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Would Rev (core & elite) benefit from some kind of alternate utility skills?


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My main motivation for this idea is something which revs lack good, consistent access to, and yet other classes get in spades: condi cleanse. Revs have very limited, circumstantial condition clear - e.g. from Jalis heal, or shiro evade (movement conditions only), or traits (1, when swapping legends)


This is really, majorly in contrast to all other professions, who not only have options through traits & through their class mechanics but also through utility skills - utility skills that can be equipped no matter what your build is. Another thing which revs have more limited access to is stunbreak - each legend has one (at least? i don't know if some have more) but thanks to their energy system, it's not necessarily something you can hold in reserve the way you can on other classes, and it has other limitations besides. Saving that 30 energy to evade backwards _might_ save your life, but equally holding that much energy in reserve could cost you the fight. There's also the issue that you're locked to one specific skill as your stunbreak - rolling backward in shiro isn't always going to do you any favours, Jalis requires you to use your elite in order to break out of stun, Kalla requires a friggin **pathing calculation** (which often fails inexplicably)... These skills all have their own utility above and beyond being a stunbreak, but that opens them up to having their own drawbacks, too.


the idea i came up with (and [posted about on reddit)](

"posted about on reddit)") is to give revenants a neutral skill category, invocations (named after their legend-neutral traitline) which would provide access to the common mechanics that other professions have, which would cost no energy to deploy, but would have a normal cooldown and more importantly **would lock the slot to that skill in all legends**. So in order to equip them, you have to discard one utility skill from each equipped legend stance. You gain access to the versatility of other professions at the cost of your own unique versatility.


Also, with revs getting these stance-unbound skills, they might as well be given access to ordinary racial skills, too, which would function with the same limitations. You can take the Charzooka elite, but by doing so you lose access to both Jade winds & rite of the great dwarf.


(I'm aware there's no good reason to take the largely underwhelming racial skills over your profession unique skills in pretty much all cases, but for just that reason there's no good reason to exclude them, either. It's never made sense to me that revs don't get racial skills)

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Anet should just remove racial skills since this same stupid topic keeps coming up.. Besides, why can't I use the transform to a bear form on my asura or equip all the racial skills at the same time. They are either broken or way under tuned to be useful. Just remove them. Heck, Anet removed the personality system, which was advertised as a selling point. This was suppose to allow you to access different quests from different NPC's based on if you were Charming, Honorable or Brute. If your personality was brute, children NPC's might run from you, whereas if you were charming the children would follow you around [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality"). There still remains the base portion of the system in character creation, but without any real effects.


Anet just need to add 1-2 more utility skills to each legend so we get variety of skills to choose from for each legend, vs. the 3 which we can only place in a different order.

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This question gets asked a lot and the answer is ..... no. Leaving aside for the moment that such a thing would make the Revenant profession less like the Revenant profession, there would be no guarantee that additional skills would be condi cleanse related. Also, as @"Justine.6351" Revenant does have access to condi cleanse and stun breaks. In the realm of condi cleanse we have Renewing Wave, Cleansing Channel, Soothing Stone, Purifying Essence, Hardening Persistence, Eluding Nullification, Pulsating Pestilence, and True Nature. Now, two of those are skills that apply to allies but last I checked anything that applies to an ally applies to you. Two are related to swapping Legends, which is something you should already be doing anyway. One is tied to the sheild sooooo. In the realm of utility skills from other professions, Necromancer stands as the only other profession that doesn't have utility condi cleanse, though they make up for that in spades elsewhere. Engineer only gets one cleanse, as does Ranger, Warrior, and Mesmer. If you want to get technical Ele has 2 but Signet of Water just reduces the duration, it isn't a straight-up removal and thus Elementalist has one.


There are a whole host of various other interactions I've not gone into but I do not really need to since you are discussing utility skills. Yes, Revenant lacks utility skill condi cleanse but let's not act like the other professions are walking around with a lot of options either. Four to five have to work with one. One could kinda sorta count Riposting Shadow as a condi cleanse since it removes movement impairing ones but .....


Now, for stun-break. Revenant has a total of 5 to work with, 4 utility skills and one elite skill. You get an extra from switching Legends if you take that trait but again, you are already supposed to be switching Legends anyway. That puts us on par with Engineer. Other professions have far more options but you can't have it all. The argument that you have to reserve Energy for it is fallacious. Part of Revenant play is managing your Energy in order to do your actions. It's not an aspect of play that other professions, with the exception of Theif, don't have to worry about. However, much like Theif, we don't have cooldown. Micromanagement of one's abilities is not for everyone. Thieves suffer from this same thing in regards to their weapon skills but not their utilities.


However, there is nothing that would indicate if we had more utilities we would have the things you feel we are lacking. Even if we were to use your Innovation mechanic there is nothing to say you would get the skills you feel we lack. There isn't anything to say that such skills would even be good!!! That's one of the major flaws in these types of discussions, the assumption that if we had more skills we would have better abilities. That's a possibility. It is also a possibility that we won't. It's not like all the other professions make use of all of their possible skills. If you go through sites like metabattle you'll notice that there is a fair amount of repetition in the skills being used, so much so that you can look at an entire list of builds and see the exact same skills used over and over again with the only real differences lying in which Traits are being used and which weapons are being deployed. So even with the amount of choice other professions get they center around a small subset of skills that are actually good. Sure Revenant can't swap out its bad skills but that's just part of Revenant play. Which brings me to ........


What's the point of picking up Revenant if you want it to play like the other professions? Revenant is fun because of how it works. Sure I don't choose my utilities but the challenge is in making what I have work. When it works it feels really satisfying too, more so than when I play other professions. The whole push for more utilities is just watering down the professions so it plays more like the other professions (save Engineer and Elementalist which are unique in their own ways, also a fun aspect to them). Don't confuse this as an argument that all is well because it's not. Revenant needs some improvements but those improvements can be had without tossing out the unique playstyle that draws some folks to Revenant. The current set of skills and traits can be improved upon so that they work better.


Also, I agree with @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" on the matter of racial skills. Yeah, Revenant doesn't have access to them but how many builds are running them to start with? The answer is not many to .... none. I'd like to close with something I find myself saying often, I do not think I will ever understand why people pick up a profession only to want to rewrite the entire concept of it in the first place.

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