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I really like this balance patch, Please keep it up!


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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> Speak for yourself, you're full of it. Especially your first comment in this thread.

> You're literally overhyping it, and then asking me how a build is overhyped. Duh. Unkillable has a pretty heavy weight to it.


> Every time they try to nerf something the way you're asking for, it hits the core ranger. Started with Moment of clarity because of druid dazes, and so they kept going before they finally decided to gut druid instead. That was my point. They're not gonna do anything with Moa Stance or Fresh Reinforcement, they're gonna do something with core ranger because people like you complain about a build that is hardly worth complaining about.


Im overhyping nothing, its called observation.

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Played around a little more in PvP recently and I really like **Strider's Defense**.


It works well with GS, it is very good for cleaving or just AA chain spamming. It also helps to give Quickness while Smoke Assaulting then Worldly Impact. It made Skirmishing 2-2-3 an option, that's for sure. Essence of Speed on Soulbeast is now interesting to take.


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> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > > >

> > > > This is such an exaggeration.

> > > >

> > > > Moa stance had a ridiculous buff way back that they could have toned down slightly. Fresh reinforcement has the same issue with boon spam that we have seen earlier, could also get a shave. But that's shaving.

> > > >

> > > > But ye, keep moaning about those "deserved nerfs" and see Anet nerf some core ranger stuff. Seen that before, way too many times. At the cost of a overhyped soulboon build? Geez. Boon heavy soulbeast builds aren't even new.

> > >

> > > This is such a useless comment.

> > > How is a build overhyped even. It is the best side node dueler there is atm, and shouldn't lose any 1v1. There are many ways to nerf soulbeast while leaving core ranger intact. ''Boon heavy soulbeast builds aren't even new''. So? Biks soulbeast build for example was trash but still boon heavy. We talk about meta builds in pvp here, and the current meta build should get some nerfs.

> >

> > Spellbreaker and Holosmith are still better side noders than Soulbeast. It doesn't matter if SLB wins 1v1s because against players of equal skill, those duels will end up getting +1'd before one person goes down. However, unlike the other 2 side noders, Soulbeast loses outnumbered fights much more easily. Mit

> >

> > BIK's build wasn't boon heavy. It had very, very low boon uptime.

> >

> > Soulbeast isn't meta in PvP. Nerfing it will just put us further down the list of viable classes in competitive play.


> Boonbeast, when played correctly, beats or at least stales all other builds.. only scourge reks boonbeast ... Trust me i know what im talking about! Dying in 1v2 only happens If u fail to see it coming or the node doesnt allow much kiting. U also die vs 2 dps builds but so does every build, even sb and holo... Imo its the best side noder but it might be a little bit harder to play correctly, thats the reason we dont See it dominate yet... Just my 2 cents


![](https://i.imgur.com/dLtun85.png?1 "")

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