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6 years of flashy effects

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Hello :)

First to say that I came back to the game 1 month ago and was doing a lot of WvW since then. I just remembered how all those skills effects bomb my monitor, however it's bearable. Then, I bought PoF a week ago to get the new specializations and everything was fine until today... I am not into long sessions of farm but some runs are great so I decided to give a shot to Istan and as the saying goes, a picture (or 2) is worth a thousand words.

[https://imgur.com/a/U9g9rte](https://imgur.com/a/U9g9rte "https://imgur.com/a/U9g9rte")




I can't understand how after all those years there isn't an option yet to disable player effects. I felt sick of how annoying this got in less than a minute and the only advice I received was to low my graphs. I really enjoy all modes but this was a no no for me.

Sorry for my bad english!

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One one hand, we have an intent to communicate with players through tells, markers and the like. Clear signalling.


On the other hand we have the belief that shiny sparkly things sell well/are cool and OH MY GOD MY EYES I X_X


The game's designers need to have a talk with the art department and pray the programming department can bail everyone out.

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I think it started around beginning to mid season 3 where somehow they decides the way to make content harder is to cluster the screen with AoE/effects. From there it only escalates in visual effect but no real meaningful difficulty rise or altering the playstyles etc. I'm glad they brought that back a bit with the new story design now though, now fights are more about interesting mechanics than spoonfeed lots of orange circles/flashy effects.

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