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Could we get a way to obtain these tarnished pact armours as skins?

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Heart of Thorns was my favourite expansion so I've spent alot of time in it's raid wings and maps and every time I see a member of the pact bravely making a stand against Mordremoth I notice the detail that went into making this fight look like it was so overwhelming and dark. One of the details I've always liked was the broken and tarnished armour the Pact soldiers can be seen wearing around maps like Verdant Brink and at the entrance to the Spirit Vale. I think an achievement where you pay your respects to the fallen (like closure from W1 achievements) or just a new vendor that sells recovered materials from the airship wreckage could let people have access to some cool skins to show that their character went through that war with their army.

Pic example of a priory explorer in his tarnished armour from Spirit Vale (note the tarnished metals, frayed edges such as the triangles on the front of the coat):

![](https://i.imgur.com/ACFgsE6.jpg "")

And how noticable the differences are from a sylvari male in historical armour (from the wiki):


It might be alot of work for something so small but it would be a nice thing to be able to do as the commander, it's a title for life.

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