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what happened to ingame polls?


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I felt like the polls they used to give us in mail were limited to choices that were all predetermined routes, therefore it was more the illusion of choice to a road we were forced to take. In game polls would see more coverage than forum I think though and would [maybe] get a lot more number in results, however we still won't know if a majority or not are getting involved in the polls itself. The difference between the in game one and forum is that forum voices are more involved/passionate about their stance and voice it.

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we may not be able to verify now but before the player count was around


2.6m to 3m reddit. does not count the amount of dual accounts.


all serverd queud if each map had a handred


400 x 8 (assuming each player plays at most 3 hours = 3.2k per server.


51 total servers = 163200


163200/3000000 = 5.44%


its a rough estimate. but we do know the game in queues are not 24/7.


i am being lenient here. as in very linient. (spell check me).


% of wvw players is < than that surely


most views on the post = 33k


33000/163200 = 20% rough estimate.



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Also don't forget that the majority may not have the same playstyle as the minority. There are a lot of people that like to solo play not group play. There are a lot of people that want to build a character to the way that they want to play, not Meta. There are a lot of people that do not like to get on TS or Discord, for various reasons. There are a lot of people that like to capture things instead of fighting other players. There are a lot of things most people like that the few that do speak on the forums don't and can't seem to understand.


To quote the opening theme song of an old T.V. show called Diff'rent Strokes - "Now the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Also don't forget that the majority may not have the same playstyle as the minority. There are a lot of people that like to solo play not group play. There are a lot of people that want to build a character to the way that they want to play, not Meta. There are a lot of people that do not like to get on TS or Discord, for various reasons. There are a lot of people that like to capture things instead of fighting other players. There are a lot of things most people like that the few that do speak on the forums don't and can't seem to understand.


> To quote the opening theme song of an old T.V. show called Diff'rent Strokes - "Now the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."


Yeah they're called casuals the vast majority of gw2 wvw players are casuals. They can't be bothered with organized team play, theorycraft or actual PvP. They wanna log in for an hour or two run some yaks on their soulbeast get their pips and log off. They might spend some extra time playing the next living story release or farming the newest legendary in istan or whatever the next farmable map is but that's about it.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Also don't forget that the majority may not have the same playstyle as the minority. There are a lot of people that like to solo play not group play. There are a lot of people that want to build a character to the way that they want to play, not Meta. There are a lot of people that do not like to get on TS or Discord, for various reasons. There are a lot of people that like to capture things instead of fighting other players. There are a lot of things most people like that the few that do speak on the forums don't and can't seem to understand.


> To quote the opening theme song of an old T.V. show called Diff'rent Strokes - "Now the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."



I'm okai, but not that much.

When you're playing MMO, so with others players, the logic would like you should not play what you want but what others need, or at least something that don't bother them. You have to cooperate a bit, and take advices (or most of the time insults) to improve yourself.

This is large PvP, so the wantonness of one individual is not tragic, but one + one + one +one ...

Like in pvp and fractals/raids you were like "I wanna play bunker thief and walk on the map for the beauty" Ok, but don't they like to win too ? Why they play PvP if they can't be a bit serious and cooperating ?

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Also don't forget that the majority may not have the same playstyle as the minority. There are a lot of people that like to solo play not group play. There are a lot of people that want to build a character to the way that they want to play, not Meta. There are a lot of people that do not like to get on TS or Discord, for various reasons. There are a lot of people that like to capture things instead of fighting other players. There are a lot of things most people like that the few that do speak on the forums don't and can't seem to understand.

> >

> > To quote the opening theme song of an old T.V. show called Diff'rent Strokes - "Now the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."


> Yeah they're called casuals the vast majority of gw2 wvw players are casuals. They can't be bothered with organized team play, theorycraft or actual PvP. They wanna log in for an hour or two run some yaks on their soulbeast get their pips and log off. They might spend some extra time playing the next living story release or farming the newest legendary in istan or whatever the next farmable map is but that's about it.


Once upon a time I used to be a theorycrafter, min/maxxer player. Problem was, after I managed to min/max my builds to destroy anything in my path I had no challenge. I lost interest because nothing could really do anything to me. It was log in, destroy everything and everyone in sight, collect loot, and leave. It got boring. Fast. Now I prefer to have a challenge when I play. It makes things more interesting and fun. Do I win every time? No. Do I lose every time? No. I get a more even play. It makes me stay longer in the game because I'm having fun being challenged. I get the "Want to win all the time" mentality. I have been there before. But it's lonely at the top. Pretty soon people learn to avoid you because they know they can't win. So you see people running from zergs because, "Oh look, they have all the extreme Meta builds and know how to use them to their maximum advantage and we can't do anything about it but lose." Yay. So much fun. Then when you get two equally matched zergs, well it's an hours worth of fighting with no results. Yay. So much fun. Casual play is not a bad thing. People keep trying to make it out like it is, but it isn't. This is just a game, no need to take it so seriously. It's not like you are getting payed to play this game competitively, if you want that then you need to look into other games that are E-Sports oriented and go there instead.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Also don't forget that the majority may not have the same playstyle as the minority. There are a lot of people that like to solo play not group play. There are a lot of people that want to build a character to the way that they want to play, not Meta. There are a lot of people that do not like to get on TS or Discord, for various reasons. There are a lot of people that like to capture things instead of fighting other players. There are a lot of things most people like that the few that do speak on the forums don't and can't seem to understand.

> >

> > To quote the opening theme song of an old T.V. show called Diff'rent Strokes - "Now the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."



> I'm okai, but not that much.

> When you're playing MMO, so with others players, the logic would like you should not play what you want but what others need, or at least something that don't bother them. You have to cooperate a bit, and take advices (or most of the time insults) to improve yourself.

> This is large PvP, so the wantonness of one individual is not tragic, but one + one + one +one ...

> Like in pvp and fractals/raids you were like "I wanna play bunker thief and walk on the map for the beauty" Ok, but don't they like to win too ? Why they play PvP if they can't be a bit serious and cooperating ?


PvP is a different beast. In PvP you know you are going in to directly fight another player to win. WvW is different, there are more aspects to it than to just defeat other players. Yes that is in WvW, but there are also capturing things and defending things, some small PvE element with flipping camps or taking over the Dredge, Ogre, or Hylek areas, or people trying to duel each other. If you plan on joining a Zerg, then yes you should try to compensate for whatever the group wants or needs. However, I don't feel you should be completely excluded if you aren't running the exact Meta build from Metabattle. Yes those are designed to be supposedly the most optimal build for performance, but sometimes a slight tweak here or there can still yield results. If the Zerg is not full and there are those that are running a Non-Zerg Meta class then they shouldn't be felt unwanted, left out, and ridiculed for wanting to join the Zerg with their Ranger, Thief, Mesmer, or Engineer. I strongly believe that people that go into WvW all want to contribute to the winning of their match, it just may not be in the exact same way as other people feel it should be done.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Once upon a time I used to be a theorycrafter, min/maxxer player. Problem was, after I managed to min/max my builds to destroy anything in my path I had no challenge. I lost interest because nothing could really do anything to me. It was log in, destroy everything and everyone in sight, collect loot, and leave. It got boring. Fast. Now I prefer to have a challenge when I play. It makes things more interesting and fun. Do I win every time? No. Do I lose every time? No. I get a more even play. It makes me stay longer in the game because I'm having fun being challenged. I get the "Want to win all the time" mentality. I have been there before. But it's lonely at the top. Pretty soon people learn to avoid you because they know they can't win. So you see people running from zergs because, "Oh look, they have all the extreme Meta builds and know how to use them to their maximum advantage and we can't do anything about it but lose." Yay. So much fun. Then when you get two equally matched zergs, well it's an hours worth of fighting with no results. Yay. So much fun. Casual play is not a bad thing. People keep trying to make it out like it is, but it isn't. This is just a game, no need to take it so seriously. It's not like you are getting payed to play this game competitively, if you want that then you need to look into other games that are E-Sports oriented and go there instead.


Lol I don't buy it but let's say for the sake of argument that you're telling the truth.


You claim to condescend to your opponents by tying one hand behind your back so to speak in order to give them a better chance of beating you. How fundamentally disrespectful, how dishonorable. You shame yourself and disrespect your opponents in the process.


If your opponent cannot beat you when you're trying your best to win they don't deserve to win, not even once. When someone beats me they know that I didn't pull any punches and that they did something right. When they lose to me they know it's because I was better in that moment and that they have holes in their game that need to be addressed. If you let them win when they shouldn't all you do is make them think they're better than they are and in doing so you undermine the fundamental value of competition which is self discovery.


The fundamental precept of what I think separates casual from hardcore is not "I want to win all the time" but rather "I want to be the best I can possibly be at whatever it is I'm currently doing." Casuals resign themselves to personal mediocrity whereas hardcores strive to be the best they can be at whatever it is they're doing even if they never actually make it to the top.


Being hardcore is also not principally about money in my view it's about being passionate, disciplined and dedicated to self improvement in anything one decides to do in life including video games. If you happen to be good enough at a thing to make money doing it then that's great too but I see that as an added bonus not the primary motivation.


Being at the "top" has never been lonely for me whenever I've managed to achieve it, I have found it to be personally gratifying but inevitably short lived. Someone always comes along and knocks me back down sooner or later. This is how it should be.



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