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Is Revenant (Herald/Renegade) Realy that bad/useless as people say it is ?


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I just increased my AR to 135 on my Viper's build so I guess I will find out tonight :P One thing that really annoys me is the absolutely shockingly awful lack of heal on demand that Renegade has. You're stuck with slow timed heals and Mallyx trolling you. If you accidentally eat a big chunk of damage you basically need to sweat it out for the next little while unless someone helps you out. Herald on the other hand has two brilliant heals from Jalis and Glint.

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > That's the opinion from months ago or from people who have no idea what they are talking about.


> sooo the public opinion has changed? are revenant now respected as a viable class ?


Maybe? To be honest I don't care if anyone respects Revenant as a profession. Last night I had someone in my guild talk about how he realized playing Renegade sucked after he finally played a Ranger and I'm like "aaaannnnd? Renegade isn't meant to play like Ranger." Public opinion on a profession shouldn't matter to you. They aren't playing it, you are. Do you find it fun? If so then have at it. Do not let other people talk you out of playing anything. It really matters little if folks respect it as a viable profession. It can still do stuff. You can still do fractals and other end game content. You can do PvP. You can do WvW. It may be a bit more challenging, as some professions are incredibly easier to be good at than others, but even Necromancer players find their niche.

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > That's the opinion from months ago or from people who have no idea what they are talking about.


> sooo the public opinion has changed? are revenant now respected as a viable class ?


No. We had people saying the class is fine for years now. Most people know the class is broken. Even Anet won't speak on this board.

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Didn't get to do T4s as I only had a few minutes. I had a wee practice doing the condi-dps rotation from that meta battle site or whatever it's called. I do appreciate the complexity of it as Power Herald had become a tad stagnant, but for fucks sake the timing needs to be spot on to produce results that other professions seem to do a lot easier. That's fine I suppose, a 50 step rotation just needs practice.


The self healing on the other hand... I did one of the newer T3s (wish I knew which, it was some sort of escape down a series of winding tunnels that ends in a similar fight to Molten Boss). God damn. Getting downed in T3s is painful, I just cannot get used to the crap self heals Renegade has. Yeah our group as a whole was wiping often and people seemed to be overly eager to push huge groups of mobs because they had seen pros do it on youtube, but I swear my power herald could have held its own in there. No Shiro/Jalis for evades/damage reduction, and no Herald heal makes Renegade a glass pistol. Having to target your heal, then cast it, then remain in its area of effect is a PITA.


It's a lot of fun, though. So there is that!

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Condi Renegade is Meta right now on quite a few fights so more than accepted as a Raiding class. I main a Power Renegade for Fractal and Open World and can state without fear of scorn that the Power Renegade is absolutely viable. From a Survival point my Power Renegade really has to work hard to die and from a DPS point it outdoes my Power Herald DPS by at least 5%. There is just something really satisfying doing a Citadel Bombardment and just watching things die while wielding a set of Mordrem Sabre's:-)




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> @"ErnstP.4950" said:

> Condi Renegade is Meta right now on quite a few fights so more than accepted as a Raiding class. I main a Power Renegade for Fractal and Open World and can state without fear of scorn that the Power Renegade is absolutely viable. From a Survival point my Power Renegade really has to work hard to die and from a DPS point it outdoes my Power Herald DPS by at least 5%. There is just something really satisfying doing a Citadel Bombardment and just watching things die while wielding a set of Mordrem Sabre's:-)


> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Renegade_-_Power_Bombardment#



I want Mordrem Sabres!!!!!! Oh, and that axe.

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> @"ErnstP.4950" said:

> Condi Renegade is Meta right now on quite a few fights so more than accepted as a Raiding class. I main a Power Renegade for Fractal and Open World and can state without fear of scorn that the Power Renegade is absolutely viable. From a Survival point my Power Renegade really has to work hard to die and from a DPS point it outdoes my Power Herald DPS by at least 5%. There is just something really satisfying doing a Citadel Bombardment and just watching things die while wielding a set of Mordrem Sabre's:-)


> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Renegade_-_Power_Bombardment#



So much to unpack here...


Starting with raiding, and I'm going by Snow Crows here, condi renegade is "meta" on a total of two bosses and "Good" on seven (meaning it does its job, but there are better options), and not recommended on the remaining six. Condi renegade does excellent dps, but you need to keep in mind that it is dependent on the size of the hitbox and how many phases the boss has. The latter is the most significant due to the build having a long ramp-up, roughly 15-20sec whereas other condi builds only require about half that time. Those ramp-up and boss phasing issues are also why we usually don't see condi renegades in fractal parties. Condi renegades can absolutely be productive in those instances, don't get me wrong, but you'll sometimes have to convince a couple obsessive people to not just take a weaver, deadeye, etc. instead.



Now for power renegade vs. power herald. For context's sake, here are the two builds I compared.


Power Herald: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlUQJAssnvNWNS6JrJRVl/ksrygSYW5QJYscrkFNFidMrJO2D8gRsdABoBA-jhBBABB8AAwa/R53ZKBB4EAUp6P5pHIAwBw5NPAO/8zP/8z76zP/8zP/8zP/8zLFQEDtA-e


Power Renegade :http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlUQJAssnXMXNSumrJRZz/kst5gSY38QJ4berkFNlidMWj4odACgG4vHHykE-jhBBABnpEMgHAQlq/kneAAOBAYt/o8LAwBw5NPAO/8zP/8z76zP/8zP/8zP/8zLFQEDtA-e


How on Earth you're managing to out-dps your power herald as a power renegade is beyond me. Renegade does bring more ferocity, but herald has a hefty damage bonus from Forceful Persistence. At most, you'd be able to do a bigger burst with the renegade build and bring some support for your allies through Soulcleave's Summit and bursts of might stacks, but longer fights would allow herald to pull way ahead in dps if played properly. Please note the Metabattle page you linked states this build is "for running around in open world" and "has good self-sustain and deals high burst damage." I really wouldn't call it "high" burst damage, maybe moderate, and I find myself wondering why I'd use life leech when I can instead just run Glint and invert all incoming damage to healing for a few seconds. Herald also has some extra utility in the form of boon stripping and aoe stability from the Facet of Nature consume skills.

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> @"Arkaile.5604" said:


> Starting with raiding, and I'm going by Snow Crows here, condi renegade is "meta" on a total of two bosses and "Good" on seven (meaning it does its job, but there are better options), and not recommended on the remaining six. Condi renegade does excellent dps, but you need to keep in mind that it is dependent on the size of the hitbox and how many phases the boss has. The latter is the most significant due to the build having a long ramp-up, roughly 15-20sec whereas other condi builds only require about half that time. Those ramp-up and boss phasing issues are also why we usually don't see condi renegades in fractal parties. Condi renegades can absolutely be productive in those instances, don't get me wrong, but you'll sometimes have to convince a couple obsessive people to not just take a weaver, deadeye, etc. instead.


Most groups with a bunch of stacked weaver's and deadeyes would welcome you with open arms if you're willing to run the Dev variant to give them AP...


Although if it's vs large hitbox, you technically need 3 power dps in your sub to make it worth taking over Invo, *BUT* people love their own numbers so much that they don't care if it's less group dps so long as they're doing more/hitting a higher percentile on gw2raidar.


Also, you mention weavers, but if you're using the definition of meta as Most EffecTive At, then weavers are actually meta on the exact same number of fights as Renegade. Which is sadly just one. (KC for weebers and Dhuumdaddy for Rens.)


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Ever since 2015 I quit playing my warrior to finally enjoy a real melee power spec using dual swords (finger crossed for a next Elite power spec with GS!). Revenants started with great abilities but due to PvP complains often because people didn’t want to learn how to counter or fight against revenants, Anet nerfed a lot of traits and sword’s skills both in PvP AND PvE.


It got better with the last few balance patch but nothing crazy because even if the situation is better now overall, almost any class can do our job much better and bring more stuff to the table. I never played rev to play condi otherwise I would stay on my warrior, so even with Renegade being top for raid dps, I never played condi on my Rev. It would be high treason.


Do note that playing a class that isn’t performing as good as others and demands more of you to achieve decent results is more rewarding at the end of the road. So many times I see warriors, thieves and others not playing that good under certain situations simply because they’re so used to being carried by their classes and not the way their play.


Give rev a shot, it might not look like it with the legend skills that you can’t change but it’s quite fun once you get the hang of it.

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I like my condi Renegade, I really do. But I've been enjoying my Cavallier's Firebrand more. Being able to maintain close to zerk DPS while also having tons of toughness and utility through tome skills has just made the game that much more enjoyable for me. Sure, it's not a raid meta spec, and my renegade still deals more DPS, but he'll die if a champion so much as sneezes in his general direction.


I recently took my renegade through part of the new living story episode, and it was definitely a different experience to my guardian.

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