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[FTT] Deployment Kit Accessibility

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The [FTT] Deployment Kit(non-engineer deploy-able turret), which is currently only usable in the Domain of Kourna(where you earn it), should be made usable in all LWS4 Maps. Here's the thing, its a really cool deployment kit, that you have to spend a lot of time and effort earning achievement side before you can even use it... but the only map you can use it in, doesn't have much of any replay-ability. The events in Domain of Kourna are not: long enough, interesting enough, challenging enough, or rewarding enough to warrant Open World replay after story completion. Want heavy loot or Volatile Magic? Grind Istan. Want Karma and some moderate loot? Grind Sandswept Isles. Want engaging events with a real World Boss? Hit up Jahai Bluffs. But there's really no reason to return to Domain of Kourna upon first completion. Yet that's the only map you can use the deploy-able turrets in. So you spend all this time unlocking them, just to never use them?


I know some might say that these take away from one of the abilities that make Engineer special, but I don't think that's true. These turrets have completely different mechanics: different effects, different deployment requirements, and different deployment time/health bar. An Engineer can even use them along side his turrets for greater affect. So they take nothing away from what makes an Engineer special, they just add more options on the table. Also, Id like to note, I'm not suggesting they be used in every map, just all the LWS4 ones.

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I suspect that the FTTs had a larger role to play in the content that had to be cut for time. And now that I think about it, their functions would be perfect fits to boost an army of NPCs like in the returning Reaper's Rumble minigame for Halloween. There's already a bunch of NPC battles happening all the time in Kourna, and 3 bridge "lanes" into Gandara, though only one is functional now. Maybe they had originally wanted to make Kourna into a moba-style map.

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