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Requiem Armor / Mist-Entangled Items Issues [merged]


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Just visited Warlord Steelburn for the Mist-Entangled item (for like the 20th night) on all three(3) toons that have completed the story, and item is not available. Ely says better luck next time (still). Currently collected about 700 mistonium(sp?) and got tired of farming the map a week ago. The luster of having the new armor skins is fading fast.

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This bug has reared its head again for me. It seems that this bug goes deeper than i originally thought, it not only blocks progress on the armour collection but (according to the Wiki) it also prevents you from getting the "Automatic Fire Extinguisher" as you can only purchase it from Ely (the bugged NPC) after step 5 of the Requiem collection.


Can I **very politely** ask for an update on the progress of this bug fix?


Here is what I know about the bug and hopefully this information will help the Dev's find the problem, I hope this is ok and doesn't break forum rules!

1. It's for all Armour types.

2. The bug lies with Ely; after "Requiem: Experiment 2" we don't get Experiment 3 unlocked. This in turn, I assume, is why Azi does not offer the Mist-Entangled item as the code probably dictates that it's only sold when Experiment 3 is active, Since it isn't active for anyone this is the root cause of the issue.

3. Azi is not bugged :)


I hope that helps.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Baltzenger.2467" said:

> > Is this even recognized as a unfixed problem?

> It is. Support has been asking people for details, that they then pass to QA. They know that they solved one issue, but not all.




That's not for certain, if you've been following tickets regarding this issue, in no part was I (my case) told that they'll be looking into the issue, every time they ask me for information to rule out an error on my part or either associate it with their theory of this being a problem with choosing heavy armor, which very confusing since all it takes is to read this topics to find out that people that have chosen other weights or nothing at all, are also having this issue.

At this point, at the very least, a proper confirmation of this being a recognized problem and that they're working on a fix is needed. @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793"

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> [ANet Faerla wrote](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9qoe4i/requiem_armor_quest_is_still_bugged/e8avvwa/?context=1000)

> Update: After a lengthy investigation, I believe I've located the source of the bug and I'm working on a fix. We pushed a fix for a separate but related issue a few weeks back, and this current one was a bit trickier to find."


> [They also wrote](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9h49tn/the_convergence_of_sorrow_ii_requiem/e8axkm8/?context=1000)

> Hey, sorry for the delay. I think I've finally located the source of the issue, and I'm working on a fix. Thank you for your patience, this one was kinda tricky to pinpoint!


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> [ANet Faerla wrote](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9qoe4i/requiem_armor_quest_is_still_bugged/e8avvwa/?context=1000)

> Update: After a lengthy investigation, I believe I've located the source of the bug and I'm working on a fix. We pushed a fix for a separate but related issue a few weeks back, and this current one was a bit trickier to find."


> [They also wrote](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9h49tn/the_convergence_of_sorrow_ii_requiem/e8axkm8/?context=1000)

> Hey, sorry for the delay. I think I've finally located the source of the issue, and I'm working on a fix. Thank you for your patience, this one was kinda tricky to pinpoint!


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Not at ALL!!! My roommate has been trying for over a month to get this. MANY of my guildies have this issue. People have been trying to bring this to ANet's attention for going on a month now. You guys put in a bugfix just after launch of the new LS that you clearly /thought/ fixed it, but it IS NOT FIXED. Many people have gone to GM support (again, my roommate has been at it back and forth for a month). This is a major bug and needs to be resolved. At least acknowledged that you guys KNOW about it.

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> @"X Anthony A.8409" said:

> couldn't figure out how to get the image to show up here but the link takes you to the image of the bug that still exists that other posts said fixed and its not


Actually, there were different bugs. One was fixed (and users confirmed that they could progress the collection). It turns out there was another and the developer just posted yesterday that they figured out the cause and are working on a solution. Read the other threads and you can find the quote.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks,


This is recorded on our Known Issues Tracker, which you can find here: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker Another aspect of this bug was noted as fixed in [a different thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/55618/fixed-requiem-collection-azi-doesnt-have-mist-entangled-item#latest "a different thread").


Also, please review the forums, or use the search engine, so that we can keep threads on the same topic together. This helps the devs and also assists players in learning that one aspect was corrected, where another is still bugged. Thanks!

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