiding, quests, and even mounts. To just give GW2 players to ability to do something we do in another game is just MeH. . . . ANet needs to spin it the ANet way.


The Griffon cannot gain altitude. It is a nothing more than a glider and always descends. Granted the ability "Aerial Prowess" provides the ability to gain a speed boost upwards from a swoop-dive, but the upwards motion never reaches higher than the beginning altitude. The griffon is designed to always "fall."

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I also disagree. There is a fine line between giving the player character mobility and giving the player character the option of removing content by flying over it. Mobility is amazing and so far the mounts have given exploration a huge boost in PVE (please Anet make jackal portals visible on map) but this is where this should end. There are a lot of dev hours that go into the content that flying mounts would skip. I hope that flying mounts are never a thing in this game ever. The Griffon is perfect the way they are. Lets be thankful for what we have and leave it at that.

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1) They would have to redo maps so you couldn't see over the barriers, because if you did it'd ruin all the immersion of the map. That would take them AGES.

2) No exploration whatsoever. Barrier in your way? Fly over it. Long bit of land to cover? Don't explore and discover new things, fly over it and look at it like it's a pretty painting and not a giant undertaking that took someone weeks to make all for you to explore.

3) You wouldn't fight enemies anymore, you'd be flying around in the air without a care in the world, and it'd be boring as hell.


Worst. Idea. Ever. Do NOT do this ANet.

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I give it a big:











No need for Flying mounts!

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