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How would you improve weaver for pvp and pve if you could?


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I would look at things like cast times (for some reason usually around 3/4s - same as DJ), range (mostly sword) and the core ele’s survivability mechanic (survival/sustain with +0 toughness, healing power). Also, I would look at core ele’s ability to empower itself with might and fury reliably without having to blast fields beforehand. This is of course, completely IMO.

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Remove the internal cooldown on [Elemental Pursuit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Pursuit "(Elemental Pursuit)") or change it to .1-.5 seconds. Let super-speed stack with a 10-15 second cap. Give it two weeks and see if that changes anything. If not, continue slightly buffing various non-dual attunement DPS skills.


Revert the stealth nerf on [Elemental Attunement](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Attunement) so that it applies buffs on dual attunements again. Punishing Weavers for dual attuning is bad design. They can buff Quantum Strike/Cauterizing Strike all they want, but nothing will ever change that.


Let [Master's Fortitude](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Master%27s_Fortitude) apply to dagger as well. It won't fix dagger builds, but it's the least they could do.


Add fury back to [Arcane Prowess](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Prowess). This was just a bad move. Balancing on theme over gameplay/mechanics is never a good idea.


Reduce Ride the Lightning's cooldown OR add evade frames.


Blink as a stunbreak.

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