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Welcome to the September 2018 AFC!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hello, and welcome to our September 2018 ArenaNet Forum Chat (AFC). We're happy to host this conversation, and look forward to hearing from you.


Today's topic is primarily focused on the game updates of Tuesday, September 18th, including Living World Season 4, Episode 4; the Mythwright Gambit raid; the Legendary Scepter, Xiuquatl; the Sun's Refuge and Jahai Bluffs maps; the upgradeable armor set, and all the other features and content recently introduced.


Dev guests will include:


* Andrew Gray

* Anthony Than

* Benjamin Arnold

* Connor Fallon

* Erik Fagerstrom

* Heather Conover

* Jason Reynolds

* Kirk Williford

* Matthew Medina

* Melina Norfolk


A few guidelines:

* Please post no more than 3 questions in a single thread.

* If you want to share feedback, please try to provide a summary of your thoughts, rather than fine-grained feedback. With fewer walls o' text, the devs will be able to engage with more members, supply more answers, and generally ensure that everyone has a great experience.

* Please maintain a positive and constructive tone. This does not mean that you may not share negative opinions! Opinions of all kinds are entirely acceptable as long as they are expressed in a constructive and respectful manner towards the developers and forum members alike.

* Please use a *meaningful* title. Not: "I've been wondering" but "About [this story content] [this part of the gameplay] [this bug]"


This subforum is now open, in advance of the time we anticipate the devs will be joining us. It will remain open through the afternoon of Friday, September 28 (Pacific Time). You may add your questions, comments, and feedback now or at any time. Before posting, please check to see if there's already a thread in place on the topic you're considering because having a single thread on a specific topic will allow the devs to answer as efficiently as possible. In the end that efficiency means more information, so it's a definite win/win. Likewise, if you have follow-up comments or questions, please post them in the existing thread, rather than creating a new one.


Let's hear what you have to share!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I wanted to let everyone know that today is a busy day for the company, with a lot of long meetings, classes, training sessions, and so forth. As a result, responses here may be a little delayed during the first day of the AFC. But the team is looking forward to reading your thoughts and answering your questions and comments as soon as they can.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Update: Friday evening, September 28 --


Thanks to everyone who joined us during this month's AFC. We enjoyed reading your questions, feedback, and impressions of the September 18th Build.


The devs may be able to respond to another post or two as their time allows. Right now, we're heading into the weekend, but don't be surprised to see an post or two in the next week or so, so keep your eye on the Lastest Posts section!

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