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New player needing help picking a class


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OK so a little about me, I mainly play classes in Mmos that are mainly dps, I like to go in and fuck shit up then move to the next target quickly. Dont matter if its caster or melee.


Classes i played/ enjoyed from other mmos.


ArcheAge : Primeval,Darkrunner

BDO: Kuno,Lahn

RIFT: necro

BlessOnline: Ranger mix with melee

WoW: Warlock and DH

I do not have any of the expansions so ill be f2p. Dont wanna spend the money on the packs unless i enjoy the end game.


Since im not really social and go out to find ppl to play with, ill most likely be doing solo lvling/Pve so a class that can do ok in open world pve stuff would be nice. Anways, hopefully some of you veterans can help a new player out. Thank you

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Warrior and guardian base classes can still hold their own pretty well. Both have builds that uses berserker's gear, so you won't need HoT to get the gear you need to maximize damage.


hm i see, so far its between guardian and warrior, from the 3 ppl that has replied to me so far from reddit to here.

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If you're just playing the base game with no expacs for PvE then really any class will do. I remember I started with a Warrior but I got bored with it fairly quickly, I then switched to Engineer and thought it was pretty fun. I have characters of every class at this point, but I find I play my Warrior fairly often these days using the Spellbreaker elite spec even though I was bored with base warrior.


If your goal is to just kill stuff quick and move on though, Warrior isn't bad, Guard is ok, Thief might not be a bad choice. People consider Necro to be easy mode for open world pve, ranger is also considered a very easy class for it, both due to pets basically. Mesmer is considered to be top tier in end game stuff these days with their elite specs, but I've never really found myself drawn to the class so I can't speak too much about it. Elementalist is a top tier damage dealer but very squishy. Engineer, for the base game without expacs, can be difficult to play. You can do fairly well, quite well actually, but it takes work. Nice thing about engineer though is you'll never really get bored with the class itself.

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> @"Sojin.8240" said:

> Since im not really social and go out to find ppl to play with, ill most likely be doing solo lvling/Pve so a class that can do ok in open world pve stuff would be nice. Anways, hopefully some of you veterans can help a new player out. Thank you


If you're new to Guild Wars 2, play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. They're the most beginner friendly professions, but the one that fits your playstyle the most is the most is the warrior. It's a profession that's a lot of fun to play for new players, will help you learn the game and it has the largest weapon arsenal in the game. It has solid survivability even if you go full DPS and if you love seeing high DPS numbers, then this is the profession for you.

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Just know, if you are posting on the forums, you aren't considered P4F.

Pretty much any profession is viable in the Core game. You can try out all of them; you can keep 5 of them. Professions I thought would be my favorite from other games (Guild Wars) turned out to not be to my liking, and vice versa.


Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.

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Some classes are easier to learn and play then others. But all and i so mean all the classes have the capable dps/ quick kill move to the next target play style you described. No class has a specific play style. Like gaurdian can dps with dragonhunter or even core while be tanky and support with fire brand. Or ele can be dps with weaver but be support with tempest. Druid be support while soulbeast be damage. Now that i think about it only one class cant do both and that i think its warrior. Some one correct me if im wrong on that....

My favorite class is ele though. Tis a bit tough at first but deffinitly the most engaging class in the game i feel.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

First, welcome to Guild Wars 2! This thread is a good way to get help and meet the community, so thumbs up for that! Since you asked, the best place to put a thread of this type is the Players Helping Players subforum, which is a popular spot for veterans to provide insights and help to newer players. I've moved the thread to that subforum, and hope you'll get the insights and opinions that help you make your decision. Have fun, now! :)

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Unlike everyone else here, I would recommend elementalist. Very high damage potential even with horrible gear, and even though they are the squishiest class in the game (lowest health pool and light armor) they have plenty of ways to survive. Plus, because they are so squishy, it will help you learn the combat system better, when/what to dodge, when/what to interrupt etc.... Warriors and guardians can be built so facetanky, especially in core Tyria, that you would never have to learn that, and it makes harder content significantly harder than it should be for you. Choosing ele would remove that problem.


They are also extremely versatile, so if you wanted to run a support build its super easy on ele.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Unlike everyone else here, I would recommend elementalist. Very high damage potential even with horrible gear, and even though they are the squishiest class in the game (lowest health pool and light armor) they have plenty of ways to survive. Plus, because they are so squishy, it will help you learn the combat system better, when/what to dodge, when/what to interrupt etc.... Warriors and guardians can be built so facetanky, especially in core Tyria, that you would never have to learn that, and it makes harder content significantly harder than it should be for you. Choosing ele would remove that problem.


> They are also extremely versatile, so if you wanted to run a support build its super easy on ele.

i was told ele isnt rec for those who dont have any of the xpacs, not sure how accurate this is


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> @"Sojin.8240" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > Unlike everyone else here, I would recommend elementalist. Very high damage potential even with horrible gear, and even though they are the squishiest class in the game (lowest health pool and light armor) they have plenty of ways to survive. Plus, because they are so squishy, it will help you learn the combat system better, when/what to dodge, when/what to interrupt etc.... Warriors and guardians can be built so facetanky, especially in core Tyria, that you would never have to learn that, and it makes harder content significantly harder than it should be for you. Choosing ele would remove that problem.

> >

> > They are also extremely versatile, so if you wanted to run a support build its super easy on ele.

> i was told ele isnt rec for those who dont have any of the xpacs, not sure how accurate this is



fa scepter/focus has a decent single target burst, and staff is pretty good for aoes

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For what you're looking for, honestly any profession will be fine. So my advice is to try them all, and pick the one that has the playstyle, weapons, and skills you find the most engaging and fun. I'd say probably start with Ranger. It has a good variety of both melee and ranged weapons, and can cater to a variety of playstyles.

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> @"Sojin.8240" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > Unlike everyone else here, I would recommend elementalist. Very high damage potential even with horrible gear, and even though they are the squishiest class in the game (lowest health pool and light armor) they have plenty of ways to survive. Plus, because they are so squishy, it will help you learn the combat system better, when/what to dodge, when/what to interrupt etc.... Warriors and guardians can be built so facetanky, especially in core Tyria, that you would never have to learn that, and it makes harder content significantly harder than it should be for you. Choosing ele would remove that problem.

> >

> > They are also extremely versatile, so if you wanted to run a support build its super easy on ele.

> i was told ele isnt rec for those who dont have any of the xpacs, not sure how accurate this is



Core ele is still an extremely good DPS class, as well as still has amazing versatility because of their 4 attunements and weapon kits. Tempest (HoT elite spec for ele) brings much better support, and higher potential DPS, and weaver (PoF elite spec for ele) is even higher potential DPS, but core ele is still very much a glass cannon class. And the only place in the game where that higher potential DPS makes a difference is raids, which are locked behind expacs regardless (but even then, its possible to clear all raid encounters with core professions, so its still not mandatory)

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Given the classes you have played, I'd try to make a recommendation for **necromancer** or **ranger**.


Both are very solid picks for pve and survival while playing similar to these type of classes in other games making the transition easier.


Please realize though that GW2 has an action oriented play style with active dodging to prevent damage. This is less evident in vanilla GW2 where especially necromancer almost never runs a risk of dying, but will be required in expansions (the often read spike in difficulty with HoT or PoF) since people never adapted to the game.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Given the classes you have played, I'd try to make a recommendation for **necromancer** or **ranger**.


> Both are very solid picks for pve and survival while playing similar to these type of classes in other games making the transition easier.


> Please realize though that GW2 has an action oriented play style with active dodging to prevent damage. This is less evident in vanilla GW2 where especially necromancer almost never runs a risk of dying, but will be required in expansions (the often read spike in difficulty with HoT or PoF) since people never adapted to the game.


HEY! Necro downstate attack is a viable method of winning fights! :p

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