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System Team Balthazar want a WORD with you


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for a start an explanation video is essential sorry its long but its important to know Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon

now i hope you know what is Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon


I am only a messenger

Now the word from Balthazar

"I lost to the so called Commander because he didn't have Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon so you(System Team) decided to give him a lot of passives instead that rang from defensive passives such as Self-Regulating Defenses and Defy Pain etc...and offensive such as Chill of Death etc.

now the System team if you have Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon you ll give the Commander his Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon back and change these passives into active skills such as

* Self-Regulating Defenses will be increase the effect duration of Elixir S(no lesser any more) or decrease the recharge time of Elixir S but the active will be you can exit from Elixir S on demand any time during the entire duration

* Chill of Death will be no Lesser Spinal Shivers proc but increase the boon rip and damage of Spinal Shivers (Focus weapon five) or instead of boon rip its now boon corrupt or decrease the casting time of Spinal Shivers now one of these effect plus 5% damage to boonless target to be helpful in PvE( you can say in the same line with what you did to Devouring Darkness but NOT as OP as that one)

* and so on with other passives


OFC that only will happened if the System Team have Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon"


that the end of Balthazar word


Now i am one of Balthazar followers and i notice Balthazar mentioned Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon a lot and i wanted to know if Balthazar Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon still in the world even after that brainless Commander defeat him with all his passives so i started to search the world

And after a lot of search and a lot of help from Balthazar followers i finally found Balthazar Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon in Elona and here is a prove

![](https://i.imgur.com/m5YsYAj.jpg "")


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> @"solanu.3784" said:

> I couldn't find this language on Google translate


Spend some time here in the forums and this is the only language you can use and the forum modulator wont ban you (but its your choice)

Spend some time in the PvP and you ll start to embrace this passive aggressive (but its your choice)

Spend more time in PvP and you ll start to embrace AFKing or go crazy here on the forum (but its your choice)

Spend far more time in PvP and you ll start to think is it your choice to end up like this ?

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