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Mythwright Gambit discussion (SPOILERS)


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So, during the most recent raid you fight Qadim, a Djinn that like Zommoros is an avid collector, except he collects living beings such as hydras, grawl, skritt, wyverns and even greater destroyers/elementals. Apparently Zommoros is about to lose the mystic forge in a bet and has called upon you to help him not lose (disguised as a tour invitation), but at the end it becomes a serious matter because Qadim wants to claim the "Mythwright Cauldron" which is where Zommoros actually crafts his legendary weapons.


The nature of the Cauldron is not explained except for Zommoros being deadly afraid that Qadim would try to take any living creature out of it. Zommoros makes it clear at the end that he did not create the Cauldron but rather "acquired it" in ways we will probably never learn about. There's also some interesting lore tidbits where Zommoros talks about his wine collection, a tale called "The Four Djinn" which sounds an awful lot like it's actually Miyani's diary, and some explanations on part of Zommoros about the workings of the forge.


Now, the curious part, is that you do not actually defeat Qadim permanently inside the raid. Once defeat, he falls inside the Cauldron and comes back apparently empowered by its substance, and at this moment simply flies away without leaving a trace with Zommoros humorously remarking "Well this can't be good". The raid ends with brief comments by Zommoros that he won't put the Mystic Forge or the Cauldron on a bet again, but nothing is said about Qadim apparently still being alive and even angrier than before.


To top it off, you find a note called Zommoros' Research Notes inside the instance (it's one of the most "hidden" ones too, deep in water: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zommoros%27s_Research_Notes), where among other things he says:


_Still, I admit that this system is not entirely perfect. For example, the wizard Isgarren came to my forge long ago seeking special compounds that I imagine were used for some magical purpose or another. I heard of this after the fact, and was most curious what one of his stature might want to get out of my collection! But upon closer investigation, I realized with a hint of despair that there was no record of what exactly Isgarren tossed into my forge, nor what he received in return, as the skritt are rather poor at maintaining proper documentation._


Interestingly, Isgarren residing in Kessex Hills is supposedly an elementalist of sorts (the town by the castle is protected by elementals), and since Djinn are basically sentient elementals, this might tie into a continuation of this raid rather than it being self contained. We have a loose Djinn that has probably become quite strong and might need the help (or even go against?) of a very powerful elementalist to contain it. What do you guys think?

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