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In PvP how do you feel about fighting other Rangers?


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I only have problems against Soulboons with pigs. They mostly know what they are doing and know how to kite. The build is already tanky and their damage is good. All other types of Ranger builds are fair fights for me.


As a ranger, yes I try to take out the other ranger, because he has a high change to be a bursty LBow trying to pick up an easy target and you shouldn't let this build free cast.


Yes, it tends to be dominate the other ranger or get dominated.

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> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> I only have problems against Soulboons with pigs. They mostly know what they are doing and know how to kite. The build is already tanky and their damage is good. All other types of Ranger builds are fair fights for me.


> As a ranger, yes I try to take out the other ranger, because he has a high change to be a bursty LBow trying to pick up an easy target and you shouldn't let this build free cast.


> Yes, it tends to be dominate the other ranger or get dominated.




Is this a soulboons kind of build?


Can't say I've run into any players running Pig. Maybe thats a plat 2 kind of thing and not so much a Gold 2 thing :P

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I love fighting fellow Soulbeasts! I find it very exciting to fight someone of relatively equal skill level. Oftentimes mirror matchups aren't very fun to participate in, but LB/GS mirror is a lot of fun. Timing of things like stealth and burst is so important. I have had times where I've been completely stomped because I timed my LB3 badly, greeded a WI, and other such things. There is a similar dance that you will see happen (with players familiar with the class/spec) and for the most part with this particular matchup, the fights don't last forever. I consider myself a decent Ranger player and get excited when I get obliterated by another (unlike condi Mirage, for example). Like yesterday I got wrecked by a dagger/axe GS Soulbeast, and as embarrassed as I was to lose against someone using mainhand dagger, I had to message him giving him props for performing so well with it. I may find the matchup so fun because I absolutely love the spec (LB/GS Owl/Smokescale) and think it's a ton of fun to play.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kQFojXshXwhFglXsMJYNBgH3EIP3+bPuOTuZVmrEpfA-jpxHABKfCAovMw3HBA/PEAiv/AAPAAA


> Is this a soulboons kind of build?


> Can't say I've run into any players running Pig. Maybe thats a plat 2 kind of thing and not so much a Gold 2 thing :P


Yes, but with Windborne Notes. Most of time they will have Sword/Wh and Axe/Axe or vice versa, Axe/Wh and Sword/Axe. It tends to be more mechanically challenging for a new player, so you won't see them often. Some of them will use WHaO to get even longer boon uptime.


Well, I'm not Plat 2, I'm stuck in G3 hell. What I mostly see are 2 necs and 2 guardians... In both teams :)



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I typically spend the entire season in plat 1, and haven't run into any pig rangers for the past 2 seasons. I run a glass cannon build and have trained myself _not_ to stand on point after my dear, dear bunker druid build got nerfed, so I can generally nuke most rangers from stealth after I let them stand on the node for a tick.


And yes, I also find most ranger fights that I run into on my ranger end up being lopsided. I have run into just a handful of people that give me an extended fight, but I'm sure a lot of that can be chalked up to a key mistake on either side.

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It is weird for me, because most of the time I win against some very good people on other professions while I am on Ranger, but I seem to have trouble fighting other Rangers, even the ones that are not even that good. It is a strange irony as I get mostly killed by the same Ranger Build that I run, yet I somehow have hard time fighting it even though I understand the mechanics and function of the build really well.


It is like you said, either they are bad enough that I win every time or I lose every time and it doesn't even take a good one, somehow I fail to fight the build I run.

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I run my support build, so I don’t look forward to 1v1ing anything lol, however most of the time I’ll still be able to handle other rangers, so I don’t mind encountering them.


If I’m running an offensive build I will normally look for the enemy ranger(s) since I don’t typically fear the lol.

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Love it - it's like a quickdraw bout. For those that are good, it's a challenge. Even better when one and/or both of us retreat and reset the fight.

I do dislike fighting meta builds, not because it's meta, but because many of them copy/paste and usually can be taken out easily, albeit takes a bit by way of the build.

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> @"Domino.1359" said:

> Love it - it's like a quickdraw bout. For those that are good, it's a challenge. Even better when one and/or both of us retreat and reset the fight.

> I do dislike fighting meta builds, not because it's meta, but because many of them copy/paste and usually can be taken out easily, albeit takes a bit by way of the build.


you play, a longbow gs soulbeast?

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I am at Plat 1~2, and I run the so called soulboons with pig build >.<


Fighting with the similar build will take forever. Fighting with condi druid will be very manageable, however, against power pew pew is tricky. Usually, they really do not fight you 1v1, they will just roam around and RF with Sic em you when your fighting someone else or busy capping/decapping.

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For me 2 classes are a real challenge in sPVP, Mesmer and ofc another Ranger. I don't know why, but mesmer is so hard to kill, and usually, they wait till you are engaged in another fight, and you are done. Even I killed most of the time the rangers, they are still the challenge for me, because they know everything you know :) .

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> @"Haseo Lopez.6417" said:

> I am at Plat 1~2, and I run the so called soulboons with pig build >.<


> Fighting with the similar build will take forever. Fighting with condi druid will be very manageable, however, against power pew pew is tricky. Usually, they really do not fight you 1v1, they will just roam around and RF with Sic em you when your fighting someone else or busy capping/decapping.


Was Krispera correct in describing the build "Most of time they will have Sword/Wh and Axe/Axe or vice versa, Axe/Wh and Sword/Axe."

So it's a melee only build. Yeah, dunno how you play that. When I play Melee builds, I always get rekt...then I come back to sword/warhorn lb or GS LB

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Haseo Lopez.6417" said:

> > I am at Plat 1~2, and I run the so called soulboons with pig build >.<

> >

> > Fighting with the similar build will take forever. Fighting with condi druid will be very manageable, however, against power pew pew is tricky. Usually, they really do not fight you 1v1, they will just roam around and RF with Sic em you when your fighting someone else or busy capping/decapping.


> Was Krispera correct in describing the build "Most of time they will have Sword/Wh and Axe/Axe or vice versa, Axe/Wh and Sword/Axe."

> So it's a melee only build. Yeah, dunno how you play that. When I play Melee builds, I always get rekt...then I come back to sword/warhorn lb or GS LB


Yes Krispera is right. you get your range from Axe Main hand and Warhorn offhand. Since you stack up a lot of boons: stability, resistance, aegis, regen, etc. you will be tanky. Also the more boons you have, the more damage you will have which can definitely kill a foe (mainly from warhorn 4 with one wolf pack).


I use sword/axe mainly for defensive purposes. Evade - reflect.

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After a few auto attacks, if the druid ranger manages to hold his ground, I'd leave them and go help my teammates in some other point... if I notice him/any ranger using stone signet, I'd try to burst him down after 2 seconds...


And I usually run away from GS rangers... They spam maul and fighting them close range, is a death wish for me... :p


Fighting with or against rangers is fun.... I've never encountered a ranger who spews toxic nonsense in chat so far...

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> After a few auto attacks, if the druid ranger manages to hold his ground, I'd leave them and go help my teammates in some other point... if I notice him/any ranger using stone signet, I'd try to burst him down after 2 seconds...


> And I usually run away from GS rangers... They spam maul and fighting them close range, is a death wish for me... :p


> Fighting with or against rangers is fun.... I've never encountered a ranger who spews toxic nonsense in chat so far...


Eh I might spew a little toxicness...


I hate condi rangers with a passion.

I know some might disagree with me, but I think it's gimmick, sub optimal and takes no skill.

It borders on meme build to me.


And shortbow rangers which usually by definition are also condi based

-gimmicky, sub optimal and sure it takes some skill, but it sucks.


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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> Eh I might spew a little toxicness...


> I hate condi rangers with a passion.

> I know some might disagree with me, but I think it's gimmick, sub optimal and takes no skill.

> It borders on meme build to me.


> And shortbow rangers which usually by definition are also condi based

> -gimmicky, sub optimal and sure it takes some skill, but it sucks.


Starts singing, "why can't we be friends?"


Nah, I understand the shortbow hate, though. It's not viable at all and it really doesn't have enough burst for 1v1s. But, it's a great weapon to kite and to annoy the enemy with. ^^ I am sorry that you are not fond of it, but I use it particularly because it is not meta.

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> @"malisivo.5264" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > Eh I might spew a little toxicness...

> >

> > I hate condi rangers with a passion.

> > I know some might disagree with me, but I think it's gimmick, sub optimal and takes no skill.

> > It borders on meme build to me.

> >

> > And shortbow rangers which usually by definition are also condi based

> > -gimmicky, sub optimal and sure it takes some skill, but it sucks.

> >

> Starts singing, "why can't we be friends?"


> Nah, I understand the shortbow hate, though. It's not viable at all and it really doesn't have enough burst for 1v1s. But, it's a great weapon to kite and to annoy the enemy with. ^^ I am sorry that you are not fond of it, but I use it particularly because it is not meta.


so you don't feel left out, if you are on the other team in a ranked match, we are mortal enemies and I despise your very being with every ounce of my soul.

Dont feel left out, I dislike GS Rangers too. They remind me of angry warriors. --yanno, they are all "HULK SMASH!"


But hey, afterwards, you could be a great guy.



If you are on my team running that build, you might think I would be mad because the build isn't optimal, but I don't mind as long as you can play your role.


And believe it or not, I use to run a full melee, Rune of the Trapper, Trap Ranger.

I tried to make it work...so so so badly. And what you call fun, well, I got tired of getting rekt. It can work very well in certain maps though.

As you are probably well aware, in Battle of Khylo, if you get on the Treb and lay traps in a well placed manner, your traps are then off CD and you can really give the other team some punishment for trying to kill the treb. And then if they do, I was mobile enough to get the treb up in running in no time again and rinse repeat. In essence the team has to either devote a lot of resources to killing the treb or just deal with it and that is a lose/lose scenario for the other team.



It was a lot of fun when it worked, but the biggest problem I found is the inability to repeat a condi burst after the enemy cleanses.

I've seen it on my side of things, where I see a million condis, wipe them clean and then the trap ranger is effectively useless.

And I've seen it from the point of view of the Trap Ranger. I use all these trap cd's, I feel like I effectively blew up the target (Guards are the worst for this) and then they just shrug off every bit of condi pewp I throw their way like I did nothing...and obliterate me. Not fun.

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in spvp I win about 50% cus in plat 3 everyone is playing the boonbeast axe sustain build. my build can't handle that against those on my level but there are a lot of people playing it who have small issues with their rotation that I can exploit and then win.


in wvw with my roaming setup, I always win. definitely been seeing more soulbeast that are at least "decent" because of the popularity it's been getting but the majority are still quite bad and I just so happen to have mained ranger in pvp and wvw since launch.. soo yea.

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