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Mirage theorycraft time!


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With the changes to blurred inscriptions I'm thinking of a new bunker/Condi mirage build with the focus being signets, desert distortion (mirage master 1). Most likely using sage amulet. Just spitballing. What do u guys think we can make work in PvP with this new blurred inscriptions?

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Will the build be good PvP?

* No --> It won't work well in PvP, so you have your answer

* Yes --> It will be nerfed in a month and then won't work well in PvP, so you have your answer


Sorry, just my honest, pragmatic opinion.

However, if you really want more info than that then . . .

No, I don't think it will work in PvP since Aegis doesn't make you immortal, there is now a lota AoE in this game, and boons can be corrupted.

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Ok so far in wvw roaming I've been feeling most comfortable on the following (sure not pvp, but perhaps some ideas could be adapted for the format).


(of course Temporal Enchanter replaced with Blurred Inscriptions)


Underwater swapping Blink for Sand through Glass.


The primary challenge is clone generation without DE, especially for axe and shatter combos - and only running two deception skills - but the plus side is much better burst output and pressure when you do get the combos off.


I don't like axe much without deceptive evasion, but the rest of Duelling is largely superfluous compared with chaos traits for staff and heal/blink.

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idk what i feel about your build man.

Id prefer something like:



if you really want to use Chaos.

With "my" build suggestion you will have more chaos armor due to healing leaves a chaos field, with staff u can simply "2" to get more chaor armor and add some more to your condidmg through shooting through the field.

Also with Illusions you get more damage through torch (quite a bit more damage) and effects on shatters.


Also with renewing-oasis ( instead of self-deception) you have way more uptime of reduced condi duration on you. Which also increases Protection uptime.


By changing major trait in chaos you also got roots/immobs through daze with chaosfield (from healing and staff 5) and some additional boons.


I personally dont like celestial on mesmer.. find the damage output to be too gimped and having to high of a ramp-up time to start getting noticed...

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> @"Noha.3749" said:

> @"Curunen.8729"

> idk what i feel about your build man.

> Id prefer something like:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAW3fnELDlphtpBWoBMMjlXDzv/VAPgoBgcyzxMFMDOBA-jFyHQBK7iKsElfJS9gaq75nq4MHlg7Y/BA8kCCAgAczbmNbz28m38mv5Nv5Nv5N7628m38m38m38m38mlCoKlVA-w


> if you really want to use Chaos.

> With "my" build suggestion you will have more chaos armor due to healing leaves a chaos field, with staff u can simply "2" to get more chaor armor and add some more to your condidmg through shooting through the field.

> Also with Illusions you get more damage through torch (quite a bit more damage) and effects on shatters.


> Also with renewing-oasis ( instead of self-deception) you have way more uptime of reduced condi duration on you. Which also increases Protection uptime.


> By changing major trait in chaos you also got roots/immobs through daze with chaosfield (from healing and staff 5) and some additional boons.


> I personally dont like celestial on mesmer.. find the damage output to be too kitten and having to high of a ramp-up time to start getting noticed...


For the record I've been running this http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAW3fnsnBlphFMDmLDMMjlZDrMAcbSGmjgVQLxv+1/CgA-jFyHQBLR53O2fom6e+pqOA4JFosLqwcUCmI1CCAgAczbmNbz28m38mv5Nv5Nv5N7628m38m38m38m38mlCoKlVA-w for soon coming up to a year (with minor changes in that time), and it has wrecked all kinds of face in wvw as well as been able to survive many outnumbered. So half cele half grieving in my experience is solid in terms of overall sustain and damage output.


My motivation now is due to Elusive Mind getting its teeth kicked in and I miss the condi cleanse on dodge - hence Inspiration which is overloaded with cleanse. Actually so much cleanse I didn't feel the need for traiting Signet of Midnight so I might swap that for another Deception.


I can see the value of your build - CI condirupt with the two chaos storms, traited torch 5, aoe F3 is solid, but it is not my playstyle, eg there's no way I'm dropping Illusionary Ambush, and one of the main reasons I take Chaos is traited mirror heal (with adventurer rune) plus traited blink. I recognise that rune isn't so good in pvp since the nerf, but those reflects in wvw and the lower cooldown has won me so many fights over this year.


Renewing Oasis has been negligable even though I've used and preferred it until now simply for the perma regen - but the condi reduction effect is minor unless maybe stacking up with minus condi duration runes and food (but of course endurance regen food is superior anyway). I haven't noticed its loss since taking Inspiration with the extra healing.


Anyway I've only tested this last night so will probably be swapping a lot of things up - particularly the loss of DE has been hard especially underwater.



Edit - on further testing have come to the conclusion that I must have Deceptive Evasion, and am currently having good success with this build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAnfWn0npPjy0ULbBzCmxcZ5ywwsbNLzG15NkDBXZAcbJjf93//PA-jVyHQBA4JF4GNJzRJ4O2fYJK/Sk6B/UFnaqnQZnSh1BHAjVsiNWiN2YjdsxGbsxGrBEbsxGbsxGbsxGrUAVpsC-w :) Gear isn't final - only swapped staff and axe because legendary, but so far no problems.

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