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Two parts (or so) I would love to see. One, I would love to see further into where or what has happened to the Dwarfs. Now, I may not know as I have yet to really delve into the whole lore and have not fully completed the first Guild Wars but all I know is the only one insofar still alive is the one hiding at the Priory. But I would love to see a a new story line that delves into the answer of this. I would also love to see it take place underground. A lot of mmo's don't delve underground...you see it in books and such but not in the game genre's so much. Whole map areas and such. If you guys run with this (I hope <3 ) and you decide that they still are living and they survive what ever calamity set before them, I would also love to see them as a playable race. Thank you for reading!

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Well...after reading into it, they underwent a ritual called The Rite of the Great Dwarf and became "stone." They now guard all the entrances and exits of the underground from the minions of Primordus. So...even if they are rare, there is a story there...probably not going to be a playable race as only two dwarfs were exempt from the ritual (Ogden Stonehealer and Kilroy Stonekin). I mean, you got an entire race willingly changing their bodies to become protectors of a very dangerous place despite previous victories that came from it. The story kind of blinks off there...no knowledge on how many of the stone dwarfs live and if the threat of the underworld still exists.

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> @"kapri.5918" said:

> Well...after reading into it, they underwent a ritual called The Rite of the Great Dwarf and became "stone." They now guard all the entrances and exits of the underground from the minions of Primordus. So...even if they are rare, there is a story there...probably not going to be a playable race as only two dwarfs were exempt from the ritual (Ogden Stonehealer and Kilroy Stonekin). I mean, you got an entire race willingly changing their bodies to become protectors of a very dangerous place despite previous victories that came from it. The story kind of blinks off there...no knowledge on how many of the stone dwarfs live and if the threat of the underworld still exists.


Ogden had already turned into stone, Kilroy was dead


Even the Stone Summit Dwarves followed suit and became stone


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