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The first time I did a collection that resulted in this reward, I did wonder what they meant. It sounds by the description that you would get a full set but I actually doubted that that's what they meant. And indeed it was one piece only, which to me made sense. I just felt that the description was unnecessarily vague on that.


Now it wasn't disappointing in that respect therefore but I do agree it's a shame you only get core stat choices. I got that reward for getting all the Ley line armor sets together. This was in HoT and for example Viper's is a stat set from HoT. Even the trinkets from LS4 do not have that stat set available because it's a HoT set and not a PoF one.


I imagine that the reason they kept with core stats is simply to not devaluate the crafting effort of ascended pieces like Viper's. They are after all more expensive to make, but yeah, it is disappointing in that respect when you finally get the reward and it's nothing you can really use perhaps.


As it stands though I chose the ascended piece with berserker stats cause that's always usable and chose the chest piece cause that's always the most expensive one to craft.

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