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Radical Idea [remove initiative system]


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what if they change our weapons system to ammo system, so that they could balance thief efficiently?


what i propose is change all weapon skills to ammo system, each #2,3,4,5 will have 3 ammo, and in a 5 sec recharge. (or adjust accordingly)


it will still function as an initiative system in a sense that we can still spam skills but in a semi limited way,


and in light of that change. eg some traits/skills that give initiative will give ammo recharge, eg roll for initiative will give 2 ammo charges on use.

the conversion would be 3 initiative is to 1(one] ammo

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If doing it would effectively be the same then why do it?


Also if all skills are ammo based it makes a thief more able to spam skills than before.


Now I get two or more of every skill. So I can spam all of them to greater effect. It would be unbalanced unless you limit some skills to single use, which would be a direct nerf to the flexibility the initiative system provides.


Initiative is a universal skill cooldown limited by pool and regeneration. It’s a good way to handle spammable skills without letting players do so infinitely.

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Yeah this system plus how trickery is tied into it could do without it since it makes everyone who sees that you are a thief they pretty much know exactly everything you are using based on spec of thief. Plus the change to double tap puts deadeye back to where it was before where you are having to wait a long period of time just to get the malicious attack dealt. It wouldn't be a problem if it gives malice based on critical hits but it doesn't work. I'm not into spamming any skills but they have to at the least be usable.

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I kinda like this idea, however the main issue that I see with it is that it would destroy a core aspect of thief. The reason why we have ini and not cd's is so that you can adapt to the situation. Unlike some classes thief is mainly about adaptability. You have to be able to go from slapping massive damage on an enemy to retreating in a split second, then going back to putting pressure on the enemy again. This could not happen with an ammo system. Either you would have thieves spamming their hard hitting skills then still having all of their defensive skills, while having all damage skills on cooldown which does not allow the thief to adapt (it would be damage, defense, damage, defense similar to WoW mages) or we just wouldn't be able to put out high damage quickly (the main way a thief should dmg). Ini forces thieves to consider the risks of dealing damage and how it would affect their defense. No ini=no defense (or in theory).

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No, the initiative system is thieves most defining class mechanic, it's the reason why some people even play thief to begin with as not everyone likes the CD based system the other classes use. The only problems I have in this regard are the result of A-Net not understanding that you can't balance the ini requirement of a weapon skill in the same way as you would with a CD based skill.

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