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GPU or CPU for Best Gaming Appearance Settings (fps issue)

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Hello to all,

I wanted to share an recent experience and I wanted some opinions too.


My PC specs are Intel i7 4790k. 16 GB RAM, AMD Radeon Sapphire Fury Nitro OC+ at 1920x1200 resolution monitor. My average fps all around the world are around 30-40 with no Antialiasing and Native Render Sampling. All the other settings are maxed out. When I waypoint to Mistlock Sanctuary, Lion's Arc or I am in the middle of a boss fight in open world, my fps go down to 7-12.

Recently a real life friend, tried out gw2. His system is i7 2600k, 8 GB RAM, NVidia Asus GTX 1060 with monitor that supports 1920x1080. He plays the game at Best Appearance, Settings.

What makes me wonder, is that when we are questing in open world, when I have 25-35 fps, he has 120-130 and in cities when I have 7-12 fps, he has 30-40.

Even though I have a most updated PC than him, I really do not know what I am doing wrong and if the problem is my graphic card or my CPU. I came in here to ask for your opinion as I am seriously considering to buy new graphic card or CPU but I do not know which pc part to blame?




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It could be as simple as GW2 running better with Nvidia cards than AMD. I have i5 and GTX 970 and I run the game better than you, according to your description. I get ~80 in most open world areas. ~50 in cities and ~40 in LA. I get better fps if I tone down some of the graphical settings.


Normally video games are more reliant on the GPU. A very good GPU alongside a decent CPU works much better, in most cases, than vice versa. MMORPGs are different in this regard however because they are more reliant on the CPU.


GW2 is just badly optimized though so it could be anything. You have a really good CPU so I highly doubt it is casuing any issue. I don't know too much about AMD cards so somebody else could chime in with their experience with AMD and GW2.

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Thank you very much for your answer!

That is what I get but then again, I watch in youtube player with AMD RX 580 to run the game as my friend did (with 100-130 fps) and I am wondering what is happening? I have an opportunity to upgrade my graphic card to Vega 64 or to a GTX 1080 and I am really confused as to which company has made the better job with GW2.

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I wanted to add here, that in my case the graphic card I own, was having a "conflict" with the software (TriXX) from the owner of the card Sapphire. I uninstalled that program and now I am very gland to say that my frames sky rocket. Now with Best Appearance Settings, I have Average 160 fps and in cities, world bosses 40-50! At last I can enjoy the game once more.

I just add this info here in case someone else may have the same problem as I did.

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Mostly MMOs are dependant upon CPU, not GPU. They have thousands of objects, NPCs and players to animate all the same time , its basically like trying to combine something like the hundreds of units of StarCraft II with the FPS engine of Crysis. It can't be optimal because even with threading, the graphics can't be drawn faster than the game produces the necessary calculations for things to be rendered.


The only thing having a good GPU affects is things like shadows, antialiasing, overall graphics quality, not FPS. If you want to increase framerate, set Character Model Limit to the Lowest setting, which culls nearby players, then turn on nameplates.

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If you really have all the other settings maxed, that's your first problem. I doubt there's any setup out there that can go past 60fps in world bosses with maxed Character Ammount and Quality. Just reduce those to medium and you'll see a significant jump in your FPS as your CPU doesn't struggle with processing all the characters in the boss fights.

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1700x with a GTX 1070 here, I've had trouble running this game on somewhat playable level since day freaking one, aka beta. I cannot achieve 60 fps or even close to that in town or on the battlefield no matter what I do. Even with my new rig, i get extremely low fps. Heck, i can run The witcher 3 and BF1 (1440p, max settings) at the same time, and still get better fps than this game running alone.... Makes no sense.

Starting to think they don't even know how their graphic engine works at all... Kinda looked forward to buying PoF, but this just puts me off... I gave up on the game a while ago, since i absolutely refuse to play on low/medium graphic settings.

Who knows, they might fix it eventually, but for now... No thanks.

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Most of the replies after OP solved his issue tell me


>I bought this expensive prebuilt PC but have no idea how to optimize on a software level, this game runs like crap!


Bet Aviator and Flash both have +200 processes running at all times and wonder why a single thread-dependant game cant hit +100 fps.

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> @"MrFayth.3546" said:

> Most of the replies after OP solved his issue tell me


> >I bought this expensive prebuilt PC but have no idea how to optimize on a software level, this game runs like crap!


> Bet Aviator and Flash both have +200 processes running at all times and wonder why a single thread-dependant game cant hit +100 fps.


Actually, no. This is not a pre-built pc, i built it on my own and I've recently reinstalled windows and i'm bearly running anything at all. If i can run both W3 och BF1 at the same time and STILL get better fps, that pretty much tells you how badly optimized this game really is. Even if i did have all the applications running, i will, again, still get better fps in any other game.

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> @"Flash.7465" said:

> > @"MrFayth.3546" said:

> > Most of the replies after OP solved his issue tell me

> >

> > >I bought this expensive prebuilt PC but have no idea how to optimize on a software level, this game runs like crap!

> >

> > Bet Aviator and Flash both have +200 processes running at all times and wonder why a single thread-dependant game cant hit +100 fps.


> Actually, no. This is not a pre-built pc, i built it on my own and I've recently reinstalled windows and i'm bearly running anything at all. If i can run both W3 och BF1 at the same time and STILL get better fps, that pretty much tells you how badly optimized this game really is. Even if i did have all the applications running, i will, again, still get better fps in any other game.


Poor optimization is something that impacts everyone. The game is simply heavily reliant on good single threaded performance and good memory. Other games see higher fps for obvious reasons, but in general, MMORPGs do not ever have high fps other than those with extremely simplified graphics.

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Did your friend send you a picture of his settings so you can compare? The difference is very big something is up with either your computer, or his. You should have completely identical settings in order to compare. As for your computers, the 1060 and the R9 Fury are very similar in power, while your processor has 0.6GHz faster single core performance so you should have approximately the same fps, or at least very close, and not have such a big difference.


Having more applications running wouldn't affect Guild Wars 2 performance much. The game uses one core way more than others, which causes all the problems, this is easily viewed if you check performance monitor and check all your cores. I assume one of you isn't using the settings they say they are and I'm leaning towards your friend.


To add my AMD experience I have an R9 390, the game set to best appearance with character model limit set to medium (needless to go beyond that in my opinion) and render sampling set to native. I set the frame limiter from AMD settings to 40 fps and not only the game never goes below 40 fps (even in LA, or big world boss fights) but also my card is completely silent (which is the reason I set the limiter in the first place), at 60fps it's mostly playable (outside LA) but it gets noisy.


I have an I7-6700K CPU and total CPU usage is less than 20%, however one of my cores is close to 90% usage. If I increase the model limit to highest, my fps drops to 30 in LA, however my card remains perfectly silent as the Model Limit doesn't use the GPU but the CPU instead. With Model Limit at Highest, the one core that is being taxed by the game reaches 95%-99% usage, which is what causes the performance drop. My GPU usage is the exact same regardless of how I set Character Model Limit, and going from highest to medium gives me +10 fps in LA, perhaps more because my limiter is at 40 fps and can never go above that.


tl;dr: My CPU has the same clock speed (4GHz) as yours and our GPUs are very similar (yours is slightly better) so you should never go under 30 fps under any circumstances with best appearance, or never go under 40 fps with native render sampling and medium character model limit.


edit: activate anti-aliasing, your GPU can handle it. If you want to stay at around ~30 fps put render sampling to Supersample, your GPU can handle that too. But, to help your CPU with character draw calls, reduce Character Model Limit, set it to medium first to see how it goes, and you will be fine even in big cities (like your friend)

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Out of curiosity OP, do you know what types of drives you both installed GW2 on? Having played GW2 on two different laptops the thing I saw the best performance gain from were improved CPU and the speed of the solid state drive. Had previously already seen a vast improvement in game speed moving from a SATA drive to a solid state, but then saw even more moving to new generations of the solid state drives.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> Out of curiosity OP, do you know what types of drives you both installed GW2 on? Having played GW2 on two different laptops the thing I saw the best performance gain from were improved CPU and the speed of the solid state drive. Had previously already seen a vast improvement in game speed moving from a SATA drive to a solid state, but then saw even more moving to new generations of the solid state drives.


As far as general gameplay improvement gains, moving from a Hard drive to solid state is the biggest upgrade you an make cost/performance for Gw2. Can't beat going from ~1min LA load times(first load upon starting the game) to <15 seconds. But you'll still get heavy FPS hits.


Going from something like an FX-6300 to an OC'ed 8700k would be nearly as large of a improvement to gameplay experience.

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maybe the game is not running on your dedicated gpu but on the cpu internal?

oh and could you ask your friend which settings he is using ingame and what motherboard and ram and cpu ghz he has would be really interessted as I have an I7 2700k with gtx1060 too but nowhere near over 100fps anywhere in the game

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Thandor.5748" said:

> I wanted to add here, that in my case the graphic card I own, was having a "conflict" with the software (TriXX) from the owner of the card Sapphire. I uninstalled that program and now I am very gland to say that my frames sky rocket. Now with Best Appearance Settings, I have Average 160 fps and in cities, world bosses 40-50! At last I can enjoy the game once more.

> I just add this info here in case someone else may have the same problem as I did.


Since the introduction of Wattman by AMD using TriXX to overclock a Fury will lock it at its base clock settings.

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  • 4 months later...

I get about 28-30fps on average with a Ryzen 2600 overclocked to 4.1ghz in large scale wvw. Make sure you drop model limit and quality each to low and every other setting to medium or low, since your GPU is quite old, your CPU should still be fine.


Intel cpus, especially the latest one, should get at least 35fps or more in that scenario, but it's still not completely ideal, because you will see a drop in frames anyway.

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