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Mad boy! Help me to find my way


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Hi guys, im not new to the game, but i don't play since period before hot expansion, i start to level a revenant, but after read read read i really don't know how level this profession, what build follow or what, everyone talk about nerf, shit build, bad condition of profession ,someone can be clear with me, and tell me what way should i follow with this profession? (talk about build)

Anyway i have another question, is there a real tier list of profession actually? Thanx for everything Peace and Love :)

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Condi scales horribly and mace does very low power damage. Not sure those 3-6 stacks of mights are enough to compensate.

I tried to level one rev up to level 50 full condi.

Vs anything under veteran level, it's slower than power but great aoe (which power rev is severly lacking) and those chills allow you to kite melee attackers.

Once level 50, things start to be more difficult and it becomes hard to sustain vs ranged attackers or even condi pressure. Sad but true. Even with mallyx, it's hard to maintain resistance in solo. You can use grandmaster that applies resistance, it's a bit better. But still, when you loose resistance, you can get spike damage. Clearing is always difficult as a revenant.


Power rev with sword/sword is easier to level. Get devastation first then invocation. Retribution 3rd, dome is a gold trait.


You will lack cleave damage, so you need to play smart like thieves.


> @"Justine.6351" said:

> starting out to at least lvl 20 I found mace/demon stance are best. Both give a pulsing damage field and mace 3 combined with mace 2 will give you 3-6 stacks of might. Go for power build in pve to 80. Condi scales horribly pre lvl 80.



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