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So... the Awakened and Palawa Joko (Spoilers)


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With Palawa Joko dead, can any more Awakened come about? Or is the current batch the last of their ilk?


I know the Necropolis in Vabbi had judges that determined if someone was worthy of awakening and as far as I know that happened during Joko's time in the Domain of The Lost so he couldn't have been the one awakening them directly.


But it's always implied it was Joko's power that raised them and made them quite distinguished among other types of undead in the GW universe in that they're higher thinking and keep their personality postmortem even if they are compelled to obey direct orders from their master.


He says as much himself in Kourna through his statues.


Is it a power he's taught other powerful necromancers? How does it work now? Who does the "awakening"? Are these potential future Awakened compelled to obey their awakener in the same way as they were Palawa Joko?

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